Karasuma Renya also ended his global journey early. Haha, there is nothing fun on Earth.

He wants to go home to accompany his grandson.

"I want Pokémon too, uncle." Vermouth is now grown up, and her age is fixed at 26.

"I don't have it!" Karasuma Renya glared at her. He wants it too!

Damn his son, he told him so late!

Karasuma Renya is 29 years old.

By the way, Gin is 26 years old.

Leia and Nathan are 26 and 28 years old respectively.

After Nathan was infected and died in the laboratory, Leia used his body to experiment with the latest version of "Silver Bullet".

Regarding the latest version, Karasuma Renya renamed it, and now it is called "Rebirth".

The conclusion 2 reported to Karasuma Renya at the beginning was: "People who have died can be resurrected, and those who are resurrected will also return to the state of 3 years old."

As for the argument that "People who have lost some limbs cannot regenerate their limbs even if they are reborn",

it was obtained by Leia after she found that they could be resurrected, and she snapped a specimen number and cut off one of the specimen number's legs.

Leia is indeed a crazy scientist, and of course, she is loyal to the Karasuma family.

Except for Nathan, all the specimen numbers that had been used in the "resurrection" experiment T were disposed of.

This is also the conclusion 6 Leia came to: "Affected by external factors, they will still die."

She originally used only 8 specimen numbers to get the range of stagnant growth to be 20-28 years old.

And Karasuma Renya stagnated at 29 years old.

Because there are almost no humans who are as old as Karasuma Renyeju, she updated this conclusion to "stagnation of growth, age range is 20-29 years old."

Kanti, the son of Leia and Nathan, was reborn to 18 years old by Karasuma Gaki [Reverse Time].

Karasuma Gaki has not asked Leia to remake "Rebirth" for the time being.


When the seventh opening, Karasuma Gaki went to Germany.

For some reason, he was always randomly sent to a place far away from the homeland of "Prince of Tennis", probably because he is not a local.

Maybe he was excluded?

Except for the first time he was sent to America, Bunta spent most of his time in the neon area, Tokyo, Kanagawa, Osaka, and this time he came to Okinawa Beach.

Because after he walked a distance, he saw a group of dark-skinned boys training on the beach.

Qi Tianlie~

It was already past eight o'clock in the evening.

It turned out that their previous training was so hard.

Agaki said that the ending of the game that happened in his first round could not be changed.

Although he didn't understand why, A Yuan didn't elaborate.

He took out a gold bar and followed Qi Tianlie home.

He stayed at the Mu Te family for one night.

Yukimura was directly sent to his own home this time.

"Uh..." He was not prepared at all to meet family members from another world.

He was welcomed into the house very warmly.

"Wow~ It really seems like it~ How about you come to be my son too?"

"Ahaha~ I'm kidding~ Did it cause you any trouble?"

"Do I have two brothers?! That's great!"

"Oh la~ You like to eat the same things as Aichi~ That's great~"

"Just like brothers~"

Surrounded by his mother and sister, Yukimura looked at the cute and excited little Yukimura sitting on the sofa next to him, and smiled slightly. It was a magical experience.

"Coach Yukimura, are you... from the future?"

While tending to the flowers and plants in the greenhouse, the smart and perceptive little Yukimura asked the doubts in his heart.

From the time he met him when he was 6 years old, until now he is 12 years old.

The boy in front of him looks similar to him, no, it can be said that they look the same. The older he gets, the more he looks like him.

He has not changed.

Yukimura just smiled and did not answer him.

"Let's play a practice match?" The seventh time was at 8 o'clock in the evening. Yukimura had eaten in the cafeteria of Hyotei Academy at around 5 o'clock under the invitation of King Atobe.

Xiao Jing really remembered Gaki after starting the topic with Karasuma Gaki.

After all, the white-haired boy is indeed a person who is easy to leave an impression on people, no matter his appearance, height or personality.

The Ice Empire King, who had just won the Hyotei Tennis Club, looked at him with a proud look.

In a frivolous tone that he thought he didn't care, he asked about the current situation of the one-time coach who had only been with him for a few hours.

"Hehe~ He is mine."

The young Ice Empire King opened his mouth with a puzzled expression of "Ah? What are you talking about?"

"Anyway, thank you for hosting Yuan, and thank you for hosting me. In return, I will play a practice match with you. I look forward to your insight evolving in advance."

Training with Atobe at Hyotei Academy until the wormhole opens.

AndPlaying practice matches with yourself, you can really evolve quickly every minute and every second.

Yukimura knows himself very well, and guiding himself can be said to be as easy as breathing.

Even if you can't change.

You can't give up like this, just keep working hard to get stronger.

Yukimura slept at his own home, Bunta slept at the Kide family, and Karasuma Gaki found a hotel.

At five in the morning, Karasuma Gaki got up.

He should be in the eighth wormhole time now. After a simple wash and exercise, he waited for the ninth shuttle at eight in the morning.

Being sucked away again, Karasuma Gaki felt like vomiting. Why did he have to be rotated in the wormhole in a spiral position?

The first sound was the train.

Karasuma Gaki opened his eyes.

Hmm, it looks familiar, as if it was the train he took when he was in junior high school.

"Is it... Karasuma-san?"

Karasuma Gaki tilted his head and saw that the junior high school-age Yukimura was standing not far from him.

Ah, he was sent to Kanagawa.

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