After the dynasty, Qin Mu returned to his dormitory, his eyes flashed, and he began to sort out his fiery memories, and began to think about how to lay it out, so that he could mobilize all the power of the Southern Imperial Court without moving, launch a strong assist against Zhu Xia, and finally be justifiably included under his command!

Now the ministers of the Southern Imperial Court have been relieved of their rights, but correspondingly, no one can handle the government affairs of the parties below.

Even in Zhuxia, it is extremely difficult to rule many places with Chang'an!

In the southern imperial court, which is tens of millions of times larger, if you want to manage the world well in this eternal city, it is a fool's dream.

Even though Qin Mu is multitasked and can perform many functions at the same time, this is the most troublesome thing.

"It seems that it is still necessary to refine some treasure seals and seal the rights again!"

Soon, Qin Muzhong "three, four, seven" newly refined many jade seals and rewarded many officials.

But unlike before, the rewarded jade seal was restrained by him, and once the minister below had any trouble, Qin Mu could immediately sense that he only needed to deprive the supreme right in that jade seal, and this official would instantly become an ordinary person!

After feeling the changes in the new seal, the officials of the Southern Imperial Court immediately became much more cautious, that is, many super masters who controlled many imperial courts realized that they would no longer be the bigwigs of the divided side in the future, but would have been completely reduced to blazing eagle dogs from now on!

After thoroughly mastering the power of the Southern Imperial Court and straightening out government affairs, Qin Mu found that this blazing spirit had been plotting for many years in the past, secretly preparing to overthrow the Eastern Imperial Court and advance to the First Imperial Court!

First of all, in the Eastern Imperial Court, there were many people who were bought by him!

For example, the prince Wei Mang of the Eastern Imperial Court, the prince Wei Meng!

For countless years, these princes could only enjoy superior treatment, but they could not hold power, to put it bluntly, it was a group of pigs raised by Wei Lie!

To this end, they decided to join forces with Blazing Lie and disintegrate the foundation that Wei Lie had worked so hard to create!

In countless years, because the surrounding situation has long been stable, they have been unable to expand their territory, so their power has not increased, and now they are no longer satisfied with ruling hundreds of thousands of imperial courts, but want to be like the top clan kings of the Eastern Imperial Court, ruling tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of imperial courts!

To this end, they decided that once they had the opportunity, they would turn against each other and split the earth and become independent!

And those lords at the top, in countless years, have been tired of regularly going to the Eastern Imperial Court Imperial City to meet with each other, and they even feel that their dignity has been tarnished because of this!

So when Blaze showed signs of disobedience, someone immediately expressed their willingness to support Blaze and help him when he started an incident!

After reading these memories, Qin Mu was really stunned!

"Blazing this person, he is really a peerless hero!"

He already knew that in that Eastern Imperial Court, there were more than three million terrifying imperial courts, while the Southern Imperial Court only had three hundred thousand!

Under such a huge gap, Blaze dared to give birth to the idea of resisting, and he had courage!

"It's a pity, if you weren't plotting the territory and treasure of Xuan, then Xu might still be able to talk to someone like you who was unruly!" Qin Mu couldn't help but sigh for a long time.

Soon, he gave birth to a huge surprise!

"The Northern Imperial Court and the Western Imperial Court were completely drawn by him as allies!"

This news is really shocking!

The four imperial courts, there are actually three imperial courts secretly allied to disintegrate the behemoth of the Eastern Imperial Court!

Such a confidential news, it was wrong that Qin Mu had obtained a fiery memory, and there was no way to know it!

"No wonder this Blazing Flame once said that the West and the North, he will find a way to help Xun drag it out, and indeed until now, these two sides have not sent troops!

Qin Mu couldn't help but laugh loudly in the sleeping palace, his heart was extremely happy, as if he had taken a Tongxin pill, full of breath, very comfortable.

"Blazing, blazing, you have worked hard to lay out countless eras, but in the end, because of a stinky move, all the previous efforts have become Xuan's wedding clothes!"

There were several concubines calling outside, and Qin Mu couldn't help but laugh again: "Even your concubines have become forbidden since then!"

However, when he got the number of harem concubines, he was immediately taken aback.............

"Fool around, harem concubines actually live alone on a star?

Qin Mu was really stunned this time!

His gaze immediately passed through the dormitory, crossed the high wall, and saw an extremely luxurious avenue behind him, directly from this eternal blazing city to another huge star.

The stars are beautiful on the mountains and waters, full of pavilions, flying fish and beasts, countless delicate women enjoy the beautiful scenery, taste wine, stroke the piano and paint, sing and dance!

People who don't know still regard it as a daughter country!

The women there are extremely beautiful and graceful.

Some are idyllic, some are mischievous.

Some are dignified, some are enchanting.

Everyone has a kind of affair and exudes different charms, not to mention that normal men want to escape their temptation, that is, the surrounding stars are attracted to this place, all standing still.

Thinking that there were only two beautiful girls in his harem, Qin Mu couldn't help but show a strange smile.

Among these women, many middle-aged noble ladies have a graceful and luxurious temperament, a smile, they are all captivating, and even breathing can reveal fragrance, which is not comparable to ordinary girls.

They are all in countless eras, carefully pondering how to seduce and seduce men, after a long period of study, accumulation, and finally precipitated into the current habit, every move has great charm, this day 4.1 under I am afraid that no one can refuse their charm.

Qin Mu licked his cracked lips, and immediately withdrew his gaze, and the secret road in his heart was powerful!

Even from such a distance, these women can seduce people!

Thinking of the two women who got up this morning, Qin Mu immediately felt a pang of irritability.

"As the saying goes, since ancient times, there have been many troubles! If you climb that star, you will probably never come down again. "

Qin Mu frowned, feeling that this was a huge hidden danger.

If you spoil these women, it is easy to fall into it and become a shameless comatose king.

But if you are not favored, you will be suspected again!

"Blazing, you have left a huge problem for Xuan!"

Qin Mu got cheap and sold well, and sighed again. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collect, push

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