Controlling his emotions, Karasuma Gaki looked up at Yukimura, "I can't promise you directly. Once you join the organization, you are not allowed to quit. It's a fight to the death."

"Will you quit?" Yukimura asked him.

"No." This me... I am the future boss.

"Then I won't either."

Karasuma Gaki buried his head in the bed again. After a while, he rubbed his face, raised his head, exhaled, and blinked.

Yukimura also blinked at him.

"No! You are too young!" He is still in pediatrics, and will be transferred to neurology tomorrow. How can he fall into darkness?

"?" Yukimura frowned, looking puzzled, "You are only less than a month older than me, right?"

"......" Oh, I forgot.

"You put on [Ember Shield] for me, did you forget [Natural Will]? I always have it on." One resists all physical attacks, and the other resists all mental attacks.

Two magics that automatically block attacks. [Natural Will] worked when the senior tried to use mental power on him before, and Yuan's control skills were ineffective against him.

He almost never used [Ember Shield], "What does Ember Shield block physical attacks?"

"......How to describe it? It means that it is offensive to you, such as shooting bullets at you, and machetes will be blocked. It is not offensive, such as drawing blood, and surgery. It's okay, but you don't need surgery. I can use skills... magic plus acupuncture to treat it."

"That's amazing! Then no one can hurt me, what are you afraid of?" Yukimura tilted his head and blinked at Karasuma Yuan.

"......Why? It's not pleasant to fall into darkness in the sun." I'm afraid you will regret it later.

"I want to be with you." Do you want to run away, Yuan?

"I'm afraid you'll regret it. You can't quit. It's not up to me alone. Once you defect, the organization will control your family until..." Karasuma Gaki lowered his head and whispered about the horror of the organization, hoping that Yukimura could give up the idea.

Yukimura heard that Gaki was probably an important figure in the organization. He also heard that the organization was indeed an unfathomable behemoth. He held Karasuma Gaki's hand and said, "I said, I won't quit."

Damn! He said this deliberately to scare Yukimura and make him give up the idea. After he completely took over the organization, if Yukimura really wanted to leave, he might be able to let him go.

"Okay, I'll ask my guardian." Who made him a child who had to go to pediatrics? He had to find an adult if he had something to do.

After dialing Gin, the call was connected after a long beep. Gin's sleepy and cold voice came from the receiver, "What's up?"

"Uh... well, I mean, I'm recruiting people for our brewery. What's the process?" Karasuma Gaki glanced at Yukimura, who was smiling at him, a little embarrassed.

"What?" What nonsense is the little brat talking about? Brewery? Are you talking about an organization? It's a bit appropriate. Recruiting people? Who? Those kids? ! "Who?"

"Uh, come to Jinjing General Hospital." Gin got up and put on his clothes, and asked Vodka to get up and drive him to the hospital.

Vodka got up and went to the garage to drive his brother to Jinjing General Hospital. He waited outside the car while smoking.

Gin came to the ward that Barolo had assigned him. There were four women dressed as nurses standing at the door. Some of them had seen him at "Crow Feather General Hospital" and did not stop him.

Pushing the door open, there were only Karasuma Gaki and his department head in the ward.

His department head was sick?

"Is it him?" Gin sat down on the sofa in the ward. He had seen his ability. He could destroy the five senses, which was very good and could do a lot of things. "Are you willing to give it up?"

"......" Damn, what a bunch of bullshit, Karasuma Gaki blushed and cursed Gin in his heart, "What process!"

So annoying!

"Your people, you should take them to do the mission first." Gin crossed his legs, "Give me the information, I'll go register."

Thinking for a while, he said, "If you want to apply for a code name, you have to complete the mission independently."

Yukimura looked at Karasuma Gaki and gave Gin his basic information, "Okay, let's go."

Gin left with Yukimura's information. Yukimura blinked, "What's the code name of your guardian?" He should be considered to have joined, right?

"Gin." Karasuma Gaki sat back in the chair, supporting his cheek with his right hand and looking at Yukimura, "He taught me how to fight."

Feeling more relaxed in front of Yukimura.

"Is it true that you can hypnotize and disguise yourself?" Yukimura asked curiously.

"Yes, I learned it all in Italy."

Yukimura opened his eyes wide, surprised and curious. "You were taken to Italy at the age of 6, is that where you learn these? Can you tell me about your life in Italy?"

"Yes, I started learning at the age of 6. Gin showed no mercy to 6-year-olds. I fainted with one punch.""Pfft~" I can imagine that miserable look.

"Gin didn't teach me all the time in Italy. He had many tasks and was trained by special instructors. He was bruised and battered every day. Those years were the worst for me." The system was not there, and he didn't know how he managed to survive those 6 years.

"What's the point of learning disguise?" I've only seen it in TV dramas!

"To do tasks, sometimes you have to pretend to be someone else to get information or something?"

"Is hypnosis the same as that of a psychologist?"

"Ah, it depends on the situation, not much different." His hypnosis is more advanced.

"What about magic?" This is the most magical!

"......I was born with this ability, and I'm the only one I know so far." Koizumi Akako, hers is real magic, mine is a skill hahaha, but I shouldn't have much in common with that person.

"Then should I also learn fighting and disguise?" Yukimura tilted his head and thought, his dream seemed to be similar to the effect of hypnosis, he felt that his dream might be better than hypnosis.

"No, it's enough to have the ability to protect yourself. You can learn some physical skills. I can teach you when you get better."

Karasuma Gaki stayed with Yukimura for a long time. They had dinner together. Yukimura urged him to go back because he had to go to school tomorrow.

He called Karasuma Rei to pick him up. While waiting for Karasuma Rei, the two chatted for a while.

After saying goodbye, he got in the car and checked the messages on his phone. The tennis club members had arranged a time to go together in the group. He did not respond in the group. He did not show up with them today. Everyone in the tennis club sent him a private message to ask.

Genius: Why didn't you come today? What did you talk to Seiichi yesterday? He was not in a good mood today.

Can't relax: I went to see Seiichi today and gave him a copy of the calligraphy of "No Disease and No Disaster". I hope the test results are good! Let's wish for Seiichi together!

Military Advisor: Seiichi is not in a good mood today. Will you come to see him?

Kirihara and Niou didn't know that he had talked to Yukimura alone yesterday. They just asked him if he had anything to do.

Karasuma Gaki simply replied to the message, explaining that he went there alone in the afternoon and was attacked by several emotionally unstable teammates.

Senior Maori boasted to him that he touched the head of the young minister, and the hair was very soft and of good quality.

Kirihara boasted to him that he got a sticker from the minister, and he would make a wish on the sticker, wishing Minister Yukimura a speedy recovery!

Yukimura's mother asked for a week's leave for Yukimura, but he hasn't had a checkup yet, so the result is unknown. If there is a problem, he may have to take a long leave.

During the club activity on Monday, Karasuma Gaki finished the basic training and took out a needle to practice flying needles. He can now insert the needle accurately. The quick-learning assistance that comes with the doctor's teacher is really good.

After teaching for a while, he turned to look at the group, "I'm going to the hospital, is there anyone coming with me?"

Yasu stepped forward, "Let's take turns. Too many people going at once will disturb Jingshi's rest."

Uzumaki nodded, it made sense, "How do we take turns? Two people a day?" He began to arrange the shifts, "Today I'll go with Renji, tomorrow I'll go with Bunta, the day after tomorrow I'll go with..."

"Why are you there every day? How can we take turns like this?" Niou interrupted Uzumaki and arranged the shifts himself.

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