"My father Gin is a rather aloof person. He likes to be the air conditioner when he has nothing to do. He is a good person. Let's go to the game hall with Akaya to play." Karasuma Gaki let go of Gin and walked to Yukimura, holding his hand, sweating coldly.

Damn it! He was so angry when he was playing tennis that he turned on the air conditioner to scare his master!

Karasuma Gaki turned his head and glared at Gin again. Gin didn't even look at him, "You play by yourselves." He left a word and walked past him to the living room.

Everyone in the tennis club took a deep breath after Gin left. After confirming that the person had gone far away, Qian asked softly, "What does your guardian do?"

"Fighting coach..." That's right, Gin is his fighting coach. He just taught him this morning.

"Oh! No wonder the momentum looks so... sharp"

"So cool! Real fighting!" Kirihara likes to play fighting games the most. Seeing the fighting coach, he couldn't help but admire him.

"Hahaha, let's go." Karasuma Gaki led a few people to the game room on the third floor.

Kirihara started to let go when he entered the game room, pulling Bunta to play with him, and found his favorite fighting game. He put on this thing called VR glasses according to Karasuma senior, and he operated it as if he was in the scene! It was so exciting!

A few people dispersed, Yagyu, Yanagi and Sakamoto went to the library, and Kuwabara and Niou also found a game console to play.

Qian went to the kitchen and said that there were many rare ingredients here, and he wanted to try to mix new products.

Karasuma Gaki pulled Yukimura to sit on the sofa in the game room, spread his hand, and pinched it, "Have you had numbness in your hands or feet recently?"

Yukimura let Karasuma Gaki move, "No, what's wrong?"

Karasuma Gaki didn't know the specific time of his disease, whether there were any symptoms in the early stage, or was it a plot kill?

"If you feel unwell, you must tell me!" Karasuma Gaki told him solemnly.

"Okay, I will!" Yukimura frowned slightly, a little confused, "Did you...see anything? In the future?"

He didn't know if there was such magic that could see the future.

"......" Do you want to tell me? Or keep it a secret?

"I want to hear the truth." Yukimura tilted his head and looked at Karasuma Gaki who was looking down.

"I saw you lying on the platform of the station in the winter of the second year of junior high school." Karasuma Gaki softly described the scene he saw.

"Will your hands and feet be numb... affect your tennis?" Yukimura clenched his fists, and there were no symptoms now.

"I have magic that can cure it." But he hasn't found it yet.

[System, what is the skill that can cure that disease? ]

[Hmph, don't call me customer service? ]

[Stop talking! ]

[After using the Ring of Destiny, combine it with ****'s acupuncture therapy and do acupuncture for a month. ]

[? ? ? What is coded?]

[You haven't got the halo yet, you can't see it]

[Can't you tell me directly? ]

[No. ]

[Damn, there is still a month of acupuncture after the fate ring, so complicated, is this disease so serious? ]

[The plot kills, there is no other way, otherwise surgery and rehabilitation for half a year to a year, it is best not to play tennis again, it will affect life expectancy]

[Then in the original book...28 days of rehabilitation, you can still play tennis, and it is cured, what is the situation? ]

[There is a probability of relapse at any time. ]

[Then using skills to cure is a complete cure, there will be no relapse, right? ]

[Of course! This Datong is super strong, and the gold fingers given to you are all the best! ]

Usuma Yuan decided to maintain relationships with brothers and sisters in the group recently.

"Master, dinner is ready." The maid came to call them downstairs for dinner.

Several people in the study were also called down.

Usuma Yuan didn't like long tables. He always used a large round table. A group of people sat at the whole table. The half-grown sports boy had a huge appetite.

Gin sat next to Karasuma Gaki, and on his other side sat the fearless Kirihara Akaya, who was looking at Gin with his green cat eyes, "Uncle Kurosawa! Karasuma senior said you are a fighting coach! You are awesome! I love playing fighting games the most! I am really good at fighting games! I am invincible in the arcade near my house!"

Gin turned his head and glared at Karasuma Gaki, then looked down at this kelp-haired boy with the same pupils as him. When he released his murderous aura in the afternoon, this little fool was still cold.

"Uncle Kurosawa! Can you play fighting games? You are a fighting coach, so you must be super good at fighting games!" Kirihara Akaya kept pestering Gin. Yanagi was sitting a seat away from him, and couldn't help sweating on his head, trying to stop Akaya from chattering.


"Huh?" Kirihara suddenly fell silent.

"It's time to eat! Akaya, aren't these all the dishes you ordered?" Karasuma Gaki turned the cola chicken wings on the table in front of Kirihara.

"Wow!Cola chicken wings! Thank you, Karasuma-senpai!" Kirihara's attention was immediately diverted. After politely thanking him, he picked up two chicken wings and started to eat.

"Let's eat!" Karasuma-gaki didn't have the etiquette of "I'm the one who started eating" at home. They just started eating directly. Everyone in his family was used to eating directly.

It was the first time for Gin to eat with so many people. The corners of his mouth were imperceptibly raised, and he began to eat elegantly.

"Sister! I want a big bowl of rice!" Bunta raised his hand and said to the maid behind him, "I want one too!" Kirihara raised his hand to indicate that he had not finished eating the chicken wings in his mouth.

"Okay." The maid immediately turned around and went to the kitchen to prepare rice and sent it out.

"Swallow it before talking, and wipe off the stains at the corners of your mouth." Gin, who was sitting next to Kelp Head, frowned.

"Yes! Uncle Kurosawa! "Kirhara immediately chewed and swallowed the meat in his mouth, wiped the stains on the corners of his mouth with a warm towel beside him, and grinned at him foolishly.

Gin ignored him and continued to eat.

Yukimura smiled slightly. Uncle Kurosawa seemed to be a cold-faced but warm-hearted person.

Everyone was frightened by the coldness he released in the afternoon. They restrained themselves a lot during dinner today, except Kirihara.

It was late after dinner, and Karasuma Gaki stayed overnight. In the Rikkai University group, Mori senior cried in it near dusk.

"Rikkai University Handsome Guys Group"

Genius: picture.jpg

Genius: picture.jpg

The Strongest Fraudster: picture.jpg

Niou and Bunta posted more than a dozen photos of the dining table in a row. When they met, they started to take photos and send them to the group, and secretly observed whether Gin noticed them.

The most handsome guy in the universe: @Big Cat, I will teach you when school starts

Big Cat: Good! Agaki, you are so nice!

Gin had a day off today and stayed overnight.

When Kirihara Akaya came, he was looking forward to sleeping in the game room, but Sakamoto asked him to bring his summer homework.

After dinner, Kirihara, who wanted to go to the game room to play games, was forced to do his summer homework in the study room.

Although Karasuma Gaki didn't need to tutor Kirihara, he saw Gin sitting on the sofa with his legs crossed and reading elegantly, and wanted to find something for him to do.

"Akaaya, do you want Uncle Kurosawa to tutor you? He is a knowledgeable and learned man. "Gin shot a death glare at Karasuma Gaki. The group of kids surrounded the scratching kelp head. They explained a simple chemistry question five times but he still didn't understand it. In the end, they told him the correct answer directly and asked him to memorize the answer for the next exam.

Teaching this kind of single-celled organism is the most troublesome.

"No, no, we can do it!" Yanagi, Qian, and Yagyu said in unison.

Gin retracted his sniper gaze at Karasuma Gaki and continued to read.

After tutoring Kirihara, everyone went back to their rooms to wash up and rest.

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