Summon the Mythical Emperor of the World

Chapter 166: The change of the emperor's refining technique


   Song family.

   Cihang Jingzhai disciple Jingyue looked at the robe man.

   The man in the robe has a deep breath, giving Jingyue a great sense of oppression.

   "God and Devil!"

   "He is a **** and demon!"

   Jingyue's look became more respectful.

   Although, after being reminded by the lord of Cihang Jingzhai Zhai, Jingyue learned that the Lingnan Song family is unfathomable.

   But when Jingyue really discovered that the head of the Song family was a **** and demon, she still had a huge wave in her heart.

  The martial artist of the God and Demon Realm is already extraordinary and above all living beings.

   Even Cihang Jingzhai did not dare to offend a **** and demon too much.

  Although, Cihang Jingzhai is powerful and has numerous backgrounds.

   But if you and a **** and demon are endlessly dying, the other party will look down and attack the junior of Cihang Jingzhai. I am afraid that there is no way for Cihang Jingzhai.

  Of course, ordinary gods and demons would not do such a thing of surrendering their status.

   But it cannot be denied, no matter what period, gods and demons have a great deterrent.

  The reason why the Li family of Datang was able to sit firmly and create the prosperous age of Xuanzong was also related to the three gods and demons sitting in the palace.

   It's a pity that the Anshi Rebellion caused these three gods and demons to escape.

   There are no more gods and demons in Datang.

   has since started to go downhill.

   If it weren't for Li Si's birth, Datang might still be lingering...

   Jingyue looked at the man in the robe and bowed slightly to show respect.

   "The Lord Zhai asked me to come over to ask the lord of the Song family. Two hundred years ago, Tiandao Song Que and my Ci Hang Jingzhai agreed that it was time for the Song family to fulfill their promise..."

   Jingyue said as she took out the jade pendant that the Lord Zhai gave him.

  The jade pendant is engraved with the word ‘Song’.

   The man in the robe saw the jade, a trace of complexity appeared in his eyes.

   Jingyue saw this and quickly handed the jade pendant to the man in the robe.

   The man in the robe took the jade pendant and gently stroked...

   Although Jingyue was anxious, she did not dare to interrupt her.

   After a long time, the man in the robe raised his eyes and said, "What does Cihang Jingzhai need from my Song family?"



  Eternal Life Hall.

   Li Si flipped through the memorial.

  Although, Li Si established a cabinet to take charge of state affairs and government affairs.

  The cabinet can only handle ordinary memorials.

   It is really related to the memorial of major national events. The cabinet has no right to call the shots, and the emperor needs to see it himself.

   It’s just that with cabinet screening, Li Si is also much easier, without having to deal with memorials all day...

at this time.

   approached the **** and walked in, and bowed and said, "My Majesty, please see me from the Ministry of Rites."

   "Book of Etiquette?"

   Li Si raised his head slightly and said, "Xuan."


   The Book of Rites entered the Hall of Longevity.

   "The minister has seen your Majesty."

   Shang Shu of the Ministry of Religion bows.

   "Flat body."

   Li Si put down the memorial and looked at the Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites: "Let's talk about Aiqing."

   Upon hearing the words of the Shangshu of the Ministry of Etiquette, he immediately said: "Enjoy your majesty, the Queen Mother asked the veteran to start preparing for the World Draft..."

   A few months ago, the Queen Mother also asked him to prepare for the World Draft.

   It's just that in that draft, there was a remnant of the magic door hiding in it, trying to assassinate your Majesty.

   Although, the remnants of the magic gate did not succeed.

   But your Majesty Long Yan was furious, and I don't know how many officials are in prison.

  Even, the only son of Jiedu Shi in Hexi at that time was imprisoned in the Dongchang Dungeon...

   Now that the Queen Mother is preparing for the World Draft again, Shang Shu of the Ministry of Rites dare not call the shots without authorization, and came here to ask the emperor.

   According to the Book of Rites, the Queen Mother is certainly the emperor’s biological mother.

   The status is noble, no one can match.

   But the real master of the Tang Empire is your Majesty.

   If Your Majesty is unwilling, even if the Queen Mother puts a knife on the neck of the Ritual Department Shangshu, the Ritual Department Shangshu dare not agree...


   Li Si sat on the throne of the dragon chair, lost in thought.

   Li Si understands the meaning of the queen mother.

  The emperor draft is not only about choosing concubines for yourself.

   is to show the minister of court, and show the world.

   If an emperor has been in the throne for several months, but only accepts a concubine, it will inevitably cause criticism...

   Of course, Li Si can completely ignore these.

   However, if this is the case, there will be more memorials about Na Fei every day in Li Si's dragon case...

   The ministers who wrote these memorials were basically veterans who were dedicated to thinking about the Tang Dynasty.

  They hope that Li Si can give birth to dragon heirs as soon as possible and stabilize the court...

   In the face of these stubborn courtiers, Li Si is not good at shutting them all into the East Factory...

   Li Si rubbed his eyebrows, and said: "When will the queen be drafted?"

   As soon as Li Si's voice fell, the Book of Rites hurriedly said: "Enjoy your majesty, the Queen Mother asks the old minister to prepare this matter from now on..."

   Li Si slightly leaned on the throne of the dragon chair, and slowly said, "Since it is the meaning of the mother queen, please do as the mother said."

   For Li Si, if the draft can silence the ministers in the court, Li Si would not mind another draft.

   Anyway, the show girl has been selected and entered the palace, but it is Li Si's own business whether he can get the emperor's blessing.

   Li Si can raise these beautiful women in the palace.

   In this way, the courtiers in the court have no reason to play...

   As for the cost of raising a beautiful girl...

   Since Li Si began to implement land reform and commercial reform, Datang’s annual tax revenue, I don’t know how much it will soar...

   It is completely possible to raise some show girls.

   "Comply with the purpose."

   The emperor's head was nodded, and his heart was relieved.

   Then, Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites led the order to leave the Hall of Longevity.

   After returning to the Ministry of Etiquette, Shangshu immediately began to manage the world draft.


  East Factory.

   Yuanzai bowed and stood in front of Cao Zhengchun.

   "What's the matter with Yuan Yuan Zhao Za's family?"

   Cao Zhengchun's eyes were soft and he scanned Yuan Zai without leaving a trace.

   Yuanzai felt his scalp and immediately said: "Governor Cao, I found this in the depths of the treasure. Now I will dedicate it to your majesty."

   Yuanzai took out the jade box.

   "To your majesty?"

   Cao Zhengchun frowned slightly.

   How noble is your Majesty, can anything be dedicated to your Majesty?

   Cao Zhengchun was patient and opened the box at will.

"this is?"

   Cao Zhengchun's pupils shrank slightly.

   Cao Zhengchun raised his head and looked at Yuan Zai, his expression was obviously solemn: "Let's enter the palace with the miscellaneous family."


   Cao Zhengchun took Yuan Zai into the palace and came to the Palace of Longevity.

  In the Hall of Longevity.

   Li Si is preparing to eat.

   approached the **** and walked in and reported: "Your Majesty, Governor Cao, please see me."

   "Let him come in."

   Li Si's voice just fell.

   "Comply with the purpose."

   approached the **** and retired.

Shortly after.

   Cao Zhengchun took Yuan Zai into the Hall of Longevity.

   Li Si raised his head and glanced at the two of them.

   "Your Majesty, this was discovered by the criminal minister in the depths of the treasure."

   Yuan Zai knelt on the ground with a puff, took out the jade box, held it in his hand, and slowly opened it.

   Li Siduan sat on the throne of the dragon chair and looked at the jade box in Yuan Zai's hand.

   However. .

   Just when Yuan Zai opened the jade box.

   Li Si's body slowly revolved, as if the never-ending emperor's Qi refining technique began to vibrate and boil.

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