Passive [Evil Medical Treatment] does not consume any mental power and mana. After putting it on, physical contact with others will poison them. The poison is a chronic poison with continuous damage, which will weaken their physical resistance and is effective for everyone except the wearer.

Skill [Fatal Potion] consumes 20 points of mana to use. After use, it will cause damage to the enemy within a certain range, causing random organ failure and greatly reducing lifespan. It is effective for everyone except the wearer.

Oh, danger, danger, danger!

Skill [Good and Evil Diagnosis and Treatment] consumes 55 points of mana to use, which has a partial healing effect on friendly forces, can quickly heal wounds and restore blood, and cause poisoning damage to enemy forces. The poisoned will continue to vomit blood, and being attacked multiple times is likely to cause excessive blood loss and death.

Skill [Dominate Life] consumes 120 points of mana to use, and you will gain the effect of being immune to all poisons. It has a large amount of healing and recovery effects on friendly forces, can quickly heal serious fatal injuries, and cause poisoning damage to the enemy, which can instantly kill them.

Special [Teacher of the Doctor] consumes mental power to use, and is a miracle doctor who can save the world and is immune to all poisons. It has a variety of traditional Chinese medicine techniques, including pulse diagnosis, acupuncture therapy, massage therapy, prescription therapy, internal power therapy, etc.

Damn, I have to learn it myself...

[Customer service, how can you learn this? Old Chinese medicine practitioners have been practicing for decades? ! ]

[You can learn quickly with the help of the Teacher of the Doctor! Believe me! ]

I'm convinced, the cheating is not thorough enough.

Let Gin find someone to practice with him tomorrow!

It's just right to take a look at [Wei Wu Legacy], [Not restricted by any halo❗]

When you open [Wei Wu Legacy], there are seven words in bold capital letters with an exclamation mark❗

Damn! I should have opened it earlier!

The introduction is that after wearing the halo, you can see everyone's favorability towards the user (0/100), the favorability of ordinary people is marked in gray (0/100), and the favorability of people or people who become people is marked in red. When the favorability of people to the user reaches 50, they can give the next instruction to them, and the person who receives the instruction will follow the instruction permanently.

What is the scope of people? Someone else's legal wife? Or girlfriend? No gender is specified, so it's okay to be a boyfriend...

Karasuma Gaki fell asleep with doubts, and he had a dream.

In the dream, he and Yukimura were playing a practice match on the court in the park. Hyotei and his group came to play with them. Looking at the group of people coming, everyone originally had gray digital labels, but now two of them are red! ! !

Atobe and Tezuka are both red! ! !

They both became people? ! Atobe's 萊? ! Tezuka's 萊?

Karasuma Gaki dropped his racket and rushed to gossip with a few people, asking them who they were dating.

The two blushed and opened their mouths.

Karasuma Gaki, who hadn't heard the answer yet, was awakened by the urge to pee.

Ah ah ah ah! I haven't asked yet!

It was already dawn, more than seven o'clock, and Karasuma Gaki sat up with an unwilling look on his face.

After getting up and washing up, he went to the restaurant, and many people had already gotten up to eat.

The time to go back was set last night, and we would gather at nine o'clock.

Karasuma Gaki sat down next to Yukimura, and couldn't help looking at Atobe and Tezuka.

Well, Atobe seemed to prefer to entangle with Xiaolang, and Tezuka seemed to be quacking. Did Tezuka marry someone else?

Maybe Karasuma Gaki's gaze was too obvious, Yukimura handed him a cup of hot milk and asked him with his eyes, what are you doing?

Karasuma Gaki approached Yukimura, and the two of them buried their heads under the dining table. "I dreamed last night that Atobe and Tezuka were married to other people!"

"!!!?" Yukimura turned his head and looked at Karasuma Gaki with an incredible look, "Is it... your prediction of the future?"

"That's not... just a dream."

"Then your dream is quite bizarre..."

"Who said it wasn't." Karasuma Gaki looked at the gray digital labels on the heads of the people at the table. Will someone really turn red one day?

Karasuma Gaki shook off the goose bumps, sat up straight and continued to eat. Kirihara came late with a messy curly hair, looking at the gray label (65/100) on Akaya's head. Except for Aichi, Xiao Haikai has the highest score.

Tsk, this guy seems to admire me very much. Karasuma Gaki couldn't help grinning to his temples.

Hyotei's people all have a 50% favorable impression of him, Atobe's is 55, maybe the game company he cooperated with Atobe made him a lot of money~

Rikkai Daiyukimura's is 70, Kirihara's is 65, Sakamoto's is 50, and everyone else has a 60% favorable impression of him. Damn, he is really popular~

After a happy breakfast, the group took their things and got on the bus. Kirihara and Niou fell asleep by their partners as soon as they got on the bus.

"Aichi, you are not feeling unwell, right?" Karasuma Gaki sat by the window, whispered beside Yukimura.

Yukimura shook his head.

Karasuma Gaki sent a message to Gin, saying that he was going to Base 5 today. Base 5 was one of the organization's research bases in Kanto, and it was also the base where Shirley stayed.

[Shirley's research data was copied and taken to Base 8 for archiving. She was at risk of betrayal - Barolo]

Since Gin knew that Barolo could do magic, his approval of his words has increased again. Is it prediction magic?

The bus took everyone to the gate of Rikkai University. It was almost noon, and everyone said goodbye and went home.

Karasuma Gaki, Yukimura, Yanagi, and Sanada were in the same direction, and the four of them walked together.

"Why does A-Gaki look so worried?" Yanagi saw that the usually lively Karasuma Gaki was silent today, so she couldn't help but ask.

"It's okay~" Life is full of learning, he is really a busy man~

He was afraid that he would not be able to learn, or that it would take too long to learn, and that he would not have enough time...

After returning home, he hypnotized Karasuma Eri to fascinate everyone and always be loyal to him, Karasuma Gaki.

He transformed into Accelerator and asked Karasuma Eri to take him to Base No. 5. When he entered the base, an experimenter in a white coat met him at the door.

"Master Barolo, I'm Ueyama Tano, an experimental assistant for the Silver Bullet Project. The people that Master Gin asked have been prepared for you in the laboratory!" Ueyama Tano led the way and explained to him, "In addition, regarding the request for people who need limb paralysis, we have a drug that can produce limb paralysis by injection. It has been prepared for you."

Coming to the underground laboratory, there was a man lying on the laboratory table with his hands, feet, waist and abdomen fixed. Karasuma Gaki put on gloves, "Where did you catch him?"

"From the Yamaguchi Group, a team of them stole our goods in the port warehouse. Master Gin found them and destroyed the base and captured some people." The rest were killed on the spot. Ueyama Tano was a gossipy person. The actions of the action team should not have been known to him, a small experimenter, but he was popular! He had a good relationship with Master Voltgar, and Master Voltgar mentioned it.

I gave the man on the lab table a slap, but there was no movement. "Is he dead?"

"No!" Shangshan Tianye stepped forward, and Kuku and the two big slaps woke him up. Damn! He was sleeping soundly! "Master Barolo, maybe your hand is not heavy enough."

"Master Barolo, this is a paralysis potion!" He handed a test tube to Karasuma Gaki, "You inject it into him."

"Okay!" Shangshan drew out the potion with a syringe and pushed it into the man's arm, "What are you doing! Devil!"

"Shut up." The man calmed down when he met Karasuma Gaki's eyes. Ordinary hypnosis took him down.

After Shangshan pushed the potion, he stepped back a few steps and stayed in the corner of the laboratory. He felt that Master Barolo was more terrifying than Master Gin. Did he hypnotize the man? A look?

I couldn't help shaking my whole body and pinching myself quietly. I shouldn't have hypnotized me!

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