After the regional qualifiers, the Kanagawa Prefecture Tournament will begin in mid-June.

The Kanto Tournament will be held in mid-to-early July.

The national tournament will begin in mid-August, and there is still about a month before the prefectural tournament begins.

At Yanagi's suggestion, in addition to daily basic training such as swinging practice, long-distance running practice, sit-ups, and grip training, they also added weight training.

Yanagi and Yukimura customized weighted wristbands for each member and required them to wear them during daily training.

Since they are still in adolescence and in the growth and development stage, in order to prevent everyone from growing short, the weight of the wristband is not too heavy and will not hinder their growth.

In addition to completing daily basic training, Karasuma Gaki also conducts technical training to improve his tennis level every day, practicing basic hitting techniques such as forehand, backhand, serve, and volley, as well as hitting practice in different areas of the tennis court.

Niou and Marui need to conduct additional physical strength training.

Kuwahara is also strengthening his technical training, and he is also required to do meditation training every day after returning home.

The tennis club conducts training in different projects tailored to the weaknesses of each regular and semi-regular player in an orderly manner every day.

After listening to Marui's suggestions on the rooftop last time, Niou went to observe Yagyu Hiroshi, and he was indeed as gentlemanly as Yanagi said.

But he discovered the little secret hidden under Yagyu Hiroshi's gentlemanly appearance, which is really interesting, gentleman.

After Yukimura took over the tennis club and adjusted the training menu, Miyano and Mitsui couldn't help sighing every day that they had lived a happy life in the past.

The training list of the tennis club was not light before, but it was not like now that they would lie on the ground after training and didn't want to move at all.

Today is another day to go home with shaking legs~

One day after Rikkai University finished the regional preliminaries, Yanagi received a message about the Qingxue tennis club.

Tezuka Kunimitsu, who enrolled in Qingxue in April, was injured in the elbow by a senior senior in the tennis club.

Qingxue pays attention to seniority, and Tezuka, who is very talented, can only pick up balls in the tennis club and has no chance to play.

In a practice match with a senior from Seigaku, he, who is left-handed, easily won the match with his right hand.

Later, he learned that Tezuka was left-handed.

He was jealous, so he took advantage of the fact that Tezuka played with them without his dominant hand and injured his left elbow.

After being injured, Tezuka was also very angry and planned to quit the tennis club.

But he was fooled by their captain Yamato Yudai with a sentence "I want you to become the pillar of Seigaku tennis club".

After hearing the whole story, Karasuma Gaki was speechless, "Where is their tennis club coach? Didn't they say anything about Tezuka being injured? Wasn't the player who beat him punished?"

Yasu crossed his arms and replied, "According to what I know, their coach didn't say anything, and the player wasn't expelled from the tennis club. It seems that after the conflict, they were punished by their director to run 100 laps. All members of the tennis club, including the victim Tezuka, were punished."

Niou Masaharu rolled his eyes in an indecent manner, sneering at the idea of ​​a pillar, "They said they wanted Tezuka to be a pillar, but they didn't give up the position of director to him."

Marui Bunta seemed to have heard about this in the first week, and echoed, "That's right, it's just empty talk, our school is still better~"

Kuwabara nodded repeatedly.

When Sanada heard the news, his face darkened. He admired Tezuka very much, both for his tennis and his character. When he heard the news, he felt very angry and couldn't help but yelled, "You are so lax!"

In addition to feeling angry and regretful, Yukimura was also very glad that his choice was right. The rules of the Rikkai University Tennis Club were in line with his philosophy, and strength was respected.

The seniors were also very good and generous. They would not be jealous of their challenges and do anything to hurt them.

They would not be as petty as the former head of Hyotei, who instigated the second and third grade regulars to quit the club collectively. He would patiently hand over to them and guide them to take over the affairs of the tennis club.

Yukimura decided to find time to express his gratitude to the seniors seriously.

Karasuma Gaki rolled his eyes, took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Karasuma An.

On the second day, major tennis newspapers and magazines reported the conflict within the Qingxue Tennis Club.

"Senior students of the Qingxue tennis club injured a talented freshman!", "Freshmen of Qingxue were persecuted because of the jealousy of their seniors!", "Violent conflict occurred in the tennis club, and the coach did nothing!"

A series of reports with eye-catching headlines were published.

The phone in Qingxue's principal's office kept ringing early in the morning.

There were parents who called to question the violence in the school and worried that it would affect their children.

There were magazines that were a step behind in the news and wanted to apply for an interview.newspaper.

Other schools also called to "consolation".

At the same time, the principal's office also welcomed Tezuka's parents. Tezuka originally did not intend to tell his elders about this matter.

But I don't know how those newspapers knew about the conflict in their tennis club and reported the incident.

Tezuka's parents were very angry that their sensible and excellent child was bullied at school.

In the first time after the incident, the coach of the tennis club did not take medical measures for Guoguang in time, and did not even punish the perpetrator.

They asked Tezuka and found out that the coach made Guoguang suffer a loss afterwards and saved the perpetrator.

As adults, they knew the coach's little thoughts at a glance, and they suppressed the matter for fear of taking responsibility.

After "sweet words" to Guoguang, his kind and upright Guoguang easily forgave the man.

Even because the man is currently a regular, and Tezuka is a freshman.

Because of the broken rules of their tennis club, freshmen cannot participate in the regular selection, the coach chose to save the perpetrator as a regular.

So the two of them took Tezuka to the school's principal's office, intending to ask the school for an explanation.

In the principal's office, Ryuzaki Sumire was also there. She apologized to Tezuka's parents, "I'm really sorry, it was my lax management that led to the conflict. I will expel Takei from the tennis club."

Tezuka's parents were very disgusted with her afterthought, and the two looked at Tezuka and asked for his opinion.

Tezuka had planned to quit the tennis club after being beaten, but was shocked by what Minister Yamato said, "Become the pillar of the Qingxue tennis club."

He didn't react for a while and stayed in the tennis club in a daze.

After today's report came out, he gradually woke up.

After the conflict in Qingxue's tennis club, the coach's inaction and even the behavior of protecting the perpetrator made him realize that "it's not worth it."

"I will quit the tennis club." Tezuka looked up at Ryuzaki Sumire.

Ryuzaki Sumire knew that Tezuka's strength was stronger than all the current regulars of Qingxue, but the rule that first-year students could not participate in the regulars was set by her herself.

She didn't want to break her own rules. Once the rules were broken, the tennis club would be difficult to manage. The second and third grade members would have opinions and would start to get confused. She was old and didn't have that much energy to manage.

But she didn't want to give up Tezuka, "Tezuka, think about it again. You have excellent tennis talent. You will definitely become a regular member in the summer..."

Although the young boy Tezuka already had the potential to be an iceberg, he was not as expressionless as he would be two years later.

After hearing the "obstinate" words of coach Ryuzaki, the corners of his mouth hooked a little bit of sarcasm, and then quickly returned to a blank expression.

He said to Ryuzaki very seriously, "Coach, I have thought it through, and I will quit the tennis club."

The conflict in the Qingxue Tennis Club was widely reported by various newspapers and magazines, and was known by the Kanto Tennis Association.

Even though they looked at the face of Ryuzaki Sumire who had taught the number one player in the Japanese tennis world, Echizen Nanjiro, they could not bear the report calls like a naval army.

Unable to withstand the pressure, the Kanto Tennis Association issued a penalty notice to the Qingxue Tennis Club to ban it for one year.

[Ding——Congratulations to the host for completing 50% of the Prince of Tennis mission progress]

[? What the hell, what mission progress]

[Ah? Didn’t I tell you that the main mission of Prince of Tennis is to prevent the protagonist group, Seigaku, from winning the national championship three years later]

[You didn’t say that! You said at the time that my mission was to play tennis! ]

[You must have remembered it wrong, I definitely said that]

[Go and read the first chapter yourself#] Pirated system!

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