Summon the Mythical Emperor of the World

Chapter 117: Tantai Yiren: I definitely want to become the Empress of the Tang Dynasty!

After Yuan Zai left the Palace of Longevity, he cried with joy.

Since entering the Hall of Longevity, Yuan Zai has been bowing, afraid to look directly at the emperor's face!

What kind of status is the Emperor of Tang Dynasty? Could he be a prisoner who was waiting for Qiuhou Wenjian to look up?

Yuan Zai knows exactly what he is. So I can quickly clarify my position.

This is also the key to his ability to climb into the position of prime minister and an extremely human minister.

It’s just that after becoming prime minister, Yuan Jae lost in power, despised the imperial power, and forgot his own rights, who gave it... After leaving the palace, Yuan Jae went to Dongchang, the usual Dongchang governor Lord Cao Zhengchun.

Yuan Zaiyou thought about running away.


Could it be Wang Tu in the whole world.

Could it be Wang Chen that is the shore of the soil. Even if Yuan Zai wants to escape, where can he escape?

Yuan Zai's only idea now is to honestly complete the emperor's account, in order to gain a ray of life.

As for other...

Yuan Zai never thought about it.

Moreover, Yuan Zai told the truth about the treasures of the previous dynasty.

The treasure in that treasure chest was only a lot more than the 80 million taels he had told the emperor.

Yuan Zai must unearth the treasure as quickly as possible and dedicate it to the Emperor of Tang Dynasty.

This proves that what Yuanzai said is true!

East plant.

Cao Zhengchun looked at Yuan Zai, who bowed down to the ground, and said, "Are you really sure, that buried treasure is worth 80 million taels?"

"Door Cao, even if Caomin has the courage, he dare not deceive the saint, deceive Cao..."

Cao Zhengchun received his majesty's order and knew Yuan Zai's intentions, but even so, Cao Zhengchun was still a little suspicious.

"Except for this treasure, what else do you know?"

Cao Zhengchun looked at Yuan Zai and said with a chuckle.

Cao Zhengchun is testing Yuan Zai to see if he knows other treasures or the like.

As soon as Cao Zhengchun's voice fell, Yuan Zai immediately said loudly: "Master Cao, everything that Caomin knows has already been said, and there is no concealment."

"I hope what you said is true."

"If the miscellaneous family finds out what you are hiding, the miscellaneous family promises to let you realize how painful it is to live."

Cao Zhengchun's words made Yuan Zai's scalp numb.

"Come here."

"Bring plenty of manpower and follow him to dig for treasure."

Cao Zhengchun gave an order, and a large group of Dongchang Supervisors stood up.

Yuan Zai swallowed, looking at these court officials, the Dongchang superintendent who avoided like snakes and scorpions.


Turkic royal court.

The Turkic national teacher sat cross-legged, the gods and devil's true essence revolved, slowly recovering his injuries.

Ever since Chang'an and his party, the Turkic State Teacher had suffered a three-point blow from the male tyrant to return to vitality, and the body had long been chaotic.

If it hadn't been for the tyrant who hadn't used all his strength, even if the Turkic national teacher was a **** and demon, he would have died under that blow.

"Who is this person? A strength, unbelievable, with all his hands and feet, controlling the three auras of heaven, earth and man, it is terrifying!"

The Turkic State Master trembled at the thought of the heroic figure.

The Turkic State Master had come into contact with other gods and demons.

But there has never been a **** or demon that has brought him pressure like the domineering.

In front of the male tyrant, the Turkic national teacher felt that he was no different from ordinary people...

"There is such a person in Datang, who will protect the foundation of Wanshi..."

The Turkic National Teacher was deeply moved.

At this moment, a doubt emerged in the heart of the Turkic national teacher, how did the Emperor of Tang conquer such a powerful person?

Just as the Turkic national teacher's thoughts were ups and downs, the Turkic King walked in with a gloomy expression.

"National Division."

The Turkic king looked heavy.

The Turkic State Master opened his eyes and looked at the Turkic King: "My Lord, what happened?"

The Turkic King said solemnly: "About the Huyan tribe."

"Hu Yanshi?"

The Turkic national teacher's expression condensed.

Hu Yanshi is indeed a problem.

Hu Yan clan disagreed with the Turkic king's request for peace, and left the royal court angrily.

In the view of the Turkic State Master, this person is a hidden danger after all.

If the other party insists on going his own way, wouldn't it hurt his Turkic nation?

"My lord, do you want to send someone to take down Hu Yanshi and hand it over to the emperor of Tang Dynasty?"

The Turkic State Master thought for a moment and said.

"No need to take it."

The Turkic King shook his head: "He is dead!"


The Turkic State Teacher was slightly surprised.

He never thought that Hu Yan's was dead?

The Turkic King glanced at the Turkic National Teacher: "It seems that you did not use the hands of the National Teacher?"

"The Huyan clan, along with several other remnant tribes, plus 8,000 cavalrymen, all died, and the place where they died was not far from the royal court."

After the Turkic King said these words, a trace of horror appeared on his face.

Originally, he thought it was the hands of the national teacher.

Under the whole world, only those who are strong in the gods and demons realm can make it possible for the Huyan clan and the eight thousand cavalrymen to disappear silently.

But the Turkic King discovered at this time that this was not the case!

However, what makes the Turkic King strange is that if it weren't for the national division, on the grassland, who else could solve the eight thousand cavalry so simply and neatly?

The Turkic King felt a little chill in his heart.

"Master, what's wrong with you?"

The Turkic king found that the face of the national teacher became very ugly.

"So that's it."

The teacher of the Turkic State sighed.

As soon as the words of the Turkic national teacher fell, the Turkic king frowned: "Does the national teacher know what?"

The Turkic State Master was silent for a moment, and finally slowly said: "If I guess it is correct, this should be the successor of the Emperor of Tang..."

"Before, I wondered why the emperor of Tang Dynasty just let me leave without fear that I would leave."

"It now seems that if I had this idea at that I am afraid I can't return to the Turkic royal court..."

After the Turkic national division, he was terrified.

At this time, he was more fortunate than ever.

Fortunately, after returning to the Turkic Royal Court, he faithfully followed the agreement of the Emperor of Tang Dynasty. Otherwise, the end of his Turkic Royal Court would be no different from Hu Yanshi...

The Turkic national teacher suddenly felt that since he returned to the royal court, every decision he made was tested on the tip of a knife. If he was careless, the entire Turkic royal court would be destroyed because of him...

When the Turkic king heard these words from the national teacher, he fell into silence.

The Turkic King never thought that there were people in this world who were thousands of miles away, controlling the life and death of a country.

"The Emperor of Tang..."

The Turkic King looked complicated.



Royal palace.

Tantai Iraqis are waiting outside the Hall of Longevity.

She is the emperor's personal maidservant, responsible for taking care of the emperor's daily life.

It's just that the emperor didn't like to be served by someone. Generally, she was waiting outside the hall, waiting for the emperor to call.

Tantai Yiren has never concealed her desire. She wants to climb onto the dragon couch. She wants to be the emperor's woman.

Tantai Yiren’s self-confidence, regardless of appearance, figure or temperament, far surpassed Mu Meiren, but unfortunately, all of her did not get the Emperor's attention.

Therefore, the Tantai Yiren faced the emperor and changed their style.

She is no longer so active, and no longer pesters the emperor.

She wanted to give the emperor a feeling of detachment.

Although, in this way, it may take a lot of time.

But she is a Taiwanese Iraqi, and she has time. She is a Tantai Yiren, not only to become the emperor's woman, but also to become the Empress of the Tang Dynasty!

Tantai Yiren looked at the Hall of Longevity, with an unprecedented desire in his heart.

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