"Let's hold a Pokémon race!" Kirihara jumped into the frame with one hand raised high, and made an interesting suggestion.

"Great! I'll sign up!" Bunta was the first to raise his hand.

"Oh? Xiao Aka, how about the race?" Karasuma Fuwa also looked interested.

"The starting point is the plain area over here, and then there is a steep mountain wall over there. After going up and rushing down the mountain wall, there is a super large lake. After passing through the valley, there is a big canyon. After crossing the canyon, go down the valley and run around the plains and come back here. That's the end! How about it?"

"It seems interesting? But we need to do some construction on the road."

After a week of preparation, the track has been prepared.

Although the starting line and the finish line are in the same place, the marking points are different, and the audience seats are also ready.

There are even cameras and drones along the way.

There are fifteen people who signed up for the competition... only... as many as.

The referees were ‹Elizabeth Katie›, ‹Kirihara Pikachu›, ‹Rilon Gyarados›, and the chief referee Gin.

Kirihara was the first to sign up with Gyarados.

His Kentaro, as a land running man, was not favored by his master, so he arrogantly found a team with Charmander.

Bunta signed up with his Kentaro.

His Eevee and Bulbasaur formed a team, and Squirtle and Pikachu formed a team.

Niou signed up with Todori, and originally wanted to take Ho-Oh, but was rejected by Ho-Oh.

‹Clang clang——› You can't bully the weak, so none of them participated.

They refer to Rayquaza, Lugia, and Uxie.

Niou's electric flying squirrel, a small one, took the even smaller Rai Beicha to sign up.

He also has a Naughty Thunderbolt and forms a team with Vulpix. Vulpix's four legs keep running on the rolling body of Naughty Thunderbolt. It seems that he is a little flustered to sign up.

Liu and Magnemite form a team. Liu thinks that the chances of winning are not very high.

Originally, Scyther confidently recommended himself to Liu, although its body size cannot carry Liu on its back.

But it said that it can carry Liu and run. Looking at its sharp hands, Liu decisively refused.

Liu tied an iron belt around his waist so that Magnemite can carry him to fly.

Scyther, who was rejected by Liu, found Starfish as a partner and signed up with Gin himself.

Psyduck from Atobe's family found Pikachu to form a team.

Atobe himself signed up with Dragonite.

Yukimura and Ditto. His Ditto can turn into Dragonite, Kentaro, and various Pokémon~

Yukimura's Butterfree invited Ralts to participate.

Karasuma Kaze and Pony...

Karasuga didn't sign up. He could predict how fierce the race would be just by looking at the list.

Yagyu and Karasuma smartly signed up for the commentary position.

"The first Pokémon race on Pokémon Island is an obstacle race with valleys, lakes and canyons. Who can overcome all obstacles and become the first champion!"

"Competitors! Please come to the starting line!"


Karasuga, who was in charge of commentary and shouting commands, gave the contestants instructions through the loudspeaker.

The audience seats at the starting/end point were full of people... Pokémon.

‹Pika Pika! ›

‹Chi Mimi! ›

‹Jenny Jeni! ›


‹Gulu Gulu——›


“Come on! Squirtle~Bulbasaur~” The teacher in charge of food, who has a very good relationship with Squirtle who often helps water and Bulbasaur who grows together, holds Diglett in his arms and cheers for the participating Squirtle and Bulbasaur.

With the help of several Digletts, they reclaimed the land on the island and are now living their own farming life.

“Come on! Kirihara!” Because Xiao Haikai visits the medical courtyard every day and his stupid personality is very pitied by some female medical teachers.

The “residents” on the island all come to support this grand event.

When Karasuma Gaki shouted “get ready”, the Pokémon were full of fighting spirit and eager to try.

“Let’s go——!”

The ground was instantly filled with smoke and dust, but fortunately the commentator was indoors.

The huge Gyarados and Kentaro, who ran like a mad cow, made the ground vibrate as if there was an earthquake.

"Ahhhhhh——" Bunta was almost thrown out, and he grabbed Kentaro's horns tightly to stabilize himself.

The small Bulbasaur stretched out a vine whip and grabbed Bunta's waist, grabbing its ‹Eevee› and ‹Bulbasaur› tightly and being thrown in the air with "DuangDuang".

BulbasaurSeed gritted his teeth, put away the whip, and put himself and Eevee on Kentaro's back.

‹Seed Seed~›I'm so smart~Seed~


Bunta felt a tightness on his waist and looked down, "Eh?! Oh oh oh oh it hurts, it's tight, it's tight——"

The pain in his waist lasted for a while, and the gravity on his back almost made him loosen his hand holding the horn, "Ah!"

Listening to ‹Seed Seed~› behind him, Bunta's face was full of black lines. His Bulbasaur was really not polite to him at all.

"Go! Duduli!" Niou leaned over to lower his center of gravity and commanded Duduli.

He saw it vaguely from the dust beside him, as if he saw his Vulpix.

Vulpix was busy stepping on the naughty thunder bomb and moving forward, and the naughty thunder bomb rolled quite happily.

The two little duos of Flying Squirrel and Lai Beicha were stepped on in the air by Atobe's Dragonite as a pedal when they started the race.

I was too small to see it.

‹Huh! ›Angry!

Lai Beicha launched ‹Cursed Body› at Dragonite.

Without any defense, the two were immobilized.

Atobe was full of questions, what was going on?

Flying Squirrel passed by them unnoticed with Lai Beicha on his back.

‹Pikachu! ›Come on, Squirtle!

‹Jenny! ›It's so blinding, cough cough——

Squirtle was blinded by the dust kicked up by the large Pokémon when they started the race, and was trying to move forward with his eyes closed.

Psyduck stopped at the starting point with Pikachu in his hand, and began to fall into amnesia again, tilting his head ‹Quack? ›

Pikachu blinked his eyes and asked ‹Pikachu? ›Go, Chu?

‹Gaha? ›

‹Pikachu-Pikachu! ›Pikachu jumped down, went around behind Psyduck and pushed it, and the two slowly set off.

Ryu was sucked by Magnemite and flew at low altitude, "Stay away from Kentaro! Magnemite!"

Yukimura commanded Ditto to transform into Dragonite and climbed on its back, "Go! Ditto!"

‹Ji! ›

Ditto changed back to its original appearance, and Yukimura lay on the ground, "???"

"Ditto, turn into Dragonite again!"

Ditto turned into Dragonite and climbed on its back again, "Go! Dragonite!"

‹Ji! ›

Dragonite Ditto carried Yukimura and flew forward, and after flying a long distance, it turned back into Ditto.


Yukimura commanded Ditto to transform and climb up again and continue the race.

The first to finish the straight road on the plain and reach the uphill wall were Niou and Duduli.

Karasuma Fuwa and Charmander, Bunta and Kentaro, as well as Bulbasaur and Eevee who followed closely behind him, followed closely behind.

Atobe's Dragonite was very fast, but he was immobilized from time to time, which prevented him from getting ahead.

"Ah! Damn it! Don't let me know who did it!" Atobe looked around for suspicious people.

Was it the squinty-eyed Yanagi who did it?

Or was it the black-bellied monster Yukimura who did it?

Could it be that the idiot Kirihara cheated to prevent him from winning?

He didn't notice that Flying Squirrel and Rai Beicha were following them at their feet.

"The first to arrive at the hillside are Niou and his Pokémon Dodo!"

"Dodo is worthy of being called the speedster, but can they keep up such a fast speed throughout the game?"

"Following closely are Karasuma Fuka and his Charmander. Charmander is as majestic as Dodo and is running at an accelerated speed. Is it going to surpass Dodo?!"

"Next is Marui and his Kentaro. Hey, two very interesting groups. Bulbasaur really has a smart brain, just like me!"

Psyduck and Pikachu haven't run out of the audience yet, because after running a distance, Psyduck holds its head and runs around in circles.

Pikachu is so anxious that he can't give up! The crown will fall off!

Pikachu uses 100,000 volts to stun Psyduck, lifts it up with all his strength, and runs hard.

"What a touching scene! Let's applaud the friendship between Psyduck and Pikachu!"

When Scyther passed Liu with Starfish on his back, he chirped twice at Liu.

It seemed to be saying, look! I told you not to choose me!

"Ahhhhh! Gyarados! We're behind! Go! Go!"

Although Gyarados has the attribute of flying, he can't actually fly.

It was bouncing with Kirihara, who was thrown up and down, "Uh, I'm going to vomit the food I ate this morning... Wow wow wow"

Butterfree and the "beautiful" Ralts had a peaceful time along the way.

Butterfree flapped its wings peacefully, and from time to time looked back and chirped twice to ask if Ralts had a good ride.

‹La Lalala~›

Naughty Thunder BombWhen going uphill with Vulpix, the positions were reversed. Vulpix went down and tried to push the Naughty Thunder Bomb up the hill.



After going down the hill, Dodoli and Kentaro started fighting.

Dodoli stopped in front of the lake and prepared to jump and stepped on the stone stepping point far away from the lake.

Kentaro, who couldn't stop behind him, hit him head-on and almost broke his butt.

Niou was hit hard, and a piece of Dodoli's hair was pulled off. He was knocked upside down from Dodoli's back.

After spinning in the air for a circle, he fell into the lake with his butt facing down.

"Wow wow wow!" Niou stepped on the water and swam to the shore by himself.

His Dodoli had already started fighting with Kentaro, and Bunta, Bulbasaur, and Eevee were all thrown down.

The three sat on the ground with confused faces.

The clever Bulbasaur was confused for a while, then got up, carried Eevee on its back, and left its master behind to continue moving forward.

When it wins the championship, Bunta will definitely be happy ~ Seed ~

Karasuma Fuwa passed by with a smile and said, "Then I'll leave first ~"

The team behind, somehow, also started to attack each other, and Kirihara was the first to attack.

"Oh oh oh, it's a big melee! Hahahahahahaha, fortunately I didn't participate! Who will be the champion this time?! Let's wait and see!"

It must be said that Bunta's Bulbasaur is really smart. It planted many seed bombs on the road and sprinkled poison powder.

When Karasuma Fuwa rode Charmander to the front, he was caught off guard.

‹Seeds seeds ~› Yayaya! Go!

‹Yingy! ›Go!

When Charmander eliminated the negative effects and chased after him, Bulbasaur stretched out his vine whip to grab the poles on both sides of the finish line, and quickly recovered himself and Eevee to throw into the finish line.

"Good! The champion of the first Pokémon Island Pokémon Run Contest has been born! It is Bulbasaur named ‹Myota› and Eevee named ‹Ita›!"

"Let's give the warmest applause to ‹Myota› and ‹Ita›!"

The second place is Karasuma Fuka and Ponytail.

The third place is Butterfree and Ralts.

Gin and ‹Elizabeth Caty Growler›, ‹Kirhara Pikachu›, ‹Rilron Gyarados› and several other judges presented pennants and trophies to the champion, runner-up, and third place.

Bulbasaur held the trophy with a vine whip and happily shouted ‹Seed Seed~›

The body glowed white.

It was going to evolve.

After a burst of white light, Bulbasaur evolved into Bulbasaur.

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