The fall of the Nine Great Ancestors, with the death of the Hundred Medicine Ancestors, came to an end.

After the corpses of that Ling Tian Old Ancestor and Hundred Medicine Old Ancestor were brought back, Doumu Yuanjun immediately began refining.

A stream of pure power once again gurgled into the interior of the Ancient Heavenly Court, and continued to repair this place continuously, speeding up the restoration speed of the Heavenly Court for a moment in billions of years.

Soon, Ling Tian's Ancestor's Yuanshen Will was also refined, becoming a group of more powerful forces entering the Heavenly Ladder, repairing from the origin, and fundamentally increasing the recovery speed of the Heavenly Court.

It is that the will of heaven and earth blessed in their divine souls has been thoroughly refined and entered the Ancient Heavenly Court, which has become the best driving force for the Ancient Heavenly Court to restore its vitality.

However, when refining the will of heaven and earth on the Hundred Medicine Old Ancestor, something suddenly changed.

The sky was clear, but suddenly thunder sounded, and all the trees on the summer islands that were blown up by thunder fell because of this, as if they had seen the monarch, and they did not dare to stand upright.

As for the palace that Zhuxia had just built, it was immediately completely collapsed by this thunder and became a ruin.

"What's going on?" Qin Mu frowned, looked at the air, and saw that a lightning mark was hanging from a high place, flashing and flashing, as if he was giving birth to the next attack.

"Your Majesty, it seems that this will led to the coming of the will of heaven and earth." Doumu Yuanjun grabbed the will that was blessed on the Hundred Medicine Old Ancestor, and his face became rare and solemn.

"Is that the will of heaven and earth?" Qin Mu pointed to the lightning imprints in the sky.

"It should be, between the two, there is now a clear induction." Doumu Yuanjun pointed to the will in his hand, and at this time, the thing was like a deep well, constantly absorbing strange energy from the sky, constantly crystallizing, becoming solid, and even turning into crystals.

"What is this thing going to do?" Qin Mu was still puzzled.

But now even people with strong knowledge such as Liu Bowen and Doumu Yuanjun can't understand it.

Everyone did not dare to act rashly, lest they anger the will of heaven and earth and suffer a devastating blow, so they could only wait silently.

Soon, the crystal emitted bursts of light, bright and soft, but occasionally majestic, and a blurry human form gradually appeared in that light, and he spoke: "In the past, I cut the nine points of Immortal Island and collected nine servants to guard the Immortal Island, but countless years later, the servant of that year was actually killed by the junior of the Nether, and my supreme opportunity was actually stolen by the shameless junior!" If it weren't for this last will, I wouldn't have known that such a shocking change had occurred in the rear! Junior, how dare you? "

With the man's question, the originally soft light, suddenly flew out, seemingly gentle, but in fact came extremely fast, the power is even more unimaginable, millions of soldiers in front immediately annihilated, Xu Chu, Li Cunxiao stationed on the periphery will be annihilated and disappeared like dust in the wind, Lu Dongbin only had time to cut out a sword, but only blocked the terrifying light for a moment, and then also annihilated!

"Lord Protector of Buddhas!"

Dharma roared, the Buddhas instantly stacked together, each of them pinched and held a spell, erupting boundless Buddha light, and confronted that light, but the golden light of the Buddha family was still unable to resist, just a few moments, the golden light was shocked back for several seconds, Dharma's outstretched arm had been half annihilated by that strange light, and the Buddha gate could not be stopped!

However, it was in this short period of time that made Zhu Xia Meng ready!

Guang Chengzi appeared from the retreat, stretched out his hand, and countless treasures flew out!

The gossip purple silk fairy robe immediately flew out, turning into a heavenly curtain, covering everyone in Zhuxia!

The falling bell rang hard, and waves of sound flew out and flew towards the blurry figure!

Fantianyin even descended from mid-air, transforming into a phantom shadow that covered everyone.

Zhang Sanfeng in the back also immediately waved the dust, and launched a terrifying two-yi formation in front of him, and the Taijitu on it flowed, and the power was incomparable!

Everyone showed their own powers, and they all struggled to guard the summers, and while they were preparing, the strange light outside finally annihilated the Buddhas and firmly broke in!

After the struggle of the Buddhas, everyone obviously felt that the power of that light had been weakened a lot, perhaps, less than eighty percent!

However, even so, the power of that light is still terrifying!

"Protect Your Majesty!"

Bing Saint Sun Bin suddenly shouted, led all the generals, and built an iron-blooded defense line with him as the center, wanting to block this disaster with his physical body!


The blurry figure sneered, and immediately crushed the sound wave of the falling bell, and the remnants did not disperse, and also went straight to this side, extremely terrifying, it seemed impossible to resist!


That strange light was silently engulfing all the summer generals and engulfing their treasures, but the sound wave flew and made a huge sound, and for a while it was intimidating, even the generals brought by Sun Bin could not be blocked, and were quickly annihilated and disappeared!

Seeing that all the barriers around Qin Mu were about to be annihilated, everyone was anxious!

If the general dies, he can be resurrected again from the Qi Luck Treasure Tree, but Qin Mu is annihilated, can he still be resurrected?

This is something that has not been practiced before, and no one dares to practice this matter!

"Traceability and return!"

As soon as Doumu Yuanjun saw that the power had been weakened several times, his power had decreased, and he immediately did not hesitate to launch the supreme secret technique, unexpectedly deducing time again, going against the current, the flesh disappeared, and the Yuan God turned into the appearance of the Yuan Shi Tianzun.

"Dao Law Nature!"

As soon as Yuan Shi Tianzun opened his eyes, he made a leisurely and majestic sound, everything around him immediately became peaceful, the originally tyrannical power was immediately pacified, the dust that was originally flying was immediately suppressed by an incomparably primitive force, and it fell instantly, and it could no longer move, the sky and the earth, for a while everything was quiet, there was nothing to move at all, that piece of terrifying light that killed many soldiers in the summers, at this time echoed with a violent explosion!

"What man! Dare to disobey my will! The blurred figure clearly did not want to stop there, but he seemed to have encountered some trouble, and in a terrifying explosion, it became fainter and fainter, and the sound was much more distant.

"Nope! This is my territory, Hugh wants to expel me! When I reopen the gate of heaven, my light will come to this heaven and earth again! "

"Despicable aliens, remember the name of my coconut! If you ascend to the Upper Realm, I will ravage you for endless years! If you don't ascend, when my glory shines here again, and I take control of this heaven and earth, I will definitely suppress you!" "

After throwing down a few threats, the blurred figure suddenly screamed, and finally disappeared completely, and the spirit of the Hundred Medicine Old Ancestor suddenly dried up, returned to normal, and was about to escape, but was taken in by Yuan Shi Tianzun, and then refined and entered the Ancient Heavenly Court!

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