Summon the Mythical Emperor of the World

Chapter 142: I have a sword that can slash the gods and demons of the world

   Above the battlefield.

   Shuo Fang Jiedu made a decision in his heart.

   He wants King Liang to die!

  Only King Liang died.

   This war, he can win a big victory.

  Finally, with the momentum of a big victory, sweep the world!

   It's just that, at this moment, King Liang is huddled in the back.

   Also, King Liang is guarded by soldiers.

   Unless the Datang party is defeated, King Liang will have no life worry.

   Shuo Fang Jie Du makes the mind fluctuate.

   "To this day, there is only this way."

   Shuo Fang Jiedu gave a light sigh and looked at the white-robed scribe.

   Shuo Fang Jiedu's initial plan was to wait for the silver armored soldiers on the side of the Tang Dynasty to appear, then let the white-clothed scribes entangle the opponent, and then shoot them with a broken crossbow.

   With the strength of the white-clothed scribes in the Divine Demon Realm, even if it is not as good as the silver-armored soldiers, they can entangle the silver-armored soldiers for a while without any problems.

  At that time, under the thousand-year-old mysterious iron arrow of the god-breaking crossbow, the silver armored soldiers had only one result of falling.


  The plan cannot keep up with the changes.

   Now that the silver armor soldiers have not yet appeared, Shuo Fang Jiedu can't bear the loss.

"the host."

   The white-robed scribe noticed Shuo Fang Jiedu's gaze, looked up at Shuo Fang Jiedu, and said.

   "The master intends to let me assassinate King Liang?"

   The white-clothed scribes immediately saw Shufang Jiedushi's plan.

   Now, if you want to win the war at the fastest speed, killing King Liang is the easiest way.

   Once King Liang dies, the Tang army will inevitably fail.

   Shuo Fang Jiedu looked at the white-clothed scribes, and said solemnly: "Are you sure?"

   "It's just an innate realm."

   "Even with the protection of a large army, with my strength, it is not difficult to kill him!"

   The scribes in white clothes are full of arrogance.

  As a **** and demon, it couldn't be simpler to take the first rank of the enemy in the army.

   If it weren't for the silver armored soldiers who hadn't appeared in fear, the white-clothed scribes would have committed suicide on the battlefield.


   "The silver armor **** and demon from Datang has never appeared."

   "I am worried that the other party also has the intention to assassinate the owner..."

  The scribe in white confided his concerns.

  For Shuofang Jiedu, killing King Liang can quickly end the war and achieve victory...

   But for King Liang, is it not like this?

   As long as Shuo Fang Jiedu is dead, King Liang can quickly settle Shuo Fang.

  The white-clothed scribe was worried, and the silver-armored soldier had been hiding in the dark.

   Once he leaves and the other party shows up, it's not good.

   Shuo Fang Jiedu frowned upon hearing this.


   The worries of the scribes in white clothes are not unreasonable.

   If the other party is really so insidious, he is really dangerous.

   Shuo Fang Jiedu makes the move hesitate.

   after a moment.

  Shuo Fangjiedu made a hint of cruel color appear on his face.

   He can't just watch the army being consumed like this.

   Not so.

   He Shufang Jiedu made a bet rather than a bet.

   Shuo Fang Jiedushi's biggest hole card is the God Breaking Crossbow.

  Even if the silver armored soldier came to assassinate, as long as Shuo Fang Jiedu passed the first wave and then used the god-breaking crossbow, the opponent would definitely throw the rat and dare not move.

   In this way, Shufang Jiedu's life was saved.

   As for King Liang.

   In the eyes of Shuofang Jiedu, even if King Liang, like him, had overcome the first move of the white scribe, he could not resist the second move.

   Shuo Fang Jiedu could not believe that King Liang also mastered a weapon like a **** breaking crossbow.

   If the Datang Empire really had such a hole card, it would have been used as early as the Anshi Rebellion.

   Shuo Fang Jiedu makes it absolutely impossible to be ignorant of this.

   Therefore, Shufang Jiedushi made another bet.

   As long as he can hold the silver armored soldier with the **** breaking crossbow.

  Waiting for the white scribes to kill King Liang.

   The overall situation has been decided.

   The Tang army lost the command of King Liang, and had to be slaughtered by Shuo Fang Jiedu.

   "It's okay."

   "You go kill King Liang now!"

   Shuo Fang Jiedushi took a deep breath, and his eyes fell on the white-robed scribe.


  The scribe in white nodded.

  Since Shufang Jiedu had made a decision, he would naturally not continue to stop it.

   The white scribe stepped out and disappeared in place.

   Shuo Fang Jiedu saw this and paid close attention to his surroundings. Once there was any change, he could react immediately.

at the same time.

   The scribes in white have sneaked into the battlefield silently.

   The white scribes are extremely fast.

   came to the vicinity of King Liang in just a moment.

   The scribes in white did not get in immediately.

   directly went in, although it was the fastest, but it also gave Liang Wang time to react.

  The scribes in white clothes have to wait for a foolproof opportunity.

   A chance to kill in one hit!


   King Liang looked at the battlefield constantly fighting in the distance, his brows furrowed.

   Shuo Fang Jiedushi's worries also happened to King Liang.

   In the eyes of King Liang, if we continue to fight like this, even if we can win in the end, it will be a tragic victory.

   At that time, with the remnants returning to Chang'an, what face does King Liang have to see his Majesty?

   Your Majesty asked him to lead a 400,000 army, but he brought this soldier back alive. King Liang could only die to thank the holy grace.

   At this point, King Liang rode directly on his horse and came to the edge of the battlefield, shouting loudly: "Today, the king will put down the rebellion according to your majesty's will. Of course, your majesty is kind, give you a chance to surrender!"

   "As long as you put down the sword, the king will be punished lightly, and the crime will not die."

   "If you still resist, you will be afflicted with the nine tribes, and the sin is unforgivable!!!"

   The voice of King Liang was blessed by the true Qi in his body, and it spread to all directions in an instant.

   Countless Shuo Fang soldiers heard the words of King Liang, their expressions changed slightly.

   For ordinary soldiers, if they have a choice, they are really unwilling to rebel.

  Because, even if the rebellion succeeded in the end, it was the military generals who benefited.

   The vast majority of them ordinary soldiers, what they were like before the rebellion, and what they were like after the rebellion.

   Get more military pay at most.

   It’s just that, now I heard those words of King Liang ~ If the rebellion fails, the nine clans will be imprisoned.

   After so much care, some of the soldiers who were fighting began to shake.

   Success in the rebellion is very likely, but it is just getting more military salary.

   If the rebellion fails, it will inevitably be linked to the nine clans.

   Which one should I choose?

   King Liang looked overjoyed when he saw this scene.


at this time.

   The white-clothed scribes hiding in the dark's eyes lit up.

  The opportunity is here!

   The scribe in white took a step, and his figure suddenly appeared ten meters away from King Liang.

   For the gods and demons, such a close distance is almost instantaneous.

   "Die to me!"

   The white-robed scribe looked cold and pressed his palm towards King Liang.

  In an instant, King Liang only felt an unprecedented crisis flooding his mind.

"not good!"

   King Liang's expression changed wildly.

   King Liang wants to retreat violently.

   Just, with his strength, how could he avoid a violent assassination by a **** and demon?

   Just when King Liang was about to close his eyes and wait for death.

   A black robe man appeared in front of King Liang silently.

  The black-robed man looked at the white-robed scribe, a trace of contempt appeared in his eyes.

  The black robe man held his finger like a knife, from top to bottom, towards the white-robed scribe, slashing away.

   hum! ! !

   An illusory sword air appeared. .

   Sword Qi is dim and dark, as if from the abyss of hell!

   I have a sword that can kill the gods and demons of the world!

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