Entering the room, there is someone!

He knew that even if he turned around and ran, he would not be able to escape from their clutches, so he forced himself to calm down and sat down on the sofa in the living room.

Karasuma Gaki and Yukimura smiled at each other, left the study, and saw the middle-aged man sitting on the sofa.

The man turned around, Yukimura smiled at him, and activated his mental power.

"Complete the development of that system software before December next year, and you will receive your reward by then." Yukimura's mental attack carried a hypnotic effect, looking at the man's distracted eyes, he nodded and agreed.

Yukimura and Karasuma Gaki sat down on another sofa, put away their mental power, and the man gradually regained consciousness. He was given a psychological suggestion, "I will continue to develop the software, but you don't harass me anymore, and the remuneration deposit will be transferred to my account."

When the two got up and left, they were stopped by Itakura Taku, "What do you want to do with this software?"

Karasuga turned and looked at him, and hypnotized him again, "Just make the software, this is not what you should know."

When he makes it, he will be able to play holographic games in the future!

In an empty alley, after removing the disguise, the two went to the club to practice.

"What if he can't make the software?" Yukimura felt that since he started learning fighting and sniping, his strength and mental power have improved again.

"Then there is no use value." Someone will deal with him by then.

Yukimura raised his eyebrows, and he understood the style of the organization.

The third semester of the second year of junior high school passed quickly. Accelerator and Kakine Teito did a lot of tasks together. Yukimura realized that there was a reward for doing tasks, and the reward was not small.

Karasuma Gaki and Yukimura took Kirihara and Sakamoto on the train. Today, they went to Kakigi Tennis Park in Tokyo. There was a youth tennis competition. The two juniors who were about to enter the second year of junior high school signed up for the 16-year-old group competition.

"Seiichi, Akaya also signed up in the first week. He went there by himself at that time, but he couldn't find the competition venue and was disqualified." Bunta and Yukimura mentioned the blunder Kirihara Ai did in the first week.

Yukimura, as the department head, brought the two to the location to report, while Karasuma Gaki came with a purpose. He planned to kidnap people. He remembered that the Little Prince played in this place in the first episode.

"Stupid, you don't even know how to hold the racket?" Karasuma Gaki and Yukimura turned their heads and looked in the direction of the voice. A high school student with medium-length brown hair held a tennis racket and said proudly to his two classmates, "If you want to hit a topspin ball, you should use the Western grip."

As he said that, he held the racket in the way of shaking hands and began to swing the racket in the train, with the racket head facing the nose of a girl with double braids.

The high school student's classmates echoed and praised him, making him even more complacent.

"Come on! Bumpkin, this is not a Western grip, yours is an Eastern grip!" Kirihara's arrogant voice came from Karasuma Gaki's ear. He also noticed the complacent guy. He couldn't stand this guy who was more arrogant than him!

The boy with a hat sitting opposite the high school student turned his head and looked in the direction of the sound, and saw two familiar but not very memorable figures.

He originally wanted to speak to stop these noisy high school students, but since someone spoke up, he didn't say anything.

The high school student quieted down and looked at Kirihara, an arrogant kelp-headed boy. Just as he was about to teach the brat a lesson, the train suddenly shook and the racket in his hand fell to the ground.

When the train returned to normal, the high school student bent down to pick up the racket. The boy in the hat noticed and said, "Bingo, the correct Western grip is to wrap the handle from above when the racket is facing down. What you just did is the Eastern grip. People often don't understand the difference between the two methods."

The train arrived at the station, and the boy in the hat got off the train. Karasuma Gaki and others followed him out of the train.

After the high school students and the girl realized what was going on, they also got off the train in a hurry.

Karasuma Gaki stepped forward and patted Echizen Ryoma on the shoulder, "Little prince, long time no see."

Echizen Ryoma turned around and looked up at the tall white-haired boy who patted his shoulder, "Who are you?" He looked very familiar.

"Senior Agaki, do you know this shorty?" Kirihara has grown a lot taller this year, and has grown to 1.65 meters. He will soon surpass Senior Bunta!

Karasuma Gaki smiled, "Two years ago at the US Open, your dad Echizen..."

"Oh, it's you guys." Before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by Echizen Ryoma. He remembered that when his lecherous dad saw American actress Chris, he approached her to take a photo with her. The two boys were with Chris.

The five of them walked together, and Echizen Ryoma was leading the way. After a few steps, he turned around and asked, "Do you know how to get to Kakigi Tennis Park?”

“Well, we are just about to go.” Karasuma Gaki and Yukimura walked in front, and the three young boys followed behind.

“You come to Neon to attend junior high school?” Karasuma Gaki asked knowingly, “Do you have a favorite school?”

Echizen Ryoma pursed his lips and said nothing. The old man wanted him to go to his alma mater, Seigaku, and he wanted to make his own choice, so he made a bet with the old man that as long as he won the youth tennis tournament, he could make his own choice.

“No.” Echizen Ryoma felt that he would definitely win. He hadn’t decided which school to go to, and Tokyo Hyotei seemed okay.

“How about coming to Rikkai University? We have won the national championship for two consecutive years.” Karasuma Gaki didn’t plan to let the protagonist of Prince of Tennis go. If he didn’t come, he could only play dirty tricks.

“I don’t care.” This kid is really arrogant, even more arrogant than Kirihara.

“Gaki is optimistic about this kid? "Yukimura smiled and looked at the boy in the hat behind him. The boy raised his cat eyes and looked at him with dissatisfaction, as if he didn't like the name of kid very much, hehe~

"It's okay." Karasuma Gaki didn't look back and continued walking, "I may not be able to beat Akaya."

Echizen Ryoma curled his lips when he heard the white-haired boy's evaluation of him. Who is Akaya? He said he couldn't beat Akaya even though he hadn't even seen him play tennis.

"Of course! I'm the first-year ace of Rikkai University! "Kirihara smiled ostentatiously when he heard his senior praising him. His steps became more arrogant.

Echizen Ryoma glanced at him.

The group arrived at the Kakigi Tennis Park. Yukimura warmed up Kirihara, and Karasuma Gaki warmed up Sakamoto.

Echizen Ryoma's match hadn't started yet, and he also needed to warm up. Before warming up, he watched the four people play warm-up matches with great interest.

Oh? That guy named Akaya can also take small steps on one foot. He seems to be participating in the 16-year-old group as well. Maybe he will meet him. He turned around and went to warm up on his own.

After the warm-up, Kirihara's match was about to begin. Minister Yukimura patted his head, "Thank you, thank you!" He received the teachings of the Son of God. He will definitely win the championship in the 16-year-old group! He entered the arena with full fighting spirit.

"Hahahahaha." "Although Karasuma Gaki is also a member of the church, Akaya's face of piety holding Yukimura's hand and closing his eyes to pray really tickled his funny bone.

Yukimura gave him a glare, and Karasuma Gaki's laughter stopped abruptly.

I don't know who started it, but recently there are always club members and even classmates who come to him to pray, "I hope my confession is successful, thank you!"

"I hope I can pass the make-up exam, thank you very much!"

Those who were rejected by him secretly took out his small statue and put it on the table to pray.

Yanagi Renji, the financial director of the tennis club, is a man of great merit and fame.

He secretly sold Yukimura dolls, Yukimura statues, and Yukimura standees, and they sold like crazy, which increased the budget of the tennis club.

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