Chapter 125 Pluton Rayleigh! The Great Pirates Gathered in Sabaody Archipelago!

“of course it’s true.”

Evan responded with a smile.

The conversation changed, and he continued: “However, the ability can only last for seven days, and the ability will automatically disappear after seven days.”

“If you want to gain power, you need to wake up again.

to this.

Zephyr said with a good attitude: “It’s fine, but don’t forget that this is the ability you gave, after all, only the power of your own Master is the real power. 9

Looking at Ain.

He continued to preach: “I am familiar with the power of Devil Fruit, and it will be easier to deal with the enemy in the future.

Ain, who was originally extremely happy, also calmed down.

Nodding solemnly to Zephyr: “Teacher Zephyr, Ain understands.”

After a little thought.

He looked at Evan and said, “Then I still won’t awaken the third ability, I can’t master it if I have too many abilities, it’s better to fully understand the current ability.


Evan didn’t care about the little shard he got from Ain.

After the chatter.

left the training camp.

“A few days before the battle, let’s go to Sabaody Island to play. 32

“Waiting for Bonney on the island by the way.

After making up your mind.

Evan then summoned a white cloud.

Quickly head towards Sabaody Island.

The 347 islands of the Sabaody group itself are not too far from the Naval Headquarters.

Evan also quickly arrived on this extremely prosperous island.

The end point of the first half of the Shichijo Grand Line.

Plus it is an island that must be passed through to New World.

Created this extremely prosperous Sabaody Archipelago.

walk down the street.

Evan burst a bubble floating in the air with great interest: “It’s a strange tree, and it can continue to create bubbles. 9

“It is a magical sea, no wonder many people yearn to go to the sea. 9)

“It’s just that dreams are like this bubble in the face of all kinds of temptations and tests…”

“If you touch it lightly, it will shatter.

while walking.

Casinos, hotels, entertainment venues.

Evan played it all to his heart’s content.

Night fell quietly.

in a luxury hotel.

Evan didn’t devour it, but ate it slowly.

Enjoy “eating”, a very sacred thing.

Although it seems slow.

Food is dwindling sharply.

After enjoying a nice dinner.

Evan sauntered down the street.

at this time.

On the opposite side, a group of people with peculiar appearances and novel dresses approached.

The original arrogant eight-character step is closed.

Doflamingo put a smile on his face: “Dragon Admiral, I heard that you came to Sabaody Archipelago, so this time I came here to find your awakening ability!”

The voice just fell.

His expression froze.

side of the street.

Blackbeard Teach laughed: “Hahaha… I didn’t expect to meet the dragon Admiral in such a place, what a fate!!

That simple and honest smile.

Those who don’t know, will surely believe it.

But everyone understands.

Blackbeard Teach was obviously talking nonsense with his eyes open.

Teach did not ink, and immediately increased the volume and ordered to Badgers beside him: “Badgers, you guys bring the treasures on the ship, we still owe the dragon Admiral 4.5 billion Bailey! 39

“This time we meet, just hand over the treasure to the dragon Admiral!

“Okay, Captain!” Badgers immediately went with Lafayette, Van Oka and others to bring the treasure.

Teach also politely opened his mouth to Evan: “Dragon Admiral, please wait a moment, and send the treasure over immediately, and this time also collected a lot of treasure. 93

“I hope that Dragon Admiral can help Lafayette awaken the second and third abilities later.

“duh huh…”

Doflamingo laughed: “Dragon Admiral, this time I have introduced a customer for you, and he should be here soon!”

“Before that, the dragon Admiral, please help us awaken!

behind him.

The outer members of the Don Quixote (ceba) family also opened boxes of treasures.

Under the light of night light Kozuki color.

Treasure shines brightly.

There were also passers-by who were simply blinded.

But he didn’t dare to shout.

for recognizing the identities of some of them.

Doflamingo said loudly: “This is a treasure of 8 billion, and this time I am going to make them awaken the three abilities as well.”

“By the way, there is good news for you.” A faint smile appeared on Evan’s face.

His words also aroused everyone’s interest.

Just when Evan was about to say the following.

A group of people appeared not far away.

The leader was a man in a pink suit and trousers, with nine rings on his index finger, and only without Cheat on his ring finger.

It is the Golden Emperor Tezzolo!

The corners of his mouth twitched: “I have long wanted to see Admiral Marine Lulong, this time I heard that Admiral appeared in Sabaody Archipelago.

“I immediately rushed over with my subordinates.”

by his side.

Accompanied by several officers.

A large group of younger brothers were carrying heavy boxes behind them.

Don’t guess.

You know it’s a lot of treasure.

Nothing more than the treasure that Doflamingo brought!

And their little brother also naturally dispersed the surrounding crowd.

in the crowd.

An old man with white hair looked at the scene in front of him in amazement.

Everyone he knew.

Shichibukai Heavenly Yaksha Doflamingo.

Blackbeard Teach.

Even the Golden Emperor Tezzolo!

Pluton Rayleigh frowned slightly: “Why do these guys appear here together, and bring their wealth to the Marine Admiral to sue the dragon?

“These guys look like they’re going to make a deal with the dragon Admiral.”

“Just what they trade…what exactly?”

With curiosity in his eyes.

Leaning against a wall, he took out the bottle he was carrying with him.

She took a sip: “It looks like it’s a very important thing!”

Out of the corner of his eye, he watched the movement on the street in the distance.

in the street.

Evan also confessed: “Now if you are dissatisfied with your ability, you can change it on the spot.

“Change once, the treasure worth 500 million Bailey!”

Hear what Evan said.

Teach’s face was shocked, and his breathing became short of breath.

With burning eyes, Evan said, “Change your abilities??”

“In other words, as long as I have enough treasure, I can awaken the ability I want?! 11

Doflamingo also looked shocked: “Really?!

Really “Can change the abilities that have been awakened?!

The peaceful heart suddenly surged up,

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