Summon the Mythical Emperor of the World

Chapter 125: In this world, how many officials are you under the Anyang Gate?

Tai Chi Hall.

Fear finally appeared on the face of Princess Anyang.

At this moment.

All the court officials knelt down. The emperor on the throne of the dragon chair had cold eyes.

Even if the princess of Anyang is lawless, a trace of badness arises in her heart.

Between the lightning and flint, the princess Anyang flashed through her mind when she first met Cao Zhengchun, what the other party said. "His Royal Highness, Your Majesty invites you to go to the Taiji Hall for a comment."

At that time, Princess Anyang didn't care about these words at all.

What a joke.

Tai Chi Hall is the place where the emperor discusses politics.

Even if the emperor wanted to see her, he would not choose to be there. But at this time, Princess Anyang felt cold.

"His Majesty!"

"Anyang has seen your Majesty..."

Princess Anyang calmed down and said with a slight respect.

Even at this moment, Princess Anyang did not think what would happen to the emperor.

When the civil and military officials saw the Princess Anyang being taken to the Taiji Hall, they became more and more frightened.

Why did Princess Anyang appear in the Tai Chi Hall?

And he was escorted by Dongchang Cao Zhengchun himself!

Did the emperor make Cao Zhengchun do this?

What does this represent?

For a time, the court and officials panicked.

They vaguely realized that the wrath of the emperor might be related to Princess Anyang.

Among all the courtiers, only the official secretary Shangshu had a vague guess.

Yesterday the emperor was furious about buying and selling officials.

The culprit of today's official sales, Princess Anyang was taken here...

"Your Majesty, the criminal minister, Princess Anyang, has arrived."

Standing on the Tai Chi Hall, Cao Zhengchun didn't even look at Princess Anyang and the court officials, but bowed towards the emperor.

There is only the emperor in Cao Zhengchun's eyes.

When the princess Anyang heard what Cao Zhengchun said, she turned around abruptly and glared at Cao Zhengchun: "You dog slave, dare to call this palace a criminal minister?"

"Who gave you the courage?!"

Princess Anyang is unrevealed.

"Your Majesty, this dog slave, talking nonsense, I hope your Majesty will punish him severely!"

Princess Anyang shouted.

In the court hall, all the officials were afraid to speak.

Cao Zhengchun also bowed in silence.

On the throne of the dragon chair.

Li Si looked at Princess Anyang and said softly: "Come here!"

When the princess Anyang heard this, she thought the emperor was going to be the master of her, and there was joy on her face.


next moment.

The emperor's words continued to ring in her ears: "Anyang is rude above the court, palms twenty!"

Li Si said this.

Princess Anyang was completely stunned.

Before the princess Anyang could relax, the **** approached to the princess Anyang and whispered: "Your Highness, you are offended."

The nearby **** took a wooden board and slammed it on the face of Princess Anyang.

Princess Anyang's face swelled at a speed visible to the naked eye.




The sound of applause resounded throughout the Tai Chi Hall.

After palming his mouth ten times, Anyang had several teeth knocked out, but the attendant **** didn't mean to stop at all.

Your Majesty said that the number of palms was twenty. Before the number of palms was completed, the **** would never stop.

After a while.

The nearby **** retracted the board and retreated.

Princess Anyang's face has long been swollen.


Sitting on the throne of the dragon chair, Li Siduan looked at the **** princess Anyang, the anger in his heart did not fade.

Li Si said, "Do you now know where you went wrong?"

Princess Anyang knelt down on the ground and said vaguely: "Your Majesty, I shouldn't yell..."

Princess Anyang was afraid of being beaten, and her tone was full of panic.


Li Si shook his head slightly, his tone becoming more majestic: "I ask you, how many officials have you sold over the years?"

As soon as Li Si's voice fell, Princess Anyang was shocked.

He never expected that the emperor would ask about this.


"not talking anymore?"

Li Si asked in a cold voice, "I Datang, how many officials are there from Anyang?"

"How many officials are there above the court? Are you under the Anyang Gate?!"

Li Si's words resounded in the Tai Chi Hall.

At this moment, the emperor's might spread down, and all the courtiers were so frightened that their hearts collapsed and their bodies trembled.

When Princess Anyang heard the emperor's words, she could only feel the sky spinning.

"Your Majesty, Anyang knew it was wrong. Anyang begs your Majesty to look at the first emperor. Rao Anyang once..."

Princess Anyang trembled.

"First Emperor?"

"Spare you once?"

Li Si smirked, his eyes fell on the Anyang Princess, "Are you also worthy of mentioning the first emperor?"

"The appointment and removal of officials is the responsibility of the official department. You, a eldest princess, intervene in government affairs with the status of the royal family."

"You still let me forgive you once?

"If I forgive you this time, what do people in the world think?"

"As a child of the royal family, not only did he fail to set an example, he took the lead in cholera!"

"How do you ask me to forgive you?"

"What reason do you ask me to forgive you?"

Li Si's words were ear-shattering, like a heavy hammer, smashing into the heart of Princess Anyang.

Li Siduan sat on the throne of the dragon chair, his face gloomy.

What a shame!

It's a loss of the royal family's face!

I give you the highest royal salary!

I give you the richest fief in the Tang Dynasty!

But what did you report to me in Anyang?

Buy and sell officials?

You, Anyang, are ruining the foundation of Datang!

Li Si suddenly got Xiong looked at the officials: "Come here! Deprive Anyang Princess of the position, take back the fief, and confiscated the mansion!"

When Li Si said this, his gaze fell on Princess Anyang: "I pass on my will, exile Princess Anyang to the border, and never return to Chang'an!"

"According to the purpose!"

The imperial guards stepped forward and dragged the ashen-faced Princess Anyang out.

In the court hall, as the emperor's words fell, the other officials were so scared that they were so scared that no ministers dared to stand up and intercede for Princess Anyang!

Who can bear the wrath of the emperor?

After Li Si abolished the position of Princess Anyang, the anger in his heart faded a little: "Book of Etiquette!"

"The minister is here!"

The Book of Rites trembled and said loudly.

Li Si's eyes were like torches, and he glanced at the Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites coldly: "Anyang sells an official, although it has nothing to do with you, but if you don't know it, I will fine you half a year!

"The minister follows the decree."

Shang Shu of the Ministry of Etiquette heaved a sigh of relief.

Half a year's salary is missing, which will definitely make the life of the Ministry of Etiquette a difficult book.

But at least his life was saved!

Li Si looked around at the Chinese martial arts, and said coldly: "Cao Zhengchun."

"Check it out for me! Check the world, how many officials are there who took office through buying officials?!"

"I want to severely punish the trend of buying and selling officials!"

"Anyone who buys an official, abolishes official status, never hires, if serious, he will be sent to the prison of the Criminal Ministry, and those who sell officials will be imprisoned, and he will not forgive!" After all, you have the final say!"

In the Tai Chi Hall, the emperor scolded Chaotang civil and martial arts with anger!

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