1 district, there is no such side.

After handling the things of Zhang Chen, turn him into his own toolman, and then reclaimed the fragmentation, there is no longer can't help it.

He began to try, and he wants to rehabilitate.

And according to the fedback to him, he wants to resurrect toot and needs several conditions.

Or have a doodle body, or an item with a doodle.

The former can be directly resurrected with the body, and the latter has no need to prepare a body to beep.

The body of the doodle is no longer in the Yuan Laoshan, and it is basically impossible to complete the former, so there is no longer choose the latter.

And I want to choose the latter, there is no need for a key props, that is, he originally placed the secret of the Undead.

There is a deep mark there, and is the most suitable medium for resurrection doodle.

Therefore, after the arrival of Zhang Chen, there is no first time to go to the secret in the undead.

Just a few days, the land is no longer returning to the secret secret, which is already a person.

The base of landless and big efforts is now basically demolished.

Looking at this seven-zer-eight-falling base, there is no eye, a cold, a cold, and a man who still falls in the base, there is no fall.

This kind of sudden slaughter, this kind of extreme disregard for life, let the old father have declined to the landless sensory line.

Although he won't go to the land, it will not hinder the land, but he doesn't want his daughter to follow this kind of person.

That's too unassay.

Of course, there is no knowing about this land.

After he understood someone who solved the base from the base, he began to find the research institute, the result is a circle, and there is no match.

"What is the situation? What about the study? Is it moved by the league?"

There is no one in the land, I am looking for a person to ask, but I found that the people here are basically gone.

This is somewhat embarrassed. Fortunately, the position of the study feels at the location where the research institute is located.

"This is, is there a person in the door of the Undead, is there a person who uses the door to the Undead to move the Institute?"

There is no eyes bright.

He thinks he should know who this is done.

Immediately, the land did not take the door of the undead, open the door and stepped in.

The land is coming, he will come to a dark to reach out.

Of course, this dark impact does not come to the land without the current strength.

He is clearly seen that his is a black valley, and it is a research institute he wants to find in front of him.

At the same time, there are several people who have seen near the Institute.

When I didn't see them, they also saw that there was no hurry to come.

"First ... the leader!"

"There is no, are you okay?"

These, one is 72 apostles, one is Jiang Yuexing, and the rest is a core member of the secret.

They have been withdrawn when they have no encirclement, so they are saved in that change.

"You do a good!"

The land is not right, it is exactly that the 72 Apostles preserved the research institute is quite satisfactory, and the shoulders are appreciated by shooting his shoulders.

Slightly and Jiang Yuexing two sentences, and the hearts of the hearts of the resurrection have not allowed to take the 72 apostles.

Once the door of the undead, they came out from the black valley and took the head in Jiangnan Fucheng.

This suddenly exposed in the dark, still appeared in the Central Committee of Fu City, 72 apostles and Jiang Yuexing. They all panicked.

How many days?

Jiang Yuexing has not forgotten the scene of a few days ago.

If it is not a critical moment, the bad guy is out, there is no direct explosion, and there is no base.

In Jiang Yuexing, now they are lucky, but it is estimated or being stared at the alliance. The land is so clearly in Fu City. I am afraid that I have to be encircled by the Yuan Lao Mountain in minutes.

"There is no location, is it wrong? We hurry ..."


"Well?" Jiang Yuexing looked at the land.

"My location is not wrong, I just want to come to Fu City to be half a thing!"

Jiang Yuexing is completely embarrassing, she feels that there is a bit of fever?

Does he know what you do again? Also want to encircle it once in the Yuan Lao Mountain?

"Don't worry, Jiang Wei, it's okay, the old thing in the Yuan Lao Mountain dares!"

I just killed the Fei Yao's old ghost. The remaining veteran of the Yuan Lao Mountain was only four, as I was scared to be scared by me, now they don't say that I have heard my news, that is, I In front of them, they did not have courage to shoot me! "

There is no very patient land, and explains Jiang Yuexing.

But there is a patient, the more serious, Jiang Yuexing can't help but put the hand in the endless forehead, I want to confirm that there is no fever, I don't know what he is saying.

After all, the words of the land are too incredible.

Two or three days ago, there were no one by the people of Yuan Laoshan, and finally, I was lucky enough to escape.

Today, he suddenly said that Yuan Lao Mountain was quickly played, and this, no one dares to believe it.

But then, Jiang Yuexing is thrilling, and there is no seemingly true.

Because the next land will take them directly to the Governor's government.

There is no arrival, let the Governor's government in Jiangnan have flustered, the new governor is even more than the four of the brothers.

That kind of respectful, that kind of charming, has reached a kind of income thinking.

The root is not the attitude towards the union wanted, more like a uncle, even treating the elderly.

It can make the other party to put this posture, and the land is like it is very likely to be true.

In order to confirm, Jiang Yuexing also asked the Governor.

As a result, this Jiangnan Governor held the landless thighs.

It is also particularly meticulous, special legend.

From the land without appearance of the city, when the endow, the design allowed the Fei Ying, and then the land did not appear in the Holy League Alliance.

In the end, the Yuan Lao will respect the land without sending the land without sending the land, and then announced that the mountains of Fengshan immediately said in the first time.

These governments said that these land did not say.

But there is only a little bit when the land is not a matter, no more, one is that there is no time to blow yourself, and there is no detail, so Jiang Yuexing is very vague.

Now Jiangnan's governor, he is completely at the perspective of land, and the legendary land is not based.

The landing of the Lu Qingya action is called a championship, listening to Jiang Yuexing and 72 they are stunned.

More importantly, the attitude of this governor allows Jiang Yuexing to confirm that he is telling him.

If it is not true, this governor dares to be so lined up.

He did this, meaning that the authority of Yuan Lao Mountain has begun to shake.

It can make the authority of the Yuan Lao Mountain, there is no doubt that there is no thing just saying.

"I am fine, you are almost the same? Almost, we should go!"

Lu has to be busy with the story when they listen to the story. After the busy, Jiang Yuexing that heard the story and losing the dog will take away the Fu City.

From Fu City, there is no return to his new base camp, which is the secret here.

Back to Changping, Jiang Yuexing knew the land, hesitated: "Lu Yes, I want to follow you ..."

"Sorry, I will be a little important, so ..."

"Well, you are busy!"


There is no point, turn around.

Jiang Yuexing has a busy land that is busy, and his face is flashing.

After she knew that there was an idea, she had an idea, she especially wanted to be bored with Lu, there was no probably guess what she wanted, but there was no interest.

Before the resurrection doodle, there is no interest in the land.

"Small , work!"

Separate with Jiang Yuexing, there is no one hand to hold the research institute. One hand holds him to come to Fukou. The first family greeting.

I was holding a mobile phone watching TV, he listened to the ball without greeting, and the mobile phone threw jumped.

(There is no need for a little ? Can you? Oh, the little is super!)

"You help me get two skeletons, a female skeleton, one is a pig's skeleton!

Remember, you have to look best, the most beautiful skeleton! "

(Give a small cockroach!)

Xiaoyu can do it, this time there is no excitement. It can't help but be happy. After getting orders, I will do it.

Soon, the little will give the land without a pig and a person's skeleton, um, how to say, all kinds of sense is very beautiful.

And the little guy also gave them a variety of decorations, and put on the clothes and also played a bow, the whole is called a flower whistle.

There is no watch that is called a crying.

"What is the beauty doesn't mean?"

(That is what is it?)

The small skeleton melon seed is first, then the hands of the hand: (Is my little ? "I can't do it?)

"Beautiful and beautiful, the little cockroach is best!"

Lu has no hand to surrender, I have a small guy's cerebral melon, and then start working with unwanted decorations.

I only started to do it, a gold figure slammed out, the golden dragon tail smashed, and there was no madness on the ground.

Just just outside the hand, it is no self-contained land, this will become a humble land, and I don't dare to apologize there.

"I am wrong, I am wrong, I am wrong, I don't intend to be the bait, I don't know if he is so fuel, I will not dare to come back!"

Today, this scene is also seen in the eyes by the old father who is still peeking.

This scene shocked that old father, he doubted that he was not a mistake, even couldn't help but knead his eyes.

Because the land in front of you, there is no complete difference between his previously seen.

In the mission of returning, the land before I saw the little cockroaches was extremely cloudy and indifferent to life, and even some crazy people.

The land is full of energy, but there is no ahead of the long-term, after returning to the small man, there is no turn.

His haze seems to be swept away, and the sun seems to be irradiated on him, let the depression of all people are sunny.

The old father did not dare to put the landless continent you saw before.

There is no such thing as it is, this golden dragon is not to be stewed in a minute.

There is no such thing as it is, he is spending a lot of effort to get the forgiveness of Xiao Jinlong and re-put into work.

Get the decoration of the two skeletal bones and get it, you can't see you very much. It is a little angry, but the arms have a brain melon seed. It's so happy.

Under the help of the little , the land is not completed.

After preparing to work, the land does not pick up the pieces of the hand, started his first needs.

"Threshold, I want you to help me resurrect toot and group!"

It's very simple and straightforward, and the door of the land in the hands is exuded.

The rays lit up, and a mysterious force began to act.

As before, Zhang Chen used, the difference is that Zhang Chen's use is affected by landless, he just seeing actually did not happen, but there is no use of this time.

The mysterious power is flourished, and the two skeletal bones in front of the land are directly covered by mysterious power.

In the mysterious force, the pig has changed first.

The original skeleton directly started the process of life and death, the bones of the people, the short three minutes, and a pig appeared in front of them.

Looking at this pig's resurrection, the little in the land is first, and the very fast fire will sway.

(The group of the group, there is no you're going to see, it is a group, the bones become a group!)

It is particularly happy to see it.

After all, although the pig has been bullying it, no matter what to say, they are growing from a child, and the feelings are still very deep.

During this time, the pig is not around, and the small cockroaches are still very lonely.

I have seen the group of groups, especially when Xiaobei discovered that the reunite group strength only had a king level, and it is too happy than it.

At this time, I finally turned to it.

However, the little is happy, but there is no such thing as this side.

Although the group is resurrected, there is no movement there, this is very unsatisfactory.

There is something that there is something, he is worried that it is not a problem.

Soon, his concerns become reality.

That off the backbone suddenly broke, the same time, a piece of information from the threshold flooded into the endless mind ...

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