Chapter 138 The abused supernova has no resistance!

Know the ability of the dragon Admiral.

Drake’s heart was a mess.

Dragon Admiral didn’t just use the Sparkling fruit ability that was supposed to appear on Marine Admiral Kizaru.

Now it’s actually using the power of the legendary pirate, the golden lion Shiki!

How is this possible?

Drake was a little dumbfounded.

However, a few words in his mouth.

In an instant, it was like a muffled thunder that exploded in everyone’s mind!

The brain was buzzing with shock, and it was blank.

Monk Urouge paled: “It’s terrible.. Lion Fruit is an extremely powerful Paramecia Devil Fruit, plus Sparkling fruit..”

“Are we really going to have to stop here?

Extreme dissatisfaction emerged inside.

But in the face of this terrifying ability.

Really…no hope in sight!

“Damn it bastard…why have two Devil Fruit abilities?!” Bonney cursed.

There is only one thought in mind.


But just as she was about to run away.

The complexion suddenly changed!

A group of terrifying to 24 extremes of heavy pressure instantly shrouded himself!

Gritting his teeth, he resisted the gravity forcefully.

But no matter how she resisted.

This gravity is getting stronger and stronger, suppressing her movements stubbornly.

Get her out of the way!

In my heart, I screamed and roared: “Damn!!! What kind of ability is this?!”

Hawkins also noticed Bonney’s bizarre behavior.

His brows furrowed slightly, and he secretly wondered in his heart: “That woman…what is she doing?!”

“Have you been so frightened that you can only tremble?!”


I saw with my own eyes that Marine Admiral had two abilities.

A chill inside!

No wonder the previous divination display will be such a result.

Dual Ability…

high in the air.

Evan smiled lightly.

The big stomach girl Bonney’s move to escape is naturally in his perception.

The sight of predicting the future is enough to perceive the picture of her running away.

He didn’t want Bonney to run away.

In addition to having fun and enjoying myself, I came to Sabaody Archipelago for the purpose of Bonney’s ability!

in the sky.

A piece of black shells, bullets.

Under Evan’s control.

Slowly fell, gently landed on the ground.

“Hey…I don’t want to destroy this place! Evan’s voice sounded.

A hand rests on Capone Bege’s shoulder.

“Cannonballs, a weapon of mass destruction, can’t be used in this place!”

When Evan’s palm rests on his shoulder.

Capone Bege couldn’t help but panic in his heart, and his hair stood on end.

“This guy… actually appeared in my…”

But momentarily.

An unbearable force of terror struck.


Capone Bege was forced to his knees by Evan.

under his knees.

The slate shattered.

“Blue Wind Shackles!

A blue wind emerged, tying Capone Bege to the spot.

Collapsed to the ground.

Drake was stunned.

He stared at the scene in front of him in astonishment.

This is… Logia, the Fruit of the Wind Wind?


Am I blinded?

Or is the world completely insane?!

From Marine Gaolong Admiral, he used three Devil Fruit abilities one after another!!

Drake was obsessed with this scene.

Shocked to sluggishness!

Hawkins is also a little numb.

Totally numb from head to toe.

He was speechless and said, “How can this be played??

“Three abilities!!”

I finally understood the foreshadowing of the results of the divination.

The chance of escaping and winning is 0!

And life is unknown.

It all depends on the man in front of you.

All of their lives were in the mind of the Marine Admiral dragon.

Everything is in front of Evan.

All in vain.


The only thing Hawkins expects is that Evan in front of him will show mercy to them.

“Isn’t it.. Three abilities?” The strange monk Urouge became even more desperate.

Although still alive.

It felt cold through the body.

He couldn’t help laughing bitterly: “The first and fourth Admiral in the history of Marine… This is too scary, I’m afraid other Marine Admiral can’t match it! 33

“Maybe other Admirals are out and we have a chance to escape, but…”

Bonney was suppressed by gravity, unable to move.

But everything that happened around her was within her perception.


Because she has figured it out.


The pressure she was under should be Kulong Admiral’s “fourth ability”!!

A monstrous flood was set off in his heart: “What is this guy…monster?

“Why do you have so many abilities?!”

Everyone was extremely depressed.

sink to the bottom!

But in this extremely depressing atmosphere.

But suddenly there was a burst of cheerful music.

With the music playing.

Haiming Apu improvised and began to sing and dance RAP for everyone!

Teeth become piano keys.

The abdomen becomes a big drum.

One after another sound waves converged towards Evan.

There was a playful smile on Evan’s face: “I really don’t know how tall the guy is…”

A thought suddenly rose in my heart: “It’s a pity that there is no fruit of silence, otherwise it is just this guy Tianke. 99

“353 I don’t know the fruit of silence with the death of Rosinante, who is the next capable person?

Facing the sound waves.

Evan calmly raised his palm.

“No Empty World!”

The air in front of him was instantly drained.

A vacuum world is formed!

The sound wave instantly dissipated invisible.

It is the ability of Logia Gas Fruit that is used.

Haiming Apu’s face was startled for a moment, with a strange color.

The other party actually blocked his own sound waves.

He is extremely confident in his own abilities.

As long as the other party does not hang their ears, isolate the sound.

No one can stop his attack at all.

Although he didn’t understand how the other party resisted, he felt something was wrong in his heart.

Immediately laughed: “Everyone, I’ll leave this place first and go to New World to see!»

Get ready to jump right now.

But he froze!!

His face was instantly filled with horror.

The whole body slammed directly to the ground.

Fit tightly to the ground.

There was a feeling that my face was about to be buried in the ground.

I panicked: “This is… what is this ability? Why is there such a huge pressure… I can’t move all over?!

“Marine Admiral, how much power does Gaolong have?!”

There is an urge to vomit blood in my heart!

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