Summon the Mythical Emperor of the World

Chapter 134: I have this Mingjun in Datang, so why not reopen the prosperous age!

East Plant Dungeon.

Nangong Qing sat on the ground with her knees crossed, her thoughts rising and falling.

As the leader of the right path, Cihang Jingzhai does not rely solely on his own force to coerce the world's martial arts.

For example, two hundred and forty years ago, the evil king Shi Zhixuan was a disaster, and the world dared not speak up. At that time, the evil king Shi Zhixuan's strength was already above the sky, far from being an enemy of ordinary gods and demons, even Cihang Jingzhai could not help the evil king.

At this time of crisis in the world.

The descendants of that generation of Cihang Jingzhai used their bodies to feed the tiger, let the evil king fall in love with him, and finally took the evil king back to her retreat... Cihang Jingzhai solved the evil king's situation without abandoning a single soldier. Great troubles.

Two hundred years ago, Emperor Taizong swept the world, and he also favored the descendants of Cihang Jingzhai. After the founding of the Tang Dynasty, he took more care of Cihang Jingzhai and let Cihang Jingzhai flourish for two hundred years...

It can be said that the reason why Cihang Jingzhai is so famous today is to a large extent derived from the beauty of his own disciples...

Since ancient times, it is hardest to accept the grace of beauty.

What's more, the descendant of Cihang Jingzhai, because of the practice of [Sword Code], his temperament is high and cold, and he is more and more able to arouse men's desire to conquer... Now, Nangong Qingxiu is the only one who can rely on, Only my own skin...

Nangongqing is very confident in herself. There is no man in the world who can resist her...

As long as she can become the woman of the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, she can indirectly influence the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty...

In this way, her Nangongqing can imitate the ancestors of Ci Hang Jing Zhai, and at the expense of herself, avoid the heavy losses of Ci Hang Jing Zhai...

In the Dongchang dungeon, Nangongqing's idea became firmer.

She Nangongqing wants to feed the tiger with her body and conquer the Emperor of Tang Dynasty!



Household Department.

The Hubu Shangshu left the early dynasty and returned directly to the Hubu.

"grown ups."

"This is the business tax in recent days..."

Hubu Shangshu waved his hand: "Put it on the table, I will look at it later."

When Hubu Shangshu was busy with the things on hand, he glanced at the commercial taxation of the last few days at will, his pupils shrank suddenly.


"What's the situation?"

Hubu Shangshu widened his eyes and almost thought he had read it wrong.

The business tax for the past few days has been calculated.

Commercial tax is different from land tax.

Land tax is collected once a year, and the time span is very long.

However, business taxes are counted every few days.

Because every moment, commodity exchange occurs, and at the same time commodity exchange, there will be commercial tax.

However, Hubu Shangshu was scared by the commercial tax in recent days.

"How can it be?!"

"How can business taxes soar?"

Hubu Shangshu swallowed, his expression shocked.

The commercial tax placed in front of the household department has been counted.

In the last few days, the commercial tax collected in Chang'an City alone amounted to 200,000 taels of silver.

Two hundred thousand taels?

What is this concept?

This is only a commercial tax within the scope of Chang'an City.

If the scope is spread to the whole country, how much business tax should there be?

If this trend is followed, Datang’s commercial tax will be at least 50 million taels in one year!

50 million taels?

A number that the Hube Shangshu never dreamed of.

Today, Datang's annual tax revenue is only several million taels.

This also includes land tax.

As for business tax...

In Datang, merchants have never been major taxpayers.

But now?

Looking at the numbers in front of me,

Hube Shangshu was full of shock!

It suddenly occurred to Hubu Shangshu that the emperor was sitting on the throne of the dragon chair and called him and Taiwei Yang Qinglin to the Hall of Longevity, preparing to adjust the commercial tax and cancel the checkpoint tax. When the Hubu Shangshu was ready to discourage.

Because, in the view of the Ministry of Households, once the checkpoint tax is cancelled, the commercial tax is very likely to collapse.

Checkpoint tax occupies a large part of commercial tax.

If the checkpoint tax is abolished, what other commercial tax can be collected?

However, Li Si did not consider the opinions of the Hubu Shangshu at all, and directly decreed that the Hubu Shangshu should be implemented.

Hubu Shangshu can only bite the bullet, tell the world and convey the will of the emperor.

In the beginning, after the checkpoint tax was abolished, the Ministry of Households had already prepared for the worst, and the business tax would not be required in the future.

But now, Hubu Shangshu sees the skyrocketing commercial tax as if he is dreaming.

"Your Majesty Shengming!!!"

Hubu Shangshu had only this sentence in his mind.

Because, according to the current trend, even if only relying on commercial taxes, the Treasury of the Tang Empire can be assured of worry-free...

Hube Shangshu thought that he was skeptical of His Majesty's will, and felt ashamed!

At that time, he thought that his Majesty had just ascended the throne, and he did not understand the situation in Datang, and changed the commercial tax without authorization, which would inevitably cause major problems.

Now it seems that it is not the emperor who really does not understand the situation in the Tang Dynasty, but the Shangshu of his household...

The Hubu Shangshu heart is surging.

Now that the commercial tax reform is so successful, Hubu Shangshu is confident in the next land reform.

"I have this Mingjun in Datang, so why not reopen the prosperous age!"

Hubu Shangshu looked forward to it in his heart. He seemed to see that under the leadership of Li Si, the Datang Empire surrendered from all directions, and the nations came to congratulate!



Li Si ended his early dynasty and returned to the Hall of Longevity.

Not long after Li Si returned to the Hall of Longevity, Dongchang Cao Zhengchun begged to see him outside the Li Si changed into his normal clothes, sat on the throne of the dragon chair, and said calmly: "Announce him in!"

"According to the purpose."

The next **** quit the Hall of Longevity.

Soon after, Cao Zhengchun walked in quickly, knelt down and said, "I have seen your Majesty!"

"Get up."

"Thank your majesty."

Cao Zhengchun stood up, bowed and said, "Your Majesty Qi, the old slave, according to your Majesty's words, thoroughly investigated the two ambassadors of Beiting and Shuofang, and now there has been new progress!"

Li Si's face turned dark when he heard the words: "Tell me."

Cao Zhengchun folded his hands and said: "Return to your Majesty, according to the spy report, Shuo Fang Jiedu has been secretly colluding with other Jiedu over the years.


When Cao Zhengchun said this, Wei Wei hesitated.

"And what?"

Li Si narrowed his eyes slightly, and a hint of coldness appeared on his face.

"And at this time, Shuofang Jiedu has already transferred the 400,000 army away from Shuofang border, and can send troops straight into the interior at any time..."

"So courageous!!!"

Li Si patted the Dragon Case with his right hand fiercely, and cracks appeared on the Dragon Case.

Inside and outside the Hall of Longevity, all the eunuchs and maids knelt down, shaking all over.

"Your Majesty calms down."

Cao Zhengchun thumped, and also knelt on the ground, bowing his head.


"Shuofang Jiedushi?"

"What does he want to call out 400,000 troops?"

"Do you want to go straight to the mainland and break through my Chang'an city?"

Li Si's eyes were cold, and his words were filled with bitter killing intent!

Li Si never imagined that Shuo Fang Jiedushi was so bold! Calling out an army of four hundred thousand privately is no longer an ordinary resistance.

This is a blatant rebellion! ! !

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