Summon the Mythical Emperor of the World

Chapter 160: The shock of Zhang Gong of Academy of Sciences!

  In the Hall of Longevity.

   The lone sword demon returned from Shuofang.

   Li Si nodded slightly: "Get up."

   "Comply with the purpose."

   Li Si looked at the Dugu Sword Demon and said, "How is Shuofang?"

   "Return to your Majesty."

   "Shuofang no longer has the power of God and Demon."

   "Now Shuofang is completely under the control of King Liang."

  Dugu Sword Demon's eyes drooped and said slowly.

   Before leaving Shuofang, Dugu Sword Demon had searched Shuofang thoroughly and confirmed that there was no threat before returning to Chang'an.

   After all, it would not take a few days for King Liang to conquer Shuo Fang.

   If the Dugu Sword Demon continues to stay in Shuofang, it is meaningless.

   Say it again.

   The task that your Majesty gave to Dugu Sword Demon was to follow King Liang to solve Shuofang’s power of God and Demon.

   Now that Shuofang has no god-devil-level combat power, the lone sword demon has naturally completed the task...

   "What else?"

   Li Si suddenly asked, meaning to point out.

  Dugu Sword Demon's expression was calm, as if he hadn't been surprised at all: "Your Majesty, outside the border, those alien races have changed, but King Liang had been prepared for it. After the two sides contacted, the alien race retreated."

   Shuo Fang Jiedu's rebellion caused a sensation in the world.

   I must have heard of it.

   Shuo Fang Jiedushi drew most of his troops, which is also an opportunity for the alien race.

   If they can take the opportunity to break through the Shuofang border and invade the Datang Empire on a large scale, it will definitely make these aliens' lives easier.

   The northwest is bitterly cold, not as good as the grasslands, let alone the rich Central Plains.

   It would be a dream in the hearts of aliens if they could come in and looting.

   It is a pity that King Liang learned the lessons of Hexi Border Pass and did not give these aliens a chance at all.

   After winning the war, the first thing King Liang did was to reintegrate the border guards and dispatch a large number of scouts to strictly monitor the movements of the aliens.

   In this case, the alien race only needs to move a little bit, and within a few hours, King Liang will receive it.

   Even if the alien is not reconciled, there is nothing to do.

   There is King Liang sitting on the border, unless they are like Turks, even with the strength of a country, there is hope of breaking.

   It’s just that the cost of doing this is too great.

   And, to lose the first opportunity, I can only force a head-on with the border soldiers.


Even if in the end, the alien race really desperately, and the soldiers of the whole country, I am afraid that they will be desperate to find that what they have to face is not the hundreds of thousands of soldiers at the Hexi Border, but the invincible powerhouse of Dugu Sword Demon, the two heavenly gods and demons. .

   "Not bad."

   Li Si nodded slightly.

   didn't know whether he was talking about Dugu Sword Demon or Liang Wang Li Zhen.

   Li Si chatted with Dugu Sword Demon again, and Dugu Sword Demon disappeared and hid in the dark to protect his Majesty.

   For Dugu Sword Demon, his most important task is to protect your majesty's safety.



   Academy of Sciences.

   Zhang Gong looked at the roughly-made model in front of him, and there was a strong enthusiasm on his face.

   Since his Majesty’s reminder last time to convert ‘steam’ into power, Zhang Gong has devoted all his energy to it.

   Zhang Gong has a faint feeling that the "steam" that His Majesty said will have an earth-shaking impact on the Tang Dynasty.

   Gong Gong knows that there are many kinds of'forces' in the world.

   Like wind, like water power.

   But these ‘forces’ are very dependent on the environment and cannot be controlled by humans.

   In other words, there are various uncertainties in the use of this ‘power’.

   For example, if you want to use water power, you must first have a river waterfall.

   If you want to borrow the wind, you must first have the wind, and the wind direction is the direction you want.

   But ‘steam’ is different.

   Zhang Gong discovered that this new ‘power’ can be used anytime and anywhere.

   Zhang Gong's heart is surging and excited.

   If it is possible to successfully use'steam', it would be an unprecedented change for the Tang Empire.

   "Your Majesty, wise, heaven and human, has the incredible idea of ​​using'steam'..."

   Zhang Gong settled down, with infinite admiration in his heart.

   The phenomenon of ‘steam’ is everywhere in every house.

   People in Datang basically know it.

   Who has never boiled water?

   Who has never seen the boiling water boil and the steam boils?

   Since ancient times, who has ever thought about taking advantage of this unusual phenomenon?

   Only Your Majesty!

  Only when your majesty has the wisdom to reach the sky, can you discover things that can change the world from this extraordinary phenomenon!

   Zhang Gong’s eyes are bright!

   At this moment, Zhang Gong has only one thought in his mind...

   Is your Majesty an omniscient saint?


   Zhang Gong looked at the simple model in front of him.

   This model is based on the reminder of His Majesty Zhang Gong, and then according to his own ideas, made a model that can use ‘steam’ and convert ‘steam’ into other power.

   The bottom layer in the model is a pot of boiling hot water.

   The boiling ‘steam’ continued to rise along the pipes Zhang Gong placed, and finally hit the fan blades, causing the fan blades to rotate slowly.

   Gong Gong used this model to successfully convert'steam' into other power.

   However, Zhang Gong is not satisfied with the status quo.

   Ever since the discovery of ‘steam’, Zhang Gong’s whimsy has never stopped.

   Gong Zhang even has a goal, to use the power of'steam' to bring Datang into a brand new prosperous age!

  By then, the wooden birds made by Zhang Gong might be able to completely get rid of the dependence on wind...


  Wang Mu stood outside Chang'an City, looking at the tall walls of Chang'an City and the people passing by, his heart was full of ambition!

   At the time of the Imperial Wang Mu came to this city of Chang'an with uneasy speculation, but now, on the order of his majesty, he went to Hexi to serve as the general soldier.

   Wang Mu knew that this was an opportunity for him, but it was also a challenge.

   If Wang Mu performed well, he would definitely make a big mark in his seniority.

   If Wang Mu's performance is unsatisfactory, I am afraid that his career will end here.

   However, no matter what the result is, Wang Mu is full of endless fighting spirit at this moment.

   Wang Mu, he has to do his best to die for your Majesty!

   Wang Mu, he will never let your Majesty down!

   Wang Mu took a deep breath and turned to look at Chen He next to him.

  Chen He was a flower hunter in the imperial examination. This time he went to Hexi with Wang Mu to take up his post.

   Chen He, like Wang Mu, is a poor student.

   Therefore, Wang Mu is naturally closer to Chen He.

   "Brother Chen."

   "Let's go now."

   After Wang Mu finished speaking, he directly boarded the carriage.

   Chen He reacted suddenly after Wang Mu reminded him.

   Chen He raised his head and looked deeply at the towering Chang'an City.

  Before, Chen He was a poor boy from a poor family, and even a steamed bun was split in half.

   But now, he Chen He entered the officialdom of Chang'an and saw the life of the rich and powerful in Chang'an...

   Now, he Chen He is in power and he has become the admiral of Hexi.

   Something called ambition has continuously taken root in Chen He's heart...

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