Summon the Mythical Emperor of the World

Chapter 131: The successor left by the first emperor!

Inside the longevity hall.

The Tantai Yiren returned to the place without leaving a trace.

Although Tantai Yiren didn't have any expression on his face, he scolded Taiwei Yang Qinglin how many times.

The Tantai Yiren never imagined that they were interrupted when they were about to get close to the emperor. Not only that, but the Tantai Yiren dare not say a word.

Tantai Yiren knew in his heart that Taiwei Yang Qinglin was a loyal minister in the imperial court trusted by the emperor.

If she dared to say that Taiwei Yang Qinglin's half-line was not, she might arouse the emperor's disgust. Li Siduan sat on the throne of the dragon chair with a calm expression.

"Come in, Tai Wei Xuan."

Li Si said.

"According to the purpose."

The next **** quit the Hall of Longevity. The Tantai Yiren leaned forward and said, "Your Majesty, the slaves and maids have retired first."

At this moment, Taiwei Yang Qinglin was outside, and the Tantai Iraqi knew that nothing should happen to your majesty.

Rather than waiting in place, it is better to leave.

However, the Tantai Yiren still feel a little pity in their hearts.

This time being able to get so close to your Majesty is simply a lifetime.

I lost this opportunity, and I don’t know how long to wait next time...

The Tantai Yiren walked out of the Hall of Longevity and waited at the gate of the palace.


Taiwei Yang Qinglin walked quickly into the Hall of Longevity.

"The minister has seen your majesty."

Taiwei Yang Qinglin bowed and bowed.

"Aiqing get up."

Li Si waved his hand.

Regarding loyal ministers like Yang Qinglin, Li Si is still very casual and has no pretensions.

Taiwei Yang Qinglin got up, his eyes suddenly fell on the dragon bone ginseng soup placed on the dragon case.

"The minister disturbed your Majesty, the crime deserves death!"

Taiwei Yang Qinglin knelt on the ground again with a puff.

With Yang Qinglin's eyesight, it is natural to see that your Majesty just took a few sips of this bowl of Dragon Bone Ginseng Soup.

When your Majesty was eating, I came to see you and disturbed your Majesty. It was not the work of the courtier...

Li Si glanced at the Dragon Bone Ginseng Decoction, and the charming scene just appeared in his heart, and he shook his head slightly.

"Get up quickly."

Li Si looked at the terrified Taiwei Yang Qinglin and said.


Taiwei Yang Qinglin breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that your Majesty is not angry about this incident.

Li Siduan sat on the throne of the dragon chair: "Aiqing came to see me, what's the matter?"

After hearing your majesty’s question, Tai Li Yang Qinglin was too late to thank your majesty Long En, and quickly said: "Thanks to your majesty, some people are dissatisfied with your majesty’s decision to exile Princess Anyang..."




Mend the way.

The male tyrant sits on the throne of the supreme master of the Heaven Patching Path.

On the left side of Xiongba, standing Zhou Feng Zhou Yun waiting for the help of the world.

On the right are many disciples of the Tao of Heaven Patching.

The head on the right is the Sect Master of Mending Heaven Dao, an assassin of a half-step **** and demon.

Before, during the siege of Mending Heaven Dao, Zhou Feng and Zhou Yun would have almost fallen into the hands of this world's top assassin if it weren't for the hero.

However, at this moment, all the disciples of the Heaven-Mending Dao, including the Master of the Heaven-Mending Way, including the nine elders, and the two guardians, are respectful to the hegemon.

The people in the magic gate originally believed in the strong, not to mention the existence of the heroic hegemon, which was far beyond the ordinary gods and demons.

For people in the magic door, surrendering to the strong is instinct.

Therefore, in the face of the mighty power of the male tyrant like a devil, the Sect Master of Tian Bu Tian Dao did not hesitate to accept his head and worship.

In the view of the righteous disciples, this behavior is simply ashamed of the ancestors of the sect.

But in the demon way, if people lose their lives, what ancestors are there?

Xiong Ba swept his gaze, took a look at the Sect Master of Patching Heaven Dao, and said: "If you have a little eye, I am afraid that the old man will kill."

With the strength of the tyrant, killing all the disciples of the Heavenly Dao, it couldn't be easier.

"Bang Master, I will remember it forever in this life!"

Sovereign Mending Heaven Dao said this, he gathered up the courage to take a look at Xiongba, and carefully asked, "I don't know what the helper needs us to do?"

Since Xiongba has kept them alive, there must be something for them to do.

Xiongba looked at the Sect Master of Patching Heaven Dao, with a hint of appreciation in his eyes.

This is why he stayed to make up for the life of Heavenly Dao Sect Master.

The other party is very knowledgeable.

Position yourself very correctly.

In this way, Xiongba saves a lot of time.

"The old man does have something for you to do."

As soon as Xiongba's voice fell, Sect Master of Heaven Patching said in a low voice: "Please speak to the helper."

"The old man wants to know all the movements of the martial arts in the rivers and lakes, the movements of the major sects, and the information of Cihang Jingzhai."

"Your disciple of Tianxiadao is good at concealment, and is easy to do. Are you willing to become the intelligence agency of the Tianxiahui?"

The male tyrant looked at the Sect Master of Patching Heaven with a smile.

The mending master's expression became stiff, and then he reacted: "Naturally willing."

Xiongba's gaze fell on the Sect Master of Patching Heaven Dao, and he said casually: "Don't worry, if you really do things for the world, the old man will not treat you badly."

"Even if you break through the shackles and step into the realm of gods and demons..."

The words came out.

Deep in the eyes of the Sect Master of Patching Heaven Dao, a deep shock appeared.

Gods and demons?

Sect Master Mending Heaven Dao couldn't think that the other party actually had the means to help him step into the Divine Demon Realm.

In the centuries-old history of Patching Heaven, only the shadow assassin Yang Xuyan two hundred years ago stepped into the realm of gods and demons.

If he can become a **** and demon, he will surely lead the Tao of Heaven to a new peak.

Compared with this kind of glory, surrendering to the world is nothing to mention.

"I will wait to die for the help of the leader!"

Sect Master of Patching Heaven Dao and many of his disciples made a thud, knelt on one knee, and said loudly.



Hall of Eternal Life.

Li Siduan sat on the throne of the dragon Li Si looked at Taiwei Yang Qinglin, and said, "Who is dissatisfied with my decision?"

Taiwei Yang Qinglin folded his hands and said: "Return to your Majesty, they are some of the Li family's children."

"They have a good relationship with Princess Anyang. Seeing that Princess Anyang was exiled, they thought that her majesty's punishment was severe."

Li Si put his right hand on the armrest, looked at Taiwei Yang Qinglin, and asked with interest: "Since it is a matter of the royal family, how did Aiqing know about it?"

Hearing this, Tai Wei Yang Qinglin said without hesitation: "Before the emperor died, he asked his minister to assist his majesty with all his heart, and asked him to pay more attention to the movements of the imperial children..."

"That's it."

Li Si nodded slightly.

Li Si was still thinking before, how could Taiwei Yang Qinglin as the minister of life left by the first emperor without any means?

At this time, it seemed that Taiwei Yang Qinglin's role was to monitor the Li family's children.

This is what the first emperor prepared for Li Si!

At the critical moment, it is very likely to help Li Si reverse the situation.

Although Datang’s various ancestral precepts restrict the princes of the Tang Dynasty from being in charge of soldiers, not to communicate with the ministers of the DPRK and China, and not to leave Changan without authorization...

But if, because of this, completely let go of the imperial children, it would be a big mistake.

"I know about this."

When Li Si said this, a hint of coldness appeared on his face.

"You told my brothers and sisters that if they have ideas about my decision, they will come to the Hall of Longevity and tell me in person!"

"I want to see if they are still so tough in front of me!"

Li Si sneered again and again. These imperial children were born with noble celestial celestial beings, and they don't want to think about it. These are all given.

At this time, who gave them the qualifications to question the emperor's decision?

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