Summon the Mythical Emperor of the World

Chapter 179: Datang, I'm afraid the sky will change

In the border cell.

   Several blond and blue-eyed foreigners talked in a low voice.

   "Martin, what do you want to do now?"

   "We left our hometown to look for the East Tang Empire."

   "But now, the Datang Empire has found it, but we are locked up?"

   Among several foreigners, only the headed white Martin, who knows the language of the Tang Empire.

   "Martin, what did the previous officer tell you?"

   "We are not going to be locked up forever?"

   Martin furrowed his brows and comforted the others: "Don't worry, we are here with kindness, and the Tang Empire, as a celestial country, will not do anything to us..."

   Although Martin said so, he didn't believe what he said.

   After all, they are in a cell at the moment.

   If the Datang Empire paid a little attention to them, it would not leave them alone, and would directly lock them in the cell.

   Martin has been observing the other prisoners in the cell since he entered the cell.

   Martin discovered that the prisoners who can be kept in this cell are basically death row prisoners waiting to be executed...

   This discovery made Martin feel cold.

  Waiting to be executed?

   Martin is flustered.

   Although, the border officer who had captured Martin before said that they would report the situation of Martin and others to Chang'an.

  In other words, Martin and others will not die for the time being...

   It’s just that Martin panicked when he thought of being locked up next to a pair of executed prisoners.

just in case......

   What if the jailer recognizes the wrong person and drags them out and hacks them?

   "No way."

   "I can't sit and wait..."

   Martin settled down, looked around the cell, the elite jailer who was constantly patrolling, suddenly frustrated.

  What are you kidding? !

   What else can he do besides just waiting in the cell?

   Not to mention how they escaped this cell.

  Even if they really escaped, how should they face those wolves like tigers at the border of Datang?

   Martin sat on the ground, praying silently in his heart.

   At this moment, Martin no longer dreamed of going to see the emperor of Tang Dynasty.

   Martin only hopes he can live.

   Just when Martin was panicking.

   A soldier walked to the door of the cell.

   The soldier took a look at Martin and the others.

  The gaze of the soldier caused Martin's heart to stop suddenly.

what's the situation? !

   As Martin thought, how many of them are going to be pulled out and chopped?

   For an instant, Martin's face was pale, without a trace of blood.

   Martin's legs are shaking, his lips are shaking.


   The next sentence of the soldier made Martin's eyes wide open.

"Come out."

   "We will send you to Chang'an later."

   "Your Majesty wants to see you."

   While talking, the officer opened the door of the cell.

   Martin heard the soldier's words and sat there blankly, only to react for a long time.

   Martin has only one thought.

  He doesn't need to die...


  Eternal Life Hall.

   Li Siduan sat on the throne of the dragon chair, slowly turning the emperor's Qi refining technique.

   Inside Li Si, a mysterious and mysterious'qi' began to rise.

   in all directions.

up down left right.

   Count all this ‘qi’ enveloped.

Not only that.

   The vastness of the Tang Dynasty is in harmony with Li Si.

   hum! !

   Li Si opened his eyes, a trace of regret appeared in his eyes.

   "Only a little too close."

   Li Si sighed slightly.

   Just now, Li Si used the emperor's qi refining technique, almost breaking through the shackles and stepping into the second stage of the emperor's qi refining technique.

  The emperor's refining technique is divided into nine layers.

   Li Si has always been in the first state.

  Originally, according to the system prompts, Li Si had to integrate Datang's homeland, and with the help of the great fortune of the Tang Empire, the emperor's Qi refining technique could step into the second level.

   It’s just that the former jade seal presented by Yuan Zai provided additional national luck for the emperor’s refining technique.

   However, even with the remnants of the national fortune in the jade seal of the previous dynasty, it still could not help Li Si directly cross the shackles and step into the second stage.

   "It's just that after absorbing the national destiny from the jade seal of the previous dynasty, the emperor's qi refining technique has made great progress. Perhaps it does not need to wait until the integration of the Tang Dynasty to break through?"

   Li Si thought silently in his heart.

   "Dugu Sword Demon."

   Li Si's voice just fell.

   A black robe man walked out of the dark.

   "Your Majesty."

   The black robe man bowed slightly and said in a low voice.

   Since the Dugu Sword Demon returned from Shuofang, he has guarded Li Si day and night.

   Li Si looked at Dugu Sword Demon.

   The emperor's Qi refining technique slowly worked, and Li Si faintly felt that if he protects his body with national destiny, even a **** demon at the level of Dugu Sword Demon, can't hurt him with all his strength.

   At this point, Li Si was slightly surprised.

   You must know that the Dugu Sword Demon is Li Si's current strongest combat power.

   Ordinary gods and demon, even the Dugu Sword Demon can't stop with a single sword.

   Shuofang that white-clothed **** and demon is like that.

   But now, Li Si feels that the Dugu Sword Demon cannot hurt him...

   Li Si realized that this was not because the Dugu Sword Demon had weakened.

   But he became stronger.

   Since the emperor's refining technique can make Li Si fit the Tang Dynasty, Li Si's strength has been improving every moment.

   Not only that, but under the state of the fortune of the country, Li Si was able to be fearless of Dugu Sword Demon...

   There was a touch of excitement in Li Si's eyes.

   This is the first stage of the emperor's Qi refining technique, and it has such power.

   What about the second and the third?

   Li Si rubbed his eyebrows and glanced at the Dugu Sword Demon who was still standing there waiting.

   "Get out."

   Li Si waved his hand and said.

   "Comply with the purpose."

  Dugu Sword Demon's expression did not change at all, he stepped out in one step and disappeared in place.



   Longyou Jiedu made Wang Wulin look solemn.

   In front of him, stood a soldier in casual clothes.

   This soldier is one of the confidants of Zhao Gong, the Beiting Jiedu.

   Zhao Gong was unwilling to be gifted to death by poisoned liquor, and planned to contact the major ambassadors to fight the emperor.

   "What did Zhao Gong ask you to do?"

   Longyou Jiedu placed Wang Wulin on the main seat and said slowly.

   Since the establishment of the Jiedushi system, in order to prevent collusion between Jiedushi, Datang has set a prohibition on secret contact between Jiedushi.

   Now, in Wang Wulin's opinion, Beiting Jiedu had Zhao Gong sent his confidant to him, which obviously violated this rule.

   "General Wang."

   "My adults only asked me to bring you one sentence."

  Longyou Jiedu Envoy Wang Wulin heard this, frowned and said, "What is it?"

   "My lord asked General Wang whether he was waiting to be uprooted by the Tang Emperor one by one, or stood up and resisted?"

   The words came out.

   Longyou Jiedu made Wang Wulin's pupils shrink.

   "General Wang."

   "Your Majesty today, give my adults a glass of poisoned wine."

   The Beiting officer who spread the word said this, looking at Wang Wulin: "If General Wang has a decision, you can send someone to contact my lord."

   The soldiers of Beiting finished speaking, and turned around and left.

   One time.

   Only Wang Wulin is left in the room.

   After a long time.


   Longyou Jiedushi Wang Wulin let out a long sigh: "Datang, I'm afraid the sky will change."

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