Summon the Mythical Emperor of the World

Chapter 102: Your Majesty, Cao Zhengchun spit out blood, and hope that your Majesty will be the mas

   Baihua Pavilion.

  The emperor walked straight into the pavilion.

   Mu Mu followed in.

   "Your Majesty, my concubine will give you a massage..."

   Mu Mu stretched out his hand and gently pressed it on Li Si's temple.

   Li Si lay on the chair of the grand master, squinting his eyes: "Which one is too medical with your technique?"

   Before, Mu Mu had told Li Si that her massage technique was learned from an old lady in the palace.

   "Return to your Majesty, the concubines only know that the emperor's surname is Zhang..."

   "It was the queen dowager who called the doctor Zhang for her concubine, and the queen mother told her concubine that her majesty is busy with government affairs and must be physically exhausted. Ask the concubine to learn more about this, so as to relieve her pressure..."

   Mu Mu whispered.

   Being so close to the emperor, even if it wasn't the first time, it made Mu Mu Qiao's face blush.

   "If your majesty likes it, after the concubine, I will massage your majesty every night..."

   Mu Mu plucked up courage.

   "The massage is unnecessary."

   "Be with me tonight."

   Li Si grasped Mu Mu's wrist and pulled Mu Mu into his arms with a little force.

   "Your Majesty, it's not night yet..."

   But, before Mu Mu could finish, he was picked up by Li Si...



   The next day.

   Li Si leaves Baihua Pavilion.

   The sun is shining, just like the emperor’s mood.

   At this time, Li Si was in a happy mood. Because of Mumu's service, Li Si relaxed all night.

   Li Si returned to the Hall of Longevity, and after breakfast, sat in front of the dragon chair throne.

On the   long case, memorials have long been piled up, waiting for the emperor to review.

   Just when Li Si opened the memorial, the attendant **** walked in.

   "Your Majesty, Dongchang Governor Cao is asking to see you outside.

   Li Si raised his head and said, "Xuan!"

   "Comply with the purpose."

   approached the **** and retired.

   Soon after, Cao Zhengchun walked into the Hall of Longevity.

   "The old slave has seen your majesty."

   Cao Zhengchun said respectfully.

   Li Si closed the memorial and looked at Cao Zhengchun: "I entered the palace so early, why?"

   "Your Majesty, the old slave found traces of gunpowder in the city of Chang'an."

   Cao Zhengchun bowed and said.

   "A trace of gunpowder?"

   Li Si narrowed his eyes slightly.

   Gunpowder was handed over to Shangshu by the Ministry of Engineering by Li Si himself.

   In order to develop gunpowder, Shang Shu of the Ministry of Industry selected the venue outside Chang'an City.

   Also, around the venue, there are imperial guards personally guarding it.

   Except for the Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry, other people are only allowed in and not out to prevent any possibility of leakage.

   Li Si was very curious. In this case, how did the gunpowder leak in Chang'an City?

"you sure?"

   Li Si looked at Cao Zhengchun and said.

   Cao Zhengchun said immediately: "Report to your Majesty, this matter has been confirmed repeatedly by the old slave."

   "This is the gunpowder that the old slave discovered from the scene."

   Cao Zhengchun poured some black powder from the cuff.

   Li Si glanced, and confirmed that it was gunpowder.

   Cao Zhengchun saw that the emperor did not speak, and said, "Your Majesty, the old slave believes that this matter is related to the Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry."

   "It must be the daring minister of the Ministry of Industry, and quietly handing over the gunpowder to others."

   Li Si frowned upon hearing this.


   It makes sense for Cao Zhengchun to say so.

   Gunpowder was only handed over to the Ministry of Industry for the development of Li Si.

   The venue outside Chang'an City can only be accessed by Shang Shu from the Ministry of Industry.

   But at this moment, gunpowder appeared in Chang'an City.

   There are only two possibilities.

  一: Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry took out the gunpowder privately, and accidentally left it in the city of Chang'an.

   Two: Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry colluded with others and passed the gunpowder to outsiders.

   The first possibility is that the Ministry of Industry's Shangshu violated the holy will, a capital crime.

   The second possibility is that the Ministry of Industry Shangshu is treasonous and implicates the nine ethnic groups.

   No matter what is possible, Shang Shu of the Ministry of Engineering can't escape death.

   Li Si sat on the throne of the dragon chair, lost in thought.

   To tell the truth, Li Si didn't think that Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry would dare to do this.

  The young and old of Shangshu, the Ministry of Industry, are all in Chang'an.

   And the Ministry of Industry Shangshu himself is also in Chang'an.

   Li Si couldn't figure out why Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry dared to take such a big risk?

   Li Si believed that as long as the Ministry of Industry Shangshu had a little brain, he would definitely not dare to pay attention to gunpowder...

   On power, the Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry is one of the six prestigious books of the Tang Dynasty, and the three-rank master of the court has basically reached the top.

  On money, my life is gone, what money do I need?

   Therefore, Li Si couldn't figure out the reason why the Ministry of Industry did this...

   "Your Majesty, do you want to send someone from the old slaves to take down the Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry, and you will have an interrogation in the Dongchang Dungeon?"

   Cao Zhengchun suggested in a low voice.

   For these courtiers who betrayed your majesty, Dongchang has a special torture, waiting for them.

   Li Si heard the words and shook his head: "No, the Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry is my courtier after all. I will give him a chance to explain."

   "Come, the Propaganda Department Shangshu entered the palace."

   As soon as Li Si's words fell, the **** approached the **** and went out of the palace, looking for the official letter of the Ministry of Industry, to convey the emperor's will.

   At the moment, Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry was eating in Shangshu's Mansion. Hearing his majesty summoned him, he quickly put down the tableware, arranged his appearance, and entered the palace.

   Shang Shu of the Ministry of Industry came to the Hall of Longevity, thinking in his heart the reason why your Majesty called him.

  As a courtier, trying to figure out the Holy Will is the basic skill.

   If he is a courtier who doesn't even know what his majesty is thinking, then even if the courtier is capable and loyal, it will be the same in the future.

   Although Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry does not like to fight for power, he still can't help but guess what his Majesty thinks.

   "Is it asking about gunpowder?"

   Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry didn't think it was like it.

   A few days ago, His Majesty went to the outside of Chang'an City in person to check the power of gunpowder.

   It’s only a few days, so your Majesty shouldn’t call him into the palace specially because of this...

   It’s just that you didn’t enter the palace for gunpowder, but for what?

   Shang Shu of the Ministry of Industry was a little apprehensive.

  Because he even told his Majesty to let him enter the palace, he didn't have a clue at all.

   "My lord, go in..."

   The attendant **** looked at the Shang Shu of the Ministry of Engineering, and said.

   Shang Shu of the Ministry of Industry took a deep breath and walked into the Palace of Longevity.

  In the Hall of Longevity, Li Si saw the Shangshu coming in from the Ministry of Industry, and said casually: "Come on, give Aiqing a seat."

   As soon as Li Si's voice fell, a young **** held a chair and placed it behind Shangshu of the Ministry of Engineering.

   "Your Majesty..."

   Shang Shu of the Ministry of Industry sat down anxiously.

   Shang Shu of the Ministry of Industry looked around and found that besides your majesty, Cao Zhengchun of the East Factory was also here.

   Gongbu Shangshu frowned.

   For the people in Dongchang, none of the civil and military officials have a good impression.

   In the eyes of the court officials, all the people in Dongchang are crazy.

   See who bites who!

   If it were not for the trust of his majesty, the ministers would have long been co-branded and the East Factory would have been cancelled.

   However, the Ministry of Industry also knew that Dongchang was the emperor’s eyes and ears.

  The emperor needs the East Factory to inspect hundreds of officials and inspect the world.

  If there is no big reason, the emperor can never let himself go...

   Even so, Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry is very eager to see the people of Dongchang.

   Especially Cao Zhengchun, the governor of the East Factory!

   "Aiqing has arrived, Cao Zhengchun, tell me what you know."

   Li Si leaned slightly on the throne of the dragon chair and spoke.

   "Comply with the purpose."

   Cao Zhengchun bowed slightly, and said loudly: "Your Majesty, the old slave suspects that the Ministry of Industry Shangshu colluded with foreign enemies and leaked gunpowder secrets!".

   As soon as Cao Zhengchun's voice fell, Shang Shu of the Ministry of Industry suddenly stood up and glared at Cao Zhengchun:

   "Your Majesty, Cao Zhengchun is spitting blood and gunpowder, the old minister will never reveal the slightest, and I hope that your majesty will be the master of the old minister!"

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