Summon the Mythical Emperor of the World

Chapter 158: Ci Hang Jing Zhai and Lingnan Song Family

   Outside the territory of the Tang Dynasty.

   These blond and blue-eyed foreigners stared at Xiongguan in the distance.

   It was the first time they saw such a majestic border in their memory.

   Compared with this Xiongguan, the borders in their country are almost like rough walls...

   Even though they were so far apart, they still felt a domineering aura, rushing toward their faces.

"found it!"

"Finally found!"

   "Datang Empire, this must be Datang Empire!"

   "This must be the Tang Empire recorded in ancient books!"

The white man headed by    cried with joy.

   It is impossible to build such a victorious country, except for the legendary Great Tang Empire, and the heavenly kingdom that allowed all nations to surrender!

   And the purpose of these people is the Great Tang Empire!

  They traveled thousands of miles away from their hometown, didn't they just meet the supreme Emperor of Tang Dynasty?

   Now, the goal is right in front of him, even if everyone on the field is exhausted physically and mentally, there is a strong excitement in my heart.

   "Da Tang Empire!"

   The white man took a deep breath.

   Even if his lips are cracked at the moment, it is difficult to conceal the excitement in his heart.

"let's go!"

   "Go now!"

   The white man said in a hoarse voice.

   Now, the Datang Empire is far away, they only need to hold on for a while before they can enter the country they dream of.

   "I heard that the emperor of Tang Dynasty, adhering to the will of heaven and earth, so he called himself the "son of heaven"..."

   The white man couldn't help thinking.

   The sand blows!

   These blond and blue-eyed foreigners, with heavy steps, walked towards the distant place...


   Imperial Palace.

   Royal Garden.

   Li Si, with his hands on his back, walked slowly with Mu Meiren in the imperial garden.

   Mu Mu followed the emperor unhurriedly with broken steps, very satisfied.

  Since Mu Mu was canonized as Mu Meiren, in the past few months, as it is now, I have been alone with the emperor in the imperial garden, not many times.

   The emperor is too busy.

   was so busy that there was no time to visit Mu Mu.

   It's just that Mu Mu has no complaints about it.

   Mu Mu knew in his heart that the more the emperor was busy with state affairs, the more prosperous the Datang Empire.

  Compared with major national events, what is this little thought in Mu Mu's heart?

  Mu Mu is a gardener, but she also knows that as a concubine, the most taboo thing is to pester the emperor all day...

   "The weather is good, and the flowers in the imperial garden are all blooming."

   Li Si was in a good mood and chatted with Mu Mu at will.

   Since Zhang Juzheng entered the cabinet, Li Si didn't have to deal with memorials all day, but it was much easier.

   Mu Mu followed behind the emperor and whispered: "Your Majesty, the weather is getting warmer, but you still have to pay attention to catch the cold..."

   "Cold cold?"

   Li Si cannot deny it.

   He runs the emperor's qi refining technique, and at every moment, he is in harmony with the vast national fortune of the Tang Dynasty, how can he catch a cold?

   Li Si has a feeling that his current physical fitness has exceeded that of ordinary gods and monsters.

   How terrifying is this?

   You should know that if you are an ordinary warrior, even if you are talented, it will take at least forty years to become a **** and demon...

   But what about Li Si?

   It has only been more than four months since he became the throne.

   And, after these four months, Li Si has hardly practiced...

   If this is to let other gods and demons in the world know, I am afraid it will be extremely desperate.

   Compared with normal gods and monsters.

   The biggest difference between Li Si is that there is no true essence in the body of the gods and devil.

   The movement in Li Si's body is the ‘qi’ cultivated by the emperor’s refining technique.

   This ‘qi’ is profound and profound, and is connected to the universe, the universe, and the void.

  Even, Li Si was able to fit in with the national destiny of the Tang Dynasty because of this ‘qi’.

   Li Si slowed down, stopped, and turned to look at Mu Mu: "Mu Meiren, is there anything missing recently? I will ask the **** to send it to you."

   Mu Mu heard the words and said quickly: "Your Majesty, the concubines are in the palace now, and they have a very good life. There is nothing missing..."

   Now, Mu Mu is the only concubine canonized by the emperor.

   There is no shortage of normal food and clothing.

   "That's good."

   Li Si nodded slightly.

   Mu Mu plucked up his courage and looked up at the emperor: "Your Majesty, the concubine wants a child..."

   When Li Si heard this, he naturally knew what Mumu meant.

   If you just want a child, Mu Mu can let out the wind.

  At that time, I don’t know how many wives of the Minister of Korea and China are willing to send their children to the palace to accompany Mu Mu...

   Li Si understood that Mu Mu wanted to have a child by herself.

   Other people's children, how can they have their own closeness?

   "I see."

   Li Si looked calm and spoke.

   If Mu Mu is pregnant with Dragon Seed, even if she is a gardener before canonization, she can still be one of the twelve noble concubines.

  In the harem, the status of the noble concubine far exceeds that of the beauty.

  Only a concubine with a dragon heir can be canonized as one of the twelve noble concubines.

   Even, if Mu Mu is carrying the prince in her belly, she might have a chance to sit in the position of the queen.

  The queen is the lord of the harem, the mother of the world, and manages all the affairs of the harem.

   The current queen mother only temporarily helps the queen manage the harem.

   Once a new palace appears in the Tang Dynasty, the Queen Mother will have to give up her power and maintain her life.

   It's a pity, although Li Si has been lucky enough to Mumu several times, but Mumu's belly is not up to date, and it hasn't grown up yet...


  The emperor steps on the peak.

   Ci Hang Jing Zhai.

  The woman in a white robe stood on top of the rock, looking up at the sky.

  "Can’t wait any woman in the moon-white robe suddenly made a decision in her heart.

   "Come on."

  As soon as the voice of the woman in the white robe fell off, a disciple of Cihang Jingzhai came up and said respectfully: "Master Zhai."

   "Go to Lingnan and find the head of the Song family."

  The woman in a white robe slowly spoke.

   "Lingnan Song Family?"

   Cihangjingzhai woman looked surprised.

  Lingnan Song Family, one of the top family members at that time.

   Two hundred years ago, Song Que, the lord of the Song family in Lingnan, fought with Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty.

   Although it was Emperor Taizong who fixed the Ding Jiangshan in the end, he still couldn't hide the glory of the Song family.

   Song Que, the lord of the Song family at the time, was known as the "Heaven Sword" and was one of the strongest gods and demons in the world.

   After the establishment of the Great Tang, the Song family retreated in Lingnan, very low-key.

   Because of this, two hundred years have passed, and now in the martial arts, almost everyone thinks that the Lingnan Song family has fallen...

   But the woman in the moon white robe knew in her heart that the Lingnan Song family not only had not fallen, but had become more and more unfathomable.

   If it wasn't for Nangongqing this time, or the World Meeting, the woman in the moon white robe would never contact the Song family...

   "Lord Zhai, what should I do after finding the lord of the Song family?"

   Cihang Jingzhai's disciple couldn't help but said. .

   "Tell the Lord of the Song Family..."

  The woman in the white robe with a faint gaze said faintly: "Two hundred years ago, the agreement between Tiandao Song Que and my Ci Hang Jingzhai, now it is your Song family's promise."

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