Summon the Mythical Emperor of the World

Chapter 169: Lingnan Song's choice!

  In the Hall of Longevity.

   Li Si sat on the throne of the dragon chair and read the memorial.

   Regarding Zhang Gong’s request for additional resources for the Academy of Sciences, Li Si certainly would not refuse.

   The Academy of Sciences is related to Li Si's plan, and there must be no mistake.

   Therefore, Li Si did not hesitate to let the Hubu Shangshu allocate 500,000 taels of silver to the Academy of Sciences.

   As for whether Zhang Gong privately transferred this money...

   The Academy of Sciences has its own rules of the Academy of Sciences.

   Every penny used by Zhang Gong must be recorded for random inspection at any time.

   In this case, if Zhang Gong makes any small actions, it is impossible to hide it.

   Say it again.

   Even if he gave Zhang Gong ten courage, he didn't dare to covet Emperor Mo's money.

   just when Li Si was thinking about it.

  Taiyi people walked in, stared at your majesty, leaned forward and said: "The slave servant has seen your majesty."

   Li Si raised his eyes and said, "What are you here for?"

   The emperor's cold words made Tantai Yiren's body tremble.

  Tai Yiren bit his lip and whispered: "Your Majesty, although the weather is getting warmer, you still need to pay attention to the cold. The slave servant sewed a robe for your Majesty..."

   There was a timid expression on the face of Tai Yiren.

   Li Si looked at the Tantai Yiren.

   This woman, from the very beginning to boldly seduce the emperor, to the emperor who was detached, willingly guarded in front of the emperor, without the slightest complaint.

  If it were other emperors, I am afraid that Tantai Yiren would have been included in the harem long ago.

   But Li Si knew that the Tantai Yiren were extremely ambitious.

  Taiyi people not only want to be the emperor's woman, but also borrow the power of the Tang Empire to accomplish their own goals.

   Therefore, no matter how charming the Tantai Iraqi people are, Li Si has not been lucky enough.

   One is because Li Si doesn't like women who are too scheming.

   The second is because, for ordinary men, Tantai Yiren may be irresistible, but in Li Si's view, it is nothing more than that.

   As the Emperor of Tang Dynasty, does Li Si want any woman?

  Tai Yiren held the dragon robe in both hands, and did not dare to go beyond half a step: "Your Majesty, the slave maid is just worried about your Majesty's body and has no other ideas."

   Li Si shook his head slightly, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth: "Why do I not believe what you said?"

   "Okay, put your clothes down, you can go out."

   Li Si looked at Tantai Yiren and waved his hand.

   "Comply with the purpose."

  Tai Yiren's pretty face turned white, put the dragon robe lightly on the dragon case, and exited the palace of longevity.

   Li Si looked at the back of Tantai Yiren leaving.

   Li Si is curious, what other methods can the Tantai Yiren do to become the emperor’s woman...



   North Court.

   Beiting Jiedu made Zhao Yu stare blankly at the glass of wine placed in front of him.

   This glass of wine was given to him by the emperor.

   This glass of wine, according to the **** in the palace, is a glass of wine given by the emperor to understand Zhao Gong's hard work.

   But Zhao Gong knew in his heart that this glass of wine was a glass of poisoned wine with blood in his throat.

   At this moment, Zhao Gong's heart is full of deep fear.

   Toxic liquor is in front, does he drink or not?

   Zhao Gong knew very well that since the emperor dared to give him a cup of poisoned wine, he must have arranged a follow-up.

   If he really chooses not to drink, what is waiting for him is probably the end of Beiting Jiedushi.

   Only, if Zhao Gong really drank this glass of poisoned wine, he would be a little unwilling.

   How could he, Zhao Gong, as the Jiedu ambassador of the North Court and the chief official in Xinjiang, be willing to be gifted to death by a glass of poisoned wine?

   Beiting Jiedu made Zhao Gong stare at the poisoned wine.

at this time.

   Zhao Zheng couldn't help but said, "Father, the emperor doesn't give people a way to survive, or should we turn it around?"

   "With hundreds of thousands of troops in the northern court, even if we lose, there is no problem with self-protection."

   Zhao Zheng's voice just fell.

   Beiting Jiedu made Zhao Gong stand up suddenly.


   "It's all you rebel!"

   "If it weren't for you, how could I have fallen into this situation?!"

   Beiting Jiedu made Zhao Gong's eyes bloodshot.

   Zhao Zheng looked at the angry Zhao Yu, his head shrank, and still stubbornly said: "Father, what are you afraid of?"


   Zhao Gong directly slapped Zhao Zheng's face.

"I am afraid?"

   "That's right!"

   "I am really scared!"

   "The king of Shuofang has 600,000 soldiers and has all kinds of hole cards. He rebelled. Then, what is the end of him?"

   Beiting Jiedu made Zhao Zheng punch and kick his son.

   "Tell me, what is his ending?"

   "The whole family of King Shuofang will die. Anyone who has a relationship with King Shuofang will be put to death?!"

   "You tell me, why do I rebel in Beiting?"

   "What qualifications do I have to rebel in Beiting?!"

   Beiting Jiedu made Zhao Gong's voice echo throughout the mansion.

   "Father... I was wrong."

   "I know I was wrong..."

   Zhao Zheng hugged his head and curled up in the corner.

   Zhao Zheng never thought that he just said something casually, which caused such a big reaction from his father.

   After a pause, Zhao Zheng's bold words and lofty ambitions were wiped out.

   Beiting Jidu made Zhao Yu see Zhao Zheng's reaction like this, and he sighed deeply.

   Even now, I can’t blame my own son.

   Blame him for not resisting the temptation of King Shufang.

   Beiting Jiedu made Zhao Gong ignore Zhao Zheng, his eyes turned, and he fell on the poisonous wine again.

   Now, everything is back to square one.

   This glass of poisoned wine.

   Does he drink or not?


  Lingnan Songjia.

   Song Kun, the lord of the contemporary Song family, stroked the jade pendant, looked at the disciple Jingyue of Cihang Jingzhai, and said, "What does Cihang Jingzhai want from my Song family?"

   Jingyue heard these I felt relieved.

  Before coming to the Song family, what Jingyue was most worried about was that the Lingnan Song family denied her promise to Cihang Jingzhai.

   After all, two hundred years have passed since the time of Tiandao Song Que.

   Two hundred years of vicissitudes.

   If the Lingnan Song family refuses to admit it, Cihang Jingzhai has nothing to do.

   But now, with the attitude of Song Kun, the head of the Song family, it seems that he is ready to fulfill his promise?

   "Song Patriarch."

   Jingyue looked at Song Kun cautiously, and said, "The Lord Zhai needs the Song family to take action and rescue someone."

   Jingyue's words made Song Kun frowned.

   "Under the whole world, there are still people you can't save in Ci Hang Jing Zhai?"

   Song Kun, the lord of the Song family, asked casually.

   In Song Kun's view, Cihang Jingzhai is the leader of the righteous way. The majestic martial arts for two hundred years has an unclear relationship with the current Datang Empire.

   If Ci Hang Jing Zhai wants to save a person, he only needs a word.

   Although the Lingnan Song family is not afraid of Cihang Jingzhai, they have to admit the strength of Cihang Jingzhai.

   Not to mention other things, just for every generation of Cihang Jingzhai, there will be gods and demons sitting on the ground, it is enough to scare the world.

  How rare are gods and demons?

   But Cihang Jingzhai can guarantee that every generation will inevitably have new gods and demons born. What is this concept?

   "Who does Cihang Jingzhai need my Song family to save?".

   Song Kun, the lord of the Song family, thought of ups and downs, and slowly spoke.

   Jingyue heard the words, took a deep breath, and whispered: "I am the descendant of Cihang Jingzhai, Nangongqing!"

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