On the way there, Karasuma Gaki happened to meet Bunta. He made a lot of cakes and left them in the class. When the amount was almost enough, he ran out to play with Kuwahara.

It is said that their class hits balloons and gives dolls. Hit 10 balloons of a specified color and get a doll.

100 neon coins and 15 bullets. Bunta is very interested in this game. Boys have an inexplicable interest in guns, even toy guns!

Entering the first grade I group, there are many people, almost all boys.

There is a whole row of tables near the podium in the classroom. Karasuma Gaki counted 6 tables.

At the back of the classroom, there is a super large hard cardboard.

It is full of balloons, red, blue, green, yellow, and purple.

There is a person standing in front of each table, each with a toy gun, and in front of the corresponding table are balloons of five colors, ten each.

The colors are randomly placed in an irregular alternating order. The students in group I are very busy. There are six people collecting money alone.

Three people were responsible for collecting money and issuing number plates, and three people were responsible for statistics and registration.

Kuwahara was inflating the air pump in the inner side of the classroom until it was about to spark.

There was also someone around him who handed him balloons, inflated them and stuck them on the wall to fill the empty seats.

"There are so many people! Everyone wants to play this!" Bunta looked at the crowded classroom, "Kwahara's class must have made a fortune this time!"

"The probability that Group I of Grade 1 will be the class with the highest profit in this year's Kaien Festival is 76%."

The voice of Inui Sadaharu suddenly came from behind, and Bunta was startled, "Ah! Inui! You always appear suddenly! I was startled by you!"

"Haha, sorry, are you guys here to play games too?" Inui held the number plate 178 in his hand, "It's almost my turn, it should be the next next next turn."

"Let's go line up to get the number plates!" Bunta pulled Karasuma Gaki to the end of the line and looked at the long line in front.

"What number do we have to line up? Won't they run out of balloon bullets by the time it's our turn?"

"No way, they should have enough." Karasuma Gaki glanced at the pile of balloons that had not been inflated yet next to Kuwabara.

"I wonder how many people can get the doll? The balloons of the same color are placed randomly, so it's hard to hit them, right?" Bunta looked at the students in the classroom who were leaving one by one, and it seemed that no one had received the doll.

"What? The genius has no confidence?" Karasuma Gaki asked with a smile.

"Tsk, no way! This genius will definitely get the doll!" Bunta raised his head and retorted.

The team moved forward quite fast. Karasuma Gaki got number 237 and Bunta got number 234.

The team was divided into 3 groups, and the numbers distributed to the front and back of the same team were not consecutive.

Those who didn't get their turn waited in the corridor first. Karasuma Gaki and Bunta squeezed to the front row and leaned on the window to see what was going on inside. Qian had already gone in to wait, and the 6 students who were about to get their turn could enter the classroom first to wait.

"Let's see how the "doctor" shoots." The two of them lay on the window, and it was Qian's turn.

After the students in Group I loaded the toy gun with bullets, they handed it to Qian Zhenzhi.

On the table in front of him, there were "red", "yellow", "blue", "green", and "purple". Qian pointed to green and nodded to the students standing next to him to confirm.

The students nodded and signaled him to start.

Qian Zhenzhi turned sideways with his right hand holding the gun and his arm level with the table, and fired confidently, "bang--" the ball was empty, and no balloon was injured.

He continued to shoot, "bang--" the student at the next table was startled, and the balloon suddenly exploded before he fired.

"Sorry, I shot you." Qian sincerely apologized to the classmate.

"...It's okay."

Qian Zhenzhi continued to pose, and the 2 missed shots did not affect his momentum at all.

He continued to shoot confidently, and 15 bullets were fired.

On his cardboard, there were 2 yellow balloons, 1 blue, 1 red, and 10 green balloons hanging on it, swaying and greeting him.

"Hahahahahahahaha——" Karasuma Gaki and Bunta were lying on the window laughing non-stop.

Seeing the way Inui raised his gun, I thought he was so professional~

He hit 4 out of 15 bullets, and the rest were all empty, not a single green balloon was hit.

After Inui Sadaharu came out, he started writing and drawing on his notebook, and I don't know what he was calculating.

"Hahaha, what are you calculating?" Karasuma Gaki and Bunta squeezed out of the crowd when they saw him come out.

"The shooting skills of toy guns are very different from the precise control of tennis, and the feel is different. If I use tennis, I will definitely get the doll. According to the data, there are only 2 people who have received the doll. The president of the air gun club used 14 bullets, and the vice president of the air gun club used 15 bullets."

Inui Sadaharu said what he learnedIntelligence.

"There are so many people playing, but only two people got the doll! Is it so difficult?" Bunta was a little surprised. He thought that since he could control the ball accurately, his shooting skills should not be too bad, because they all hit accurately.

"It's a little little. Toy guns don't have recoil. Why can't so many people shoot accurately?" Karasuma Gaki was also confused.

While several people were chatting, Niou, Yagyu, Sanada, and Yukimura came to the door of Group I classroom, "Are you guys coming to play games too?"

"Hehe~ Yes, I'm very interested, I haven't played it before~" Yukimura was also very interested.

Sanada didn't know what happened, but he ran to him with panic and anger on his face.

He asked and said that he went to Yanagi's class, entered the haunted house, and was scared. Yukimura couldn't help laughing.

After handing over the work to his classmates, he came here with Sanada.

"You go line up to get the number plates. It's almost my and Bunta's turn." They chatted outside for a while.

The two waited for a while, and the students at the door called their number cards, and the two entered the classroom to wait.

After a while, it was Bunta's turn. He waited for the students in Group I to fill the balloons on the cardboard. Bunta chose red, raised his gun and shot, "bang--" the green balloon burst.

When Bunta was about to run out of bullets, it was also Karasuma Gaki's turn. Yukimura and others also lined up with number cards and stood in front of the window to watch the two shoot.

Karasuma Gaki also chose red, and the students around him signaled that he could start.

Bunta put down the toy gun, looking frustrated, and only hit 5 red balloons.

Turning around and coming behind Karasuma Gaki, Karasuma Gaki raised his hand and raised his gun, "bang-bang-bang--" 10 shots in a row.

The 10 red balloons in different positions on the cardboard burst one by one.

Too easy.

Marui Bunta opened his mouth wide behind him and pointed at the cardboard opposite, "You...your red balloons...you exploded all of them!"

Everyone in the classroom looked at Karasuma Gaki in shock. They had never seen such a clean and neat performance.

How many years did this guy have to play with toy guns to be able to shoot so cleanly and accurately.

Yukimura and others outside the classroom were also surprised. Is it that easy?

There were still 5 bullets in the toy gun. Karasuma Gaki exploded 5 more purple balloons. He spent all his money. He would lose money if he didn't finish it.

Putting down the toy gun, he raised his head proudly. He must have been impressed. "Where can I get the doll?"

"Uh, here." The doll was placed on the podium. Karasuma Gaki went over and got a little frog with a schoolbag on his back.

He pulled the still confused Bunta out of the classroom.

"Is it that easy?" Niou couldn't help asking Karasuma Gaki. Looking at his casual attitude, Bunta didn't look like he was that easy to hit.

"You'll know if you try." Karasuma Gaki raised his lips,

"Maybe it depends on talent~" pretend again.

Inui Sadaharu squeezed over, still holding his little notebook in his hand.

"Karasuga-kun, have you practiced shooting? Your technique is very skillful, what other skills do you have? Do young masters like you have to learn a lot of skills?"

Although when he first met Karasuma Gaki, he didn't realize that he was a young master from a rich family, too down-to-earth.

"I can also fight, sniper, disguise, transform, hypnosis, wilderness survival, Samadhi True Fire, ice magic, fire magic, healing magic..." Karasuma Gaki began to chatter.

"You've learned a lot... even magic?" Inui Sadaharu felt that Karasuma Gaki was teasing him.

Yukimura was a little absent-minded, was what Ogaki said true?

His learning of fighting can be understood as a young master of a consortium learning some self-protection methods, sniping, disguise, hypnosis, and even survival in the wild. Are these real or just a joke?

Yukimura, Sanada and others went in to play. Yukimura was short of 2 balloons, Niou was short of 3, Sanada was short of 4, and Yagyu was short of 6.

"It's quite interesting, but it's really not easy to hit!" Yukimura expressed his feelings after playing.

"Seiichi, you are very good!" Bunta praised Yukimura. He had never played before and only hit 5 balls. "Niou, you are also very good at shooting~"

Niou shrugged, "I am very good at darts, maybe this kind of game is a bit similar?" Maybe he is gifted?

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