Summon the Mythical Emperor of the World

Chapter 113: 1 imperial edict, let him go to his full glory!

Outside the tribe where the Huyan clan is stationed.

Bai got up and wore silver armor with a calm look and cold eyes.

When he came to Turke, he was ordered by His Majesty to personally supervise the implementation of the colonial plan.

Anyone who dares to hinder the colonial plan will be killed without mercy! Originally, Bai Qi should sit in the Turkic royal court, as long as the Turkic State Division dares to make any changes, Bai Qi was ordered to kill him.

However, whether it is the Turkic national teacher or the Turkic king, under the power of the Tang Empire, they dare not have any ideas at all, just thinking about how to preserve the inheritance of the Turkic kingdom...

However, what Bai Qi didn't expect was that several tribesmen who had been annihilated by Datang would dare to think about how to avenge the Datang Empire. In this case, Bai Qi will naturally not let these people live.

In Bai Qi's view, these people are obstacles to the implementation of the colonial plan.

Since it is an obstacle, it must be cleared naturally.

In plain terms, killing is the easiest way to solve the problem.

As long as the person dies, all kinds of calculations and all kinds of plans will become empty in a flash. Therefore, at that time, outside the Hexi Border Pass, Bai Qi could not hesitate to risk the world's unhappiness and slaughter 300,000 Turkic cavalry without leaving one!

Thinking of this, Bai Qi stepped out and walked inside.

Every time Bai Qi took a step, a misty **** realm spread.

The Scarlet Realm is like a breeze, as if it is illusory, but it carries a murderous intent.

Within the tribe,

Hu Yan and others are discussing how to slaughter the people of Datang.

At this time, they had only 8,000 cavalry, and it was no longer realistic to want to break the Hexi Border Frontier. The only way was to sneak in quietly.

With the flexibility of the cavalry, they can slaughter several towns, and then plunder some gold and silver as capital to take refuge in Huihe.

Next to the campfire, Hu Yanshi tore off a piece of mutton, gulped it down, then looked at the others and the others: "Since you all have no opinion, act now."

"We want the Emperor of Datang to know that to slaughter our people and others, we have to pay the price of blood!"

Hu Yanshi said loudly, his tone full of invigoration.

The others are about to agree.


Just at this time.

A slight footstep sounded.

I saw a silver armor soldier slowly approaching.


Hu Yan's face changed, staring straight at the silver armored soldier: "Come on, take him down!"


No matter how Huyan clan shouted, no one of the eight thousand cavalry scattered around came.

At this time, Hu Yanshi also realized that something was wrong.

Bai Qi's eyes were cold, he looked at the Huyans, and said softly: "There are only you left."

As Baiqi's voice just fell, Hu Yanshi and others looked surprised.


Before they could reflect, Bai Qi raised his right hand slightly.


The Killing God domain shrouded.

The vitality of Hu Yanshi and others was plundered by the Killing God Realm.

"It's time to go back."

Bai Qi thought silently in his heart.

People like Hu Yan are like ants, so it's not worth seeing more.

Bai Qi resolved the Hu Yanshi and others, without stopping for a moment, immediately rushed back to the Turkic court.

In Bai Qi's view, only when the lives of the Turkic national division and the Turkic king are in his hands, will his majesty's colonial plan be implemented on this grassland.


In the Hall of Longevity, Li Si finished reviewing the memorial, and when he was about to rest, the attendant **** walked into the hall, bowed and said, "Your Majesty, Lieutenant Yang Qinglin comes to see you.

"Let him in."

Li Siduan sat on the throne of the dragon chair.

After a while, Taiwei Yang Qinglin walked into the Palace of Longevity.

"Long live your majesty, long live your majesty."

Taiwei Yang Qinglin bowed and saluted.

"Flat body."

"Thank your majesty."

Li Si looked at Taiwei Yang Qinglin and asked, "What's the matter with Aiqing coming over at this time?"

As soon as Li Si's words fell, Tai Wei Yang Qinglin said immediately: "My Majesty, the old minister is here for the colonial plan."

"The colonial plan?"

Li Si's expression moved slightly, and he nodded and said, "If Aiqing has any thoughts, just say it directly."

Taiwei Yang Qinglin respectfully said: "Return to your Majesty, since King Liang retired and returned to Beijing, I have followed his majesty's will to implement the colonial plan."

"The Turkic Royal Court is also cooperating."

"Even, when my people in Datang entered the grassland, they never were attacked by Turks."

"However, in the colonial plan, our Datang needs to arrange businesses on the Turkic grasslands to promote trade, and send great scholars to the Turkic grasslands to cultivate the barbarians..."

When Taiwei Yang Qinglin said this, hesitation appeared on his face: "Among them, the question of this candidate is yet to be discussed."

"The Turkic grassland is too far from Datang, and the relationship between Turkic people and Datang has not been very good over the years..."

"Therefore, no business firm is willing to station on the grassland, and there are not a few big scholars who want to go to the depths of the grassland to teach the barbarians..."

Taiwei Yang Qinglin looked embarrassed.

For those businessmen, there is nothing wrong with going to the grassland occasionally to exchange supplies, but if you look forward to setting up a business on the grassland, and leaving their hometowns, then few people are willing.

As for those great scholars, things have been high for many years, and they are too lazy to toss between the grassland and Chang'an.

Even if the court is willing to pay a generous amount of, those great scholars are not moved.

In the eyes of these great scholars, there is no longing for money, such as foreign objects...

Taiwei Yang Qinglin has been unable to sleep because of these things during the recent period.

In fact, there is a simple way to directly let the emperor order and enforce it.

However, this will inevitably cause some hidden dangers...

Of course, if there is really no way in the end, it can only be enforced.

After listening to the words of Taiwei Yang Qinglin, Li Si slightly leaned on the throne of the dragon chair, lost in thought...


Ministry of Justice.

In the prison.

The former prime minister, Yuan Zai, wore a prison uniform and was locked up in a cell, waiting for Qiuhou to ask for help.

Yuan Zai moved the treasury privately and embezzled up to 50 million taels of silver. He was personally abolished as prime minister by the emperor and imprisoned in this dungeon.

Yuan Zai sighed lightly, his eyes sighed, he could see through the various forms of life.

When Yuan Zai was the prime minister of the dynasty, the mansion was full of guests, and there was no moment of free time.

But at this moment, in this dark and cold prison, no one came to visit him.

Yuan Zai has experienced the ultimate glory of an extremely human minister, but now he has fallen into a trough and is locked up in the prison of the Ministry of Justice...

Yuan Zai was in this prison and reflected on his life.

The biggest mistake in his life is to feel that other people’s flattery is entirely because of him...

But in fact, if Yuan Zai is not the prime minister of the dynasty, who is in charge, how can anyone flatter him and please him in every possible way?

The position of prime minister is given by the emperor. If the emperor wants to take back his position as prime minister, it is just a decree.

A sacred decree, let him go to his full glory!

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