After the national competition in August, there will be no group competition until May next year. Yukimura asked everyone to train at home on weekends, instead of collectively training at school as in the months before the national competition.

This day was Saturday, and Karasuma Gaki was practicing sniping under the projection equipment in the basement of his home.

Looking at Karasuma Gaki's 800-yard sniping range, Shouyue threw out two red envelopes.

Shouyue: [Send skill red envelope-instant sniping] [Send special red envelope-agent's eye]

Karamasuma Gaki: You seem to look down on my face T^T

Shouyue: No, I just want to play the lottery with points

Karamasuma Gaki: Okay, Mr. High EQ~

He didn't have to go to school for training on weekends in the past few months. He usually stayed at home to practice fighting or sniping on weekends.

Gin almost never came to him. Since Karasuma Gaki returned to Neon, except for the Mermaid Island mission, he appeared in front of Shirley and Vodka. The other code members of Neon have never seen him or known him.

After the Mermaid Island mission, Vodka asked Gin in a careless manner, "Who is that white-haired kid? Is he a new member of the code name?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Gin pressed his Beretta against his temple, "Don't ask about him."

"Yes! Yes! Big Brother!" Vodka raised his hands in surrender, sweating coldly, and he would never ask again.

Once, Big Brother suddenly asked him to drive to safe house No. 2. When he opened the door, the living room was full of money and gold, "Big Brother, the wine cabinet is empty! Who dared to break into the house and steal?!"

Gin didn't want to roll his eyes at this idiot, "It's Barolo."

"Who is Barolo?" Vodka had never heard of this code name.

Gin glanced at him coldly, "!" Smart? Vodka understood, oh! Got it, it was the white-haired kid with a villainous look on his face.


After practicing sniping, Karasuma Gaki was very satisfied. He put on the [Agent's Eye], and his eyes could see more than 2,800 yards. With the [Instant Sniper], he easily sniped the head of the deer running 2,800 yards away in the projection.

[There is an event before the main line of Detective Conan, do you want to play it? ]

[What event? ]

[The first meeting between Kaito Kid and Kudo Shinichi]

[You can go and have a look]

[I'm going to *** address at night, are there any tasks nearby? ——Barolo]

Barolo usually never takes the initiative to accept tasks. Gin arranges them for him, or the boss orders him to take him. Gin raised his eyebrows slightly after receiving Barolo's email.

For daily organizational affairs, members of the organization communicate through intranet emails, and emails will be automatically deleted after showing that they have been read for 10 seconds.

Gin browsed the intranet and forwarded the task to Barolo.

After receiving the reply, Karasuma Gaki checked the email. The target of the mission was Takarada. Kidd's performance tonight was to make the ancient clock tower disappear, and Takarada was the owner of the clock tower.

Takarada had secretly replaced the gems inlaid on the clock tower a long time ago, and the original gems were sold by him.

The group recently built a theme park and took a fancy to the clock tower. They planned to buy it as a symbol of the theme park. After investigation, they found that the gems in the clock tower were fake, and they dared to sell them to them at a high price.

If he has the guts to cheat them, let's see if he can survive.


At 10 o'clock in the evening, Karasuma Gaki planned to go out and take the Shinkansen to Tokyo by himself.

"Master Gaki." Karasuma An saw that Karasuma Gaki was still planning to go out near midnight, so he stopped him.

"I'm going out to do a small mission." I mainly wanted to go to the theater and see if I could have some fun.

When he came to Tokyo, under the clock tower, he transformed into the appearance of Kuroba Kaito.

It was past eleven in the middle of the night, and there were so many people around, and many of them were holding Kid's signs to cheer for him, shouting "Kid! Kid!" in unison.

"His popularity is so high."

Karagaki looked around, and the girl holding the "Against Kid" sign was also quite conspicuous in the crowd.

He came to the girl, and the girl turned to look at him, "Kaito! Didn't you say you were going to watch magic shows on TV at home?"

"Ah, I think I'd like to come and see what the magic show of this child thief is like." Karasuma Gaki smiled at Nakamori Aoko.

"Child thief?" Nakamori Aoko looked confused.

"Isn't he called Kaito Kid?" Karasuma Gaki put his head against Kuroba Kaito's face, "Isn't he just a child thief?"

"......Is that what you mean?" Nakamori Aoko looked weird.

Karasuma Gaki suddenly turned sideways and met the eyes of a police officer running behind him, and Karasuma Gaki smiled at him.

The police officer paused for a moment, showing a look of surprise for a moment, but quickly recovered his expression and continued running forward.Kuroba Kaito disguised himself as a policeman, and when he saw himself in the crowd, his poker face almost broke.

He sent a message to Grandpa Terai to ask if he had asked someone to help him pretend to be him, but didn't tell him?

Terai replied that he hadn't asked anyone for help.

"Damn it!" Who on earth was it! He was a little flustered. That person disguised himself as him and stood next to the stupid Aoko. What if that person was a bad guy?

"Aoko, I'm going to the toilet." Karasuma Gaki was going to take action. He found an excuse to go out for a while, replaced the puppet with Kuroba Kaito's appearance, and returned to stand next to Nakamori Aoko as an ordinary audience.

Kaito Kid suppressed his emotions and started to act. He asked Grandpa Terai to watch next to Aoko.

Karasuma Gaki sneaked into the hall invisibly and came to the top of the tower. With the help of the wall, he looked up at the helicopters in the sky. They were so impressive. Which one was carrying Kudo Shinichi?

[Call customer service, which one is Kudo Shinichi's car? 】

【Find it yourself】

"Hmph" Karasuma Gaki looked up at several helicopters, and finally locked onto the one closest to the clock tower.

He set up his sniper rifle again, and shot through the right arm of the pilot of the plane.

He quickly retracted his sniper rifle and turned away without hesitation.

Kudo Shinichi was in the back seat of the helicopter, quickly checking the layout of the hall, and commanding the police officers in the hall to arrest Kidd through the intercom.

Just as he heard the police officer in the headset reporting that Kidd had removed his police disguise and was escaping, he suddenly heard the sound of a broken window, followed by the screams of the pilot.

The pilot was injured and the plane began to shake. Kudo Shinichi immediately unbuckled his seat belt and came to the cockpit, "Are you okay?"

He quickly adjusted the parameters and held the joystick, "Officer Megure! Help the pilot to the back"

Kudo Shinichi had learned to fly a helicopter in Hawaii. He quickly controlled the plane and maintained stable flight, "Damn it!"

"It was a sniper rifle! The arm was shot through!" Megure Jusan gritted his teeth after checking the pilot's injuries, "Damn it! Did Kidd's accomplice do it!"

"No!" Kudo Shinichi denied Officer Megure's idea with an affirmative tone, "Kaito Kidd steals and never hurts anyone. His gun is also a poker gun." Moreover, he was chased by a group of police officers inside the venue, and his assistant never hurt anyone.

Turning his head to look at the driver who could only lie on the back seat and wailed constantly, he gritted his teeth and said, "We can only evacuate first! We have to send him to the hospital first!"

"Officer Nakamori! There is a sniper on the top floor of the venue! Our driver was sniped." Compared with Kaito Kidd who did not hurt anyone, this sniper who shot casually should be arrested first, "Please dispatch police officers and search carefully!"

"What?!!" How could there be a sniper? ! Kidd has such an assistant? Impossible, he has been chasing Kaito Kidd for so many years, and he has never done anything to hurt people!

Kudo Shinichi really wanted to stay to capture Kaito Kidd, and also wanted to stay to find the sniper, but in this situation, he could only send the driver to the hospital first, and he would rush back to check.

There was no one in the direction where the sniper came from just now, and his attention was all on the layout of the computer.

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