Chapter 117 Whitebeard VS Kaido, the battle of the multi-talented!

BBIG·MOM did not join the battle for the first time.

Even with the entire BIG·MOM pirate group standing still.

“That guy from Whitebeard…seems…seems like…” Linlin’s eyes were filled with doubt and uncertainty.

Because judging from the state of Whitebeard.

It seems that Whitebeard’s power seems to be back to when he was young, even stronger than when he was young!

Katakuri’s red eyes were focused on the battle between the two.

Hold your breath.

An ordinary blow contains extremely terrifying power.

The members of the BIG·MOM Pirates did not move.

However, the members of the Beasts Pirates were dispatched in unison in an instant.

Yan Ash pulled out the long knife from his waist.

In an instant, the wings fluttered behind him, and the distance between him and Marco was rapidly crossed!

The long knife flickered coldly.

“Heavy “three and four zero” force to suppress!”

A knife slashed towards Marco.

Carrying heavy pressure on Marko’s body instantly.

Marco’s face changed.

The body bent involuntarily.

He also reacted instantly.

As soon as the arm was raised, a whirlwind rose from the palm of the hand.

“Surgery space!!

A special space hangs over most of the Moby Dick!

Then, in an instant, it swapped places with a plank on the Moby Dick that had been smashed by Kaido earlier.


Ash Ash’s long knife instantly cut the plank in half.

under the action of gravity.

Sit upright on the plank split in half.

Press the deck to form a big pit!

When the blow failed, Yan Zhanchi turned to look at Marco, and asked curiously, “Strange ability, what ability do you awaken?”

“I want to know, when you are defeated, I will tell you! Marco has blue flames on his body.

Transform into “Birdman Form” in the blink of an eye!

Location switch!

It actually appeared behind Yan Ash, and a piece of wood chips crushed by gravity appeared again at the original position of Marko!

“fire punch!!!”

Marco threw a punch without hesitation.

A scorching flame was wrapped around his arms.

A punch hits Yan Jiayou from behind!

“I’ve been paying attention to your abilities!” Yan Ash seemed to have expected it.

Immediately behind you turned into a dazzling diamond!

The ability of Paramecia · Shining Fruit.

It is the third ability awakened by Yan Ash.


Despite using the power of the shining fruit.

Yan Ash’s body was still blown away by this fierce fire fist.

It slammed into the cabin with a bang.

Sawdust splash!

the other side.

Plague Quinn raised a large cloud of poisonous purple gas in her hands.

His face was very excited: “Try the attack of poison gas!”


Whitebeard 3rd Division Captain Diamond Joze snorted coldly: “Frozen!!

The cold air in his hand shot out.

Instantly freezes all the purple poison gas into ice.

Then, without hesitation, he punched the ice cube.

The ice cube hangs shatters and hangs.., with poison gas, it falls into pieces on the deck!

the next moment.

Joz transforms into a Toothless Pterodactyl form.

Spread your wings.


Instantly cut through the air.

Speeding towards the plague Quinn to kill.

Lift the dragon claw, glowing with crystal light.

It turned into a diamond!

It made the already sharp dragon claws even more terrifying.

The ability Joz used made Quinn’s face look strange: “Your ability?!!

“You bastard!!”

talking room.

The body of the plague Quinn also changed a lot.

Transform into a giant orange Brachiosaurus!

Armament color on the top of the head is hardened!

“The Brachiosaurus Bomb!”

In the face of Joz’s menacing blow.

Quinn didn’t flinch in the slightest, but directly hit him with his head!


However, the dragon claws of the ancient species Pterosaur plus the diamondization, the suggestion level and the impact force are more than Quinn!

Immediately, Quinn was knocked out.

Hit seven halo eight elements!

The Four Emperors Pirates fought together in an instant.

Because the sea was frozen by Diamond Joze before, although it suffered a lot of damage.

But it also opened up a battlefield.

at this time.

on ice.

After several fights, Kaido did not suppress Whitebeard.

Instead, the blood in his body began to flow faster.

“Whitebeard, there will be no Four Emperors in the New World in the future, only two emperors!” Kaido laughed wildly.

Whitebeard did not respond to Kaido.

Instead, it transforms into a golden Buddha, holding a nearly 100-meter-high block knife “Cut from the Clouds”!

“Momo Ten times the speed!”

Push your feet hard.

The ice surface burst open in an instant, and the broken ice splashed up.


The speed is unbelievable,

instant time.

Appeared in front of Kaido and slashed with a knife!

The nearly 100-meter-long broadsword ripped through the air.

Bring a strong wind.

next moment.

Arc jumps.

Kaido’s huge body disappeared in an instant!

He owns Thunder Fruit.

Observation Haki is a huge improvement over the original.

Let Whitebeard slash through the air.

Not only that.

The airflow around is moving fast!

It was as if a substantial chain was wrapped around Whitebeard’s body!

The air instantly became thick.

Whitebeard knew it.

It is known that this is the Logia Wind-Future Fruit owned by Kaido.

Just extremely fast time.

A chain of blue shackles were formed around the body of the golden Buddha incarnated by Whitebeard.

not far away.

Kaido’s figure emerged, with a wanton smile on his face: “Logia Thunder Fruit, the wind and wind fruits are all powerful abilities!

“When these abilities are in Laozi’s hands, the whole sea will be shocked!


Whitebeard snorted coldly: “With this little power, I can’t restrain me Whitebeard!!

The golden Buddha’s muscles bulge.

The chain formed by the wind suddenly collapsed.

But Kaido didn’t care, but smiled: “Of course I don’t expect such a power to trap you Whitebeard, Laozi just wanted to experiment with the power of the mind.”

“This is just a warm-up, the real battle is next!”

Raise hand 1.0 palm.

A small tornado appeared on the giant palm.

next moment.

Another tornado appeared in his palm again.

One after another.

There were five tornadoes in the palm of the hand.

Let go.

Five tornadoes came out.

Expand instantly.

Connect the world!

Stir up the wind!

Swept out towards Whitebeard!

As the tornado moves and swirls violently, the entire tornado continues to expand.

When arriving in front of Whitebeard.

The width of each tornado.

No less than the length of a boat!

The terrifying power of natural disasters ravages this frozen sea!

Whitebeard will cut from the cloud to the ice.

The big golden hands clenched into fists and crossed their hands in front of their chests.

Then hit the front hard!


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