Karasuma Gaki sat in the front passenger seat, and the two Miyano sisters sat in the back seat, chatting quietly, both of them looked very happy.

"Thank you, Ichika-kun." After getting off the car, Miyano Akemi and Karasuma Gaki thanked him.

Karasuma Gaki nodded coldly, took the two into the arcade, and bought three baskets of game coins at the entrance, "See what you want to play?"

Since it was still summer vacation, there were many people coming to the arcade to play, most of them were half-grown children, or parents with children.

As a researcher who stayed in the laboratory all year round, Miyano Shiho had social phobia, but Miyano Akemi was different. She pulled her sister to the claw machine, "Shiho, let's grab the doll~"

Karasuma Gaki handed over the frame in his hand, and received Miyano Akemi's bright smile and thanks.

"Is there a doll you want? I'll grab it for you." Looking at her sister's curved eyebrows, Shiho Miyano smiled and pointed to a doll near the exit, "This one."

Miyano Akemi bent down, staring at the claw above with concentration, adjusted the direction and position, aimed at the target, pressed the button, and the claw stretched downward. After the claw was pushed open by the doll, it grabbed the doll weakly, shook it for a few times, and threw the doll back to its original position.

Miyano Akemi frowned, "Come again!" Put another game coin in and continue.

After spending more than a dozen, Miyano Akemi was so angry that she couldn't do it anymore, and Shiho Miyano caught it herself.

Karasuga was buying blind boxes crazily at the blind box machine on the other side of the doll machine. The things he got included shopping bags, notebooks, stamps, and pig pendants. It was clearly written that there were figures!

Miyano Akemi and Miyano Shiho came to him and looked at the notebooks and shopping bags he had thrown aside. "Ichifangjun, you have such bad luck!"

This kid is very different from the code member who was sent to monitor them before. He has a completely childish personality. Miyano Akemi is not afraid of him.

"Humph." Karasuma Gaki threw the frame of game coins in his hand onto the table next to him. "You come!" He pointed at Miyano Shiho with his index finger. He saw that Miyano Akemi's luck was not very good. She didn't catch it after more than ten times, but Miyano Shiho caught it twice!

Miyano Shiho reached out and grabbed 20 game coins, threw them into the blind box machine one by one, picked a position, pressed the button, and the blind box was pushed forward by the machine and fell to the exit. She reached out to pick it up and opened it, and took out a beautiful game character figurine.

Karasuma Gaki grabbed the figurine, "This is mine!"

Childish! How did he get the code?

"Shiho is really lucky!" Miyano Akemi put her hands together in front of her chest, very happy.

Miyano Shiho couldn't help but raise a proud arc at the corner of her mouth.

"There is a basketball over there, let's go and play too!" Miyano Akemi raised her hand and pointed to the basketball machine. No one was playing, so there was no need to queue.

After inserting the coin, Karasuma Gaki's hand was like a hot wheel, quickly hooking the basketball from the ball socket and throwing it into the basketball hoop. 1 minute was over, and the score was 128 points, and one goal was counted as 1 point.

"Wow! Kid, you broke the record of the arcade. The previous record here was 102!" A boy who looked like a college student next to him couldn't help but speak.

He was from a nearby university and often came here to play, and he also often played the basketball machine. The current highest record was written on the sign next to the basketball machine, and this number was about to be updated.

Karasuma Gaki raised his head proudly.

Miyano Shiho couldn't bear to watch. He had a villain face, and it was too inconsistent to make such a proud and childish expression.

After playing in the arcade for a whole morning, Karasuma Gaki took the two to find a restaurant at home for dinner.

"This is my first time eating Chinese food." Miyano Shiho looked at the rich and delicious meal and said.

"Humph, you are so happy today!"

"Hahaha, Fang Jun, thank you so much." Miyano Akemi had a lot of fun today. She was a very arrogant and cute child.

In the afternoon, Miyano Shiho proposed to go shopping. Karasuma Gaki frowned and was very annoyed. He didn't want to accompany him.

Seeing Karasuma Gaki frowning and looking impatient, Miyano Shiho couldn't help but look cold again, as expected.

"You two go by yourselves, I'll wait for you at the cafe on the first floor." Anyway, Akai Shuichi has become a little brat now, and it's powerless to take Miyano Akemi with him~

Miyano Shiho has been playing Sichuan Opera face-changing all day, and when she heard Karasuma Gaki let them go by themselves, she couldn't help but smile happily, "Thank you."

It seems that I misunderstood him. He is indeed a childish person, after all, he is only in his teens.

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