At this time, many policemen came in from outside, pushed the crowd and entered the entrance of the roller coaster.

Karasuma Gaki and Yukimura looked at each other and did not intend to watch. Neither of them was curious.

"Oh no, there must be another case!" Mao Lilan watched multiple policemen enter the entrance. Shinichi must have encountered a case again! She planned to follow in to see the situation.

Karasuma Gaki leaned over and grabbed Mao Lilan who was about to go in, "I'll go and see. Girls should not always go to such crime scenes. They will have nightmares at night."

"It's okay, my father is a detective, I'm not afraid!" And she often encountered cases when she went out to play with Shinichi occasionally, and she was almost used to it.

"Big brother, let's go in and take a look." The little brat of Ming Ke was really brave.

"Then you go, I won't go." He saw Chianti and Cohen at the pirate ship. He wanted to go in just to confirm whether these two idiots were involved in the case.

Mao Lilan and the three children went in.

And those two idiots! Still playing!

Karasuma Gaki raised his phone and took a photo of the two idiots who had just come down from the pirate ship and looked very happy, and sent it to Gin.

Gin did not reply.

Humph, you are really indulgent to your subordinates, Gin, are you so soft-hearted?

Karasuma Gaki gave instructions to the three puppets that had been wandering in the amusement park for almost a day.

The case inside has not been solved yet, Karasuma Gaki and Yukimura decided to check out other game projects and have dinner by the way.


After solving the case, Kudo Shinichi walked with Mao Lilan and comforted Xiaolan who was scared and crying by the headless knight. Didn’t you say you were not afraid?

Suddenly, a tall and strong man with blond hair and a hawk nose, who was obviously not Asian, ran past him in a hurry. Kudo Shinichi felt a suspicious breath from this man and watched the man disappear into the dark alley.

He frowned, stared at that direction, and quickly said goodbye to Mao Lilan, "Sorry, Xiaolan, you go back first."

"I will catch up with you soon." Then he turned and ran away.

Mao Lilan didn't have time to react, and she disappeared.

Kudo Shinichi followed the blond foreign man to an uninhabited corner. He hid sideways in the corner, as if doing some dirty deal.

Kudo Shinichi took out his mobile phone and quietly stretched it out of the wall to record a video.

The blond foreign man stood with his hands in his pockets. The short bald man in front of him opened a box that seemed to be full of coins, "Give me the key quickly! I brought the money."

"Humph, you are really brave as a trader. You dare to smuggle guns to us." The vicious man snorted coldly.

"You FBI guys are pretty brave, aren't you? Your salary is low, right?" The bald man just opened his mouth to say a few words, and was interrupted, "Shut up!"

"Give me the key!" The blond man took the box from the bald man, took out a key from his pocket and threw it to him, "The goods you want are all in warehouse 99."

The bald man took the key and turned and ran away in a hurry. He ran to a dark corner in the distance and then collapsed. The key was a toy key, which was casually stuffed in the grass on the side of the road.

"Boy, the detective game is over!" A gloomy voice came from behind. Kudo Shinichi turned around and saw a man with short brown hair and a foreign face. The man took out a stick and gently woke up his sleeping heart.

Kudo Shinichi fell asleep.

Kudo Shinichi felt his head cracked, and he heard the two people talking in English in a daze.

"You can't shoot. It seems that a case has just happened. The Japanese police are still in the amusement park."

"Just give him the newly developed medicine in our country. If he is poisoned with this kind of poison, he will die, and the toxin cannot be detected from the body. It is a good thing that can perfectly combat such criminals!" Damn FBI! Hypocrisy! They actually said I was a criminal! I entered the country illegally and dared to smuggle guns on the land of Japan!

A hand stuffed a poison into my throat and fed me a mouthful of water. Damn! The poison was swallowed!

The two men left.

"Cough! Ah!" The body began to heat up and felt severe pain. The bones seemed to melt. Kudo Shinichi couldn't help but scream in pain.

Karasuma Gaki received instructions and passed by this area with Yukimura. He heard someone screaming in pain at the corner. The two looked at each other and turned to call the police.

Taking advantage of the darkness of the night, Karasuma Gaki released a puppet of Kudo Shinichi to meet up with Xiaolan. "I just saw a suspicious person, but I lost him. I came back. Let's go home." He left the amusement park with Xiaolan, sent her home, and said goodbye to her before disappearing.

Several police officers came over with flashlights. Karasuma Gaki leaned over to take a look. A child wearing Kudo Shinichi's clothes was lying on the ground with blood all over his head.

"There's a child lying here! Come here quickly." The security guard checked the child's breathing, "He's still breathing, call for help quickly."Car!"

At this moment, Kudo Shinichi woke up, got up, sat up, and saw Karasuma Gaki and Yukimura outside the police crowd. His eyes lit up, and before he could speak, he was picked up by one of the police officers, "Little boy, are you scared?"

Kudo Shinichi was shocked to feel this perspective, looked down at his loose clothes, and stretched out his little hands from the long sleeves with difficulty. I am not dead, but I have become a child?!

"Then let's send this child to the hospital first. His head is full of blood." The police turned and said to the two junior high school students who reported the case.

Kudo Shinichi was still in a daze. When the police officer turned around and was about to leave, he came back to his senses and kept struggling. He pointed at the two teenagers over there, "Brother!"

Kurama Gaki "!" Shameless! An old man in his thirties called him a twelve-year-old boy brother.

[Customer service, can I weaken his halo by poisoning him?]

[Is he not poisoned now?]

"That's my neighbor's brother! Put me down, I'll go with them, I'll go to the hospital by myself!" He kept struggling, the police officer couldn't hold him, and put him on the ground.

The police officer looked at the child suspiciously, the attitude of the two teenagers when they saw the child didn't seem like the neighbor brother they knew.

Kudo Shinichi ran behind Yukimura with his short legs and pulled the hem of his coat, "Yukimura brother! Karasuma brother!"

Yukimura was stunned, in fact, when he saw the boy's clothes, he had an immature idea.

Karamasa Kagaki cursed in his heart, so shameless!

"Oh, you have blood all over your head, I didn't recognize you, let's go, I'll take you to the hospital." Karasuma Kagaki glanced at Kudo Shinichi's head, turned around and planned to take him away.

"Wait a minute, we have to take a record, you tell us what happened, what happened? And kid, why are you lying here with blood all over your head? "The police officer held a notebook and looked like he was going to take a statement on the spot.

"I don't know, I was knocked unconscious when I passed by here." Kudo Shinichi pretended to be scared and shrank behind the two people.

The child was too young to take a statement. Seeing that he looked scared and his head was covered with blood, the police officer let him and the two junior high school students go, and told the junior high school students to take him to the hospital as soon as possible, and then left.

Kudo Shinichi walked in the middle, holding one hand, with loose clothes and pants piled on his feet, dragging his shoes that didn't fit, and Yukimura wanted to pick him up and walk.

Kuramaru stopped him, "Let me do it!" Damn it!

"Smelly boy, who are you?" Karasumaru picked up Kudo Shinichi and asked knowingly.

"I'm Kudo Shinichi! I was tracking a criminal just now, and I ran into an FBI agent who was secretly smuggling guns because of low wages. I was trading with someone, and I was hiding aside and was attacked from behind! They fed me a poison, saying that I would die and the cause of death could not be found, but I didn't die, and I became like this!" Kudo Shinichi didn't know if it was because he turned into a little devil, he was dancing and twisting in Karasuma Yuan's arms.

Kurama Yuan's mouth twitched, hugged his body and shook him a little, "Uncomfortable!"


"Send you to the hospital first." Damn, I was stuck with it. I should have known not to bring Jingshi to see it! What's so good about the transformation of a living person!

After taking him to the hospital for bandaging, he took him back to his Kudo house, and he changed into the clothes he wore when he was a child.

It was already past 10 o'clock in the evening, Karasuma Yuan called Uncle Ling to pick them up, and they had to go to school tomorrow, Monday, "Let's go." He took the mobile phone from Kudo Shinichi.


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