If Atobe has no objection, neither does Kabachi.

Kabachi, Momoshiro VS Echizen, Kiyoyo, seven balls decide the outcome.

Ryoma is an all-around player, Kiyoyo is a technical player.

Kiyoyo is in front of the net, Ryoma serves, holding the racket in his right hand, hitting the tennis ball with his left hand, throwing the tennis ball up, and jumping up with both feet off the ground.

Outward spin serve, the tennis ball has a strong rotation, after landing on the ground, Momoshiro raises the racket in his right hand and tries to catch the ball, but the tennis ball bounces towards his face.

Momoshiro retreats to avoid the tennis ball, and Echizen scores at the same time.

"1-0, Echizen, Kiyoyo scores."

Momoshiro serves, "Look at my bullet serve!" Jumping serve with abdominal force, the powerful and fast ball rushes towards Ryoma, chasing to the landing point and hitting back, "Huh, it's still far away!"

Much weaker than the ball of Vice Minister Sanada!

Huadi and Xiyangyang were volleying back and forth in front of the net. "I didn't expect that big guy to be so careful." The tall Huadi lowered his body to stabilize his center of gravity and carefully controlled the ball.

Xiyangyang hit the ball to the backcourt with a gravity slice. Taocheng hit back a high ball. Xiyangyang caught up at a very fast speed, jumped high, and made a fast rotation in the air, like a small whirlwind.

His strength is not that strong, but he can increase the power and speed of the ball with rotation and height.

The ball is very fast and Xiyangyang scores.


Huadi learned the outspin serve and bullet serve, and he also learned Xiyangyang's small whirlwind, although he didn't spin as fast as Xiyangyang and his body was not as light as Xiyangyang.

"A freshman from Rikkai University... is really amazing, worthy of Rikkai University!" Is this the strength of a national champion?

"That big guy defeated all of us by himself, and that Momoko is also very strong, but she lost to two first-year students!"

The score was 7-4.

Atobe hummed, "You have a successor at Rikkai University."

"Hyotei is also very good, and Karaji has made great progress." Yukimura smiled at Atobe's sour words.

Several people left the street tennis court together, leaving a group of people behind to discuss.

"The people from Hyotei and Rikkai University seem to be very familiar with each other?" Someone at the scene asked.

"Shouldn't the competition between the champion and the runner-up be very fierce?" I don't understand why they look so familiar.

"Did you hear that? The man just said that he is Atobe Keigo, a third-year student at Hyotei, and he is the head of the Hyotei tennis club." He had read the report about the reform of a head of Hyotei before.

"I heard that he overthrew the entire tennis club as soon as he entered the school, kicked out all the seniors, and became the first-year director!"

"Yes, he beat everyone, overthrew the tennis club and became the director."

Hori O and several other first-year students listened to the discussion and couldn't help showing admiration. Senior Atobe was so powerful, and he envied him. He also wanted to be so cool.

"Yukimura Seiji is the director of Rikkai University, and Karasuma Gaki is the most terrifying captain of Rikkai University. You don't know them?" It seems that someone present has heard of Karasuma Gaki.

"The director of Rikkai University must be very strong, right?"

"He has never lost, and all the games he has played have been won 6-0."

"Karasuga Gaki has the title of Satan. People who have played against him say that he is like a demon and will take people's lives!"

"Not that bad, right? He just plays tennis?"

Kamio, Tachibana An and Ibu listened to the discussion and stared in the direction where no one could be seen at all, and saw the gap.

Momoshiro Takeshi packed up his things and planned to go back for more training. "It's really amazing. Their first-year students are so strong."

Karasuma Gaki took the picky young master Atobe to a Chinese restaurant for dinner. After dinner, they returned to Kanagawa for training in the afternoon.

Gin sent him a message. Miyano Akemi had previously proposed to take Shirley away from the organization. He asked her to rob 1 billion neon coins. She went to execute it today.

The most handsome man in the universe: She seems to be a little sick. The organization trained her younger sister to study for a doctorate and drug research, and it cost more than 10 billion a year. She wouldn't believe it, right?

Top Killer: Oh, the boss ordered to get rid of her after getting the money. The account of bringing an undercover into the organization before has not been settled with her

The most handsome man in the universe: I will go too.

Top Killer: Bring your people

Gin and Vodka will go to get rid of the two people who robbed with Miyano Akemi in the evening. Tomorrow afternoon, they will go to the warehouse to get the key and location and get rid of her.

The most handsome man in the universe: Tomorrow afternoon, mission

The world's number one koi: OK.

On Sunday, Yukimura came to Karasuma Manor in the morning. Karasuma Gaki disguised him. Yukimura was learning disguise himself. Karasuma Gaki had started teaching him a month ago. In the afternoon, the two of them went out to Tokyo.

Gin picked up the two of them at the place Karasuma Gaki sent them. He glanced at Yukimura in the rearview mirror. Hum, he's quite protective.Tight.

Gin parked the car in front of the dilapidated warehouse, and the three of them walked into one of the warehouses.

As the sky gradually turned yellow, a red car stopped at the door of the warehouse, and a long-haired woman got out.

Miyano Akemi took out a pistol from her handbag and hid it in her hand, entered the warehouse, and looked around cautiously, "Where are you? Come out!"

"Thank you for your hard work, Miyano Akemi." Gin said, smiling like a villain. The three of them leaned in the shadow of the warehouse door, and Miyano Akemi passed by them without seeing them.

Three figures stood at the door of the warehouse, and Miyano Akemi turned around, "Ah!" It was Fang Jun!

She saw the thin white-haired boy standing next to Gin. He was the only member of the organization who took her sisters to the arcade and let them go shopping by themselves. She was deeply impressed by him.

Another brown-haired boy, also young.

She said with a serious face, "Can I ask a question? Why did you kill them both?"

"Humph." Gin snorted and laughed, "This is our usual style."

"Okay, you can hand over the money."

"The money is not with me. I hid it somewhere else." Miyano Akemi pretended to be calm, "Where is my sister? Bring my sister here first. This is what we agreed to! After this matter is over, you said that you can let us sisters leave the organization."

"Heh." Gin seemed to have heard a joke, "This may be very difficult. Your sister is one of the few top-minded people in the organization. She is different from you. The organization needs her service now."


Gin talked a lot today.

"You have been lying to me since the beginning!" Miyano Akemi realized that she was deceived.

"Where is the money?" Gin stopped talking nonsense with her and took out the Beretta and held it above Miyano Akemi's head.

Karagaki looked at the gray label of 35 on Miyano Akemi's head. Well, there is no need to save her.

Although he shot countless people in the head in the simulation, he had never used his hands to kill anyone in reality, and Karasuma Gaki had never used his hands in front of him. It was impossible for Yukimura not to be nervous, and his heartbeat accelerated.

"Teidou, ask her where the money is." Karasuma Gaki said, and Yukimura's hypnosis was just right for Gin to show off.

After taking a few deep breaths, Yukimura returned to his usual gentle smile and released his mental power, "Where is the money, Ms. Miyano?"

Miyano Akemi met Yukimura's gaze, her pupils lost focus, and she slowly opened her mouth, "The money is in the safe east of Beika Station."

Yukimura turned his head and looked at Gin, who raised his head and said, "The key."

"Where is the key?"

Miyano Akemi took out a key from her handbag and handed it to Yukimura, "Here."

Taking the key, Yukimura handed it to Karasuma Gaki.

A gun was stuffed into Yukimura's hand, "Get rid of her, this is your test."

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