Summon the Mythical Emperor of the World

Chapter 177: The toughness of the emperor!

Inside the longevity hall.

   Li Siduan sat on the throne of the dragon chair, waiting for Cao Zhengchun's reply.

  Cao Zhengchun respectfully said: "Return to your Majesty, the Turkic State Division has prepared to take the son of the Turkic King, Shu Ye, to my Datang to accept the canonization."

   Li Si nodded slightly.

   It seems that this Turkic national teacher made the right choice.

   If the Turkic State Division intends to take this opportunity to tear up the agreement with the Tang Empire, then Li Si can only order Bai Qi to slaughter the Turkic royal court, and then send troops to destroy the Turkic State.

   For Li Si, a disobedient dog has no need to continue to exist.

   As for the'colonial plan'...

   Li Sida can change a country.

   Around Datang, there are many small countries.

   Some of these small countries are affiliated countries of Datang, such as Goryeo...

  Some are newly established countries...

   With the current strength of the Tang Empire, it is easy to break through a small country and implement the'colonial plan' within its country.

  The reason why I chose Turkic is simply because of the convenience of the Turkic country.




   The world will meet.

   Xiongba carried his hands on his back and walked slowly back and forth.

   Cihang Jingzhai sent his disciples to Lingnan, always making Xiongba feel wrong.

   "Zhou Feng Zhou Yun."

   Xiongba rolled his eyes and looked at his two disciples.

   "The disciple is here."

   Zhou Feng and Zhou Yun bowed together and said loudly.

   "You two, go to Lingnan immediately and take the disciples of Cihang Jingzhai back to the old man himself."

   Xiongba stared at Zhou Feng and Zhou Yun, and said.

   Originally, Xiongba was still preparing, waiting for the news from Sect Master of Mending Heaven Dao, before proceeding.

   But at this moment, Xiongba decided to take the initiative.

   Xiongba is too lazy to care what Cihang Jingzhai wants to do.

   For Xiongba, the easiest way is to use force to break the skill.

   directly catch the person back for interrogation, naturally everything is clear

   Xiongba believes that with Zhou Feng and Zhou Yun's strength, there will be no problems in completing the tasks he explained.

   Zhou Feng and Zhou Yun, individually speaking, are not strong, at best comparable to the warriors in the mid-innate realm.

   It’s just that if Zhou Feng and Zhou Yun work together to run Fengshen’s legs and cloud-plating palms, and gather the power of the wind and clouds, the power produced can be called a qualitative change.

   In the eyes of Xiongba, Zhou Feng and Zhou Yun joined forces. Under the gods and demons, there are rare opponents.

  Only Nangongqing, the descendant of Cihang Jingzhai, who mastered one of the world's four great books [Sword Classics], can barely overcome Zhou Feng and Zhou Yun.

   Therefore, unless Zhou Feng and Zhou Yun meet the gods and demons.

   Otherwise, self-protection is not a problem.

   Zhou Feng Zhou Yun is also the strongest fighter currently under his hand.

   Let Zhou Feng and Zhou Yun go to Lingnan and bring back the disciples of Cihang Jingzhai, Xiongba is also more relieved.

   "Comply with the order."

   Zhou Feng Zhou Yun said immediately.

   In Zhou Feng's words, there was a hint of excitement.

   Zhou Yun was indifferent, without any expression.

   Xiongba looked at the two disciples with completely different personalities in front of him, nodded slightly and said: "After arriving in Lingnan, try not to conflict with the Lingnan Song family."

   "If the disciple of Cihang Jingzhai is going to the Song's house, wait until she leaves the Song's house, and then take action."

   Xiongba reminded him.

  According to the intelligence of Sect Master of Patching Heaven Dao, Lingnan Song Family was once glorious two hundred years ago.

   Now, two hundred years later, the Song family has been dormant in Lingnan, not knowing the roots.

   Therefore, Xiongba does not want Zhou Feng and Zhou Yun to have a head-on conflict with the Lingnan Song family.

   If the Song family really has gods and demons sitting in town, with Zhou Feng Zhou Yun's strength, I am afraid that he can't escape.

   "Comply with the order."

   Zhou Feng Zhou Yun glanced at each other and said.

   "Go down."

   Xiongba waved his hand.

   Xiongba watched Zhou Feng and Zhou Yun leave, sinking into thought.

   Sending Zhou Feng and Zhou Yun this time is a test for the tyrant.

   For Xiongba, the world will be destined to control the entire arena of martial arts in the future.

   It is impossible for him to do everything himself, he takes care of everything.

   "Ci Hang Jing Zhai?"

   "I want to know, what tricks are you guys playing?"

   A hint of coldness appeared on Xiongba's face.



   Imperial Palace.

   The early Tang Dynasty.

   The civil and military officials stood outside the Taiji Hall one by one and entered in an orderly manner.

   During entry, the officials were not allowed to talk, whisper, or make noise.

   There are special emissaries to record the manners of all officials.

  Tai Chi Palace.

   The court officials lined up on both sides of the imperial road, bowed their heads.

   Li Si, wearing a dragon robe, stepped on the imperial road and ascended to the court.

   Li Si sat on the throne of the dragon chair and looked at the officials.

   "Long live your majesty, long live long live."

   "Flat body."

   "Thank you, Your Majesty."

   rose to the court and the officials.

   approached the **** to take a step and said loudly: "If there is something to tell, if nothing happens, retreat."

   As soon as the voice of the attendant **** fell, Shang Shu of the Ministry of Rites stepped forward and said, "The minister has something to play."

   The Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites looked solemn and said loudly: "Your Majesty, my Datang Empire and the Turkic grasslands have gradually begun to communicate."

   "Your Majesty has decreed that any Confucian scholar who goes to the depths of the grassland to be enlightened can get the title of the court."

   "It's just that some scholars believe that the grassland environment is difficult, and the canonization promised by your majesty is not enough to allow them to travel thousands of miles..."

   After finishing the book, he stood bent and waited for the emperor's reply.

   Li Si heard this, his face calm, as if he hadn't heard it.

   Li Si certainly knows what it means.

   This world scholar, let's talk about terms with him again!

   The harsh environment of the grassland is false, and it is true that those scholars want more.

   After a while, Li Si glanced at the officials and said, "All Aiqing thinks, how should this matter be resolved?"

   The court officials looked at each other and did not dare to go out.

   No one dared to make a decision without authorization.

  Because many of the courtiers above the court are Confucian scholars.

   A long time later, Zhang Juzheng, the chief minister of the cabinet, walked out of his hand and said: "Return to your Majesty, the minister thought that he should not agree to the request of the scholars."


   Li Si turned his gaze and fell on Zhang Juzheng: "Continue to say Zhang Juzheng, the chief minister of the cabinet, has been instructed by His Majesty, and said earnestly: "Your Majesty, since ancient times, there have been differences between monarchs and ministers. "

   "Your Majesty is a monarch, and those scholars are ministers."

   "How can a courtier negotiate terms with the king?"

   "If this case is opened, other people will feel that it is not necessary to follow your majesty's will..."

   "If things go on like this, where is the majesty of my Datang Empire?"

  The chief assistant of the cabinet, Zhang Juzheng, said this, paused for a moment, and continued: "Your Majesty, the minister feels that not only cannot agree to the demands of Confucian scholars, but also restrict the number of scholars who go to the grassland."

   "Not every Confucian student is qualified to go deep into the grassland."

   "This way, there are two advantages."

   "Once, you can warn the scholars, asking them to know their identity and obey their duties."

   "Secondly, reduce the number of royal titles and make things more precious. Only in this way can the scholars know that going to the grassland is a gift from your majesty."

   Li Si heard Zhang Juzheng’s words, and a smile appeared at the corners of his mouth: "Okay, Aiqing said it well."

   "Book of Etiquette."

   "The minister is here."

   Li Si looked at the Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites, and said: "Follow what Zhang Juzheng said and tell the scholars that if they continue to demand this requirement and that, they will directly cancel the qualification to go to the grassland!"

   "Comply with the purpose."

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