Summon the Mythical Emperor of the World

Chapter 122: Buying and selling officials, the emperor Longyan is furious!

In the Hall of Longevity, Li Si is planning to establish the Academy of Sciences.

The Academy of Sciences is independent of the six departments. Although it has no real power, it has many privileges.

Li Si pondered, who was the first admiral of the Academy of Sciences?

The admiral of the Academy of Sciences, in charge of all matters of the Academy of Sciences, is the third grade official and is at the same level as the six books. Not only that, the admiral of the Academy of Sciences has the privilege of facing the emperor!

However, the admiral of the Academy of Sciences is related to Li Si's various plans, and Li Si is very cautious about this candidate.

...In Yongan Palace.

The Queen Mother is preparing for the second round of the draft.

With the experience of failing in the previous round of drafting, the Queen Mother is extremely strict about the selection of show girls into the palace this time.

First of all, the rules set by the Queen Mother for this draft, any descendants of the Minister of Korea and China are not allowed to participate.

One is because these women enter the palace, and if they are in power, they are very likely to form a foreign relative. The second reason is that the last time the remnants of the Demon Gate were able to enter the palace, it was through the recommendation of a courtier in the DPRK...

The Queen Mother will never make the same mistake a second time.

Secondly, women who participate in the selection of show girls must be innocent.

Regarding this point, the Queen Mother will send people secretly to investigate.

Anyone who is false will be sentenced to death, waiting to be cut.

The queen mother is absolutely not allowed to enter the harem with an unidentified woman.

Of course, the last point is that the participating women must be of the right age.

And there are strict restrictions on height, fat and thin, facial features, and skin.

Anyone who did not pass the same level was brushed down.

The queen mother must ensure that the beautiful women who enter the palace must be outstanding in appearance.

Otherwise, if the emperor sees Xiu Nu and is not even interested in taking a look, how can he be lucky?

Finally, when all the maids are selected, the queen mother will check it out in person.

Before the queen mother enters the palace, she is the person of the demon sect, and very few can hide her eyesight in this world.

The queen mother believed that anyone with bad intentions would have nothing to hide in front of her.

"When the Xiu Nu enters the palace, Ai's family will arrange to go to the Palace of Longevity."

"That girl, Yiren, hasn't let your Majesty be lucky, and the Aijia doesn't expect anything."

"This time, the Aijia doesn't believe it. Your Majesty has already tried the taste of a woman, and will not be tempted to face so many beautiful and beautiful women."

A trace of joy appeared on the queen mother's face.

If the emperor hadn't pampered the beauty before, the queen mother might still wonder whether it would be useful to arrange so many beautiful women to the Palace of Longevity.

After all, a beauty such as Tantai Yiren has been waiting in the Palace of Longevity, and he hasn't seen any special performance from his Majesty.

The queen mother has been worried...

But after the emperor was lucky enough to see Mu Meiren, the queen mother was relieved.

The queen mother believed that once any man experienced the taste of gentle homeland, he would not know the taste...

At that time, the prince of the Datang Empire will have hope...


Emperor Tafeng.

Ci Hang Jing Zhai.

A woman in a moon-white robe walked out from the depths of Cihang Jingzhai.

"The Patriarch is sleeping in retreat..."

The woman in the moon-white robe sighed softly.

The ancestors of Cihang Jingzhai are at least gods and demons.

Strong people at this level have a lifespan that exceeds the limit of ordinary people and can live a long time.

Generally speaking, the gods and demons of one heaven can live for two hundred years!

Of course, the premise is that there is no serious injury.

The ancestors of Cihang Jingzhai were all gods and demons who had lived for more than one hundred and fifty years, reaching the limit of their longevity, and had to retreat to sleep in an attempt to live a few more years.

Because of the existence of the deduction technique, the lifespan of the demon of Cihang Jingzhai is generally not long.

The woman in the moon-white robe is also a **** and demon, but she is still far from the end of life, so she serves as the chief of Cihang Jingzhai.

It's just that, following the forced operation of the deduction technique these few times, the woman in the moon-white robe sensed that in less than ten years, she would also step into retreat...

"Qing'er Jianxin is broken..."

The woman in the moon-white robe closed her eyes.

Although, in the history of Cihang Jingzhai, after Jianxin was broken, he reunited Jianxin for fifty years in seclusion, and the world was invincible.

But it was too difficult to reconsolidate Jianxin.

Jianxin is not a real thing.

It is similar to a kind of belief, a spiritual cohesion.

Wanting to reconsolidate Jianxin is more difficult than stepping into the clear realm of Jianxin in the [Sword Classic].

"The world will!"

"You have broken Qing'er Jianxin!"

"My Ci Hang Jing Zhai will definitely live with you!"

A hint of eagerness appeared on the face of the woman in the moon white robe.

Although, the woman in the white robe knew that the man in the black robe who shattered Nangong Qingjian's heart was unfathomable.

But the woman in the white robe of the moon believes that once the essence of Ci Hang Jing Zhai is released, no one in this world can resist it.

Even the gods and demons are no exception!



Hall of Eternal Life.

Li Siduan sat on the throne of the dragon chair, flipping through the memorials.

At this moment, the eunuch, the servant at hand, walked in and reported: "Your Majesty, the official secretary is asking to see you outside."

Li Si said casually: "Xuan!"


The official book Shangshu walked into the Hall of Longevity and prostrated himself: "The old minister has seen your Majesty."

Li Si closed the memorial and looked at the official book: "Flat body."

"What can Aiqing want to ask me?"

Li Si asked.

The official secretary came out with a memorial: "Your Majesty, this is the list of officials to replace this year."

"Please also look at your Majesty!"

The **** near the servant presented the memorial to the Long Case.

Datang established a country for more than two hundred years and has formed a complete system for promotion of officials.

Every year, old officials retreat and new officials are on top.

In this way, a balance is formed to prevent the decay of the Tang officialdom.

Li Si opened the memorial and swept it away.


Li Si frowned slightly.

The memorial is full of names.

Most of them were scholars with fame in this imperial examination.

But in addition, there are many unfamiliar names on the memorial.

"Aiqing, why are there so many people here, without fame?"

Li Si placed the memorial on the dragon case and asked.

"Return to your Majesty, these people..."

"these people......"

The Book of Rites broke out in a cold sweat and dared not go on.

Li Si's face sank when he saw this scene.

"The official secretary, what is going on?"

Li Si looked at the official book.

The official secretary only felt his scalp explode, and his legs trembled and said, "Your Majesty, these people, these people have been appointed officials through other channels..."

"Another way?"

Li Si narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Aiqing doesn't want to tell me that these people's official positions were bought?"

As soon as Li Si's words fell, the official Shangshu knelt on the ground with a thud: "Your Majesty, please spare your life, Your Majesty's spare life, this has nothing to do with the old minister..."

Li Si looked at the official Shangshu who kept kowtow, suppressing the raging anger in his heart.

It is simply lawless to dare to buy and sell officials in public!

Who is the buyer?

Who is the official seller?

Li Si glanced at the official book.

Based on Li Si's understanding of the official book, even if he gave him ten courage, he would not dare to do such a thing. In other words, the official sellers are different!

Li Si wanted to know, on the court, which courtier dared to sell an official? !

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