Hall of Eternal Life.

   The Book of the Household Department handed over and said, "Your Majesty, this is my data output last year."

   Hube Shangshu took out a memorial from his sleeve and held it in his hands.

   approached the **** and presented the memorial to the Long Case.

   "Last year's grain output?"

   Li Si's expression moved slightly.

   Li Si opened the memorial and glanced at it.

   The grain output of Datang is calculated on a per mu basis.

During the time of Emperor Xuanzong, the general yield of land was six buckets of grain per mu.

   This represents the general production volume of Datang Land.

   One bucket is equal to ten liters, one liter is about 1.5 kilograms, and six buckets is 180 kg!

   In other words, the grain output per mu of land is still less than two hundred catties.

   If it is barren land, the yield per mu may even be less than 100 catties.

   Li Si frowned slightly.

   One mu of land produces less than two hundred catties of grain a year.

   This kind of food productivity is simply horribly low.

   You must know that in Datang, ordinary farmers generally only own a few acres of land.

  According to a household with four populations and two mu of land per population, one household would have eight mu of land.

   One mu of land is two hundred catties a year, and eight acres is one thousand six hundred catties.

   This one thousand six hundred catties of grain, after removing the people's own needs, there are less than five hundred catties left.

   Most of these five hundred catties need to be turned in as taxes.

   At the end of the year, the people saved very little food.

   This is still based on good weather conditions.

   In case of any natural disaster or man-made disaster.

  In a few years or even decades, there will be no harvest.

   Under such circumstances, not only was the imperial court unable to collect a penny of tax, but it had to go for relief.

   For example, when Li Sigang ascended the throne, there was a drought in Shu.

   Li Si not only opened up the national treasury, but also exempted Shu land from taxes for five years.

   In the next five years, this place of Shu Land cannot provide a tax for the Tang Empire...

   Li Si flipped through the memorial, frowning.

   The food issue is related to the foundation of Datang.

   But the current grain output of Datang has given Li Si a headache.

   According to Li Si, there are three ways to solve the food problem.

   The first type is to reduce taxes.

   This method is the next strategy.

   Taxation is the foundation to support the operation of the court.

   If you blindly lower taxes and create a vacancy in the Datang treasury, it may cause great hidden dangers.

  Once the treasury becomes vacant, and the Datang Empire can’t spend any money, how can it maintain daily consumption?

   Therefore, Li Si never thought of the first method.

   The second kind is to graft crops.

  In Li Si's memory, crops were grafted, but the yield was increased by more than ten times.

   However, the grafting of crops requires professional talents.

   and it takes a long time to try and explore before it is possible to succeed.

   Now the Datang Empire obviously does not have this condition.

   Even if Li Si is now focusing on cultivating talents in this area, there should be no results in a short time.

   The third type is the introduction of new high-yield crops.

  This method is the most likely to be effective in a short time.

   The only difficulty is the need for external communication...

   Li Si sat on the throne of the dragon chair, sinking into thought.

   Hubu Shangshu bowed slightly and stood in front of the dragon case.

   The emperor didn't say a word, he was a courtier, so naturally he didn't dare to say a word.

   After a long time.

   Li Si put down the memorial and looked at the Hube Shangshu: "I see."

   "The minister retire first."

   Hube Shangshu immediately said respectfully.

   "Go down."

   Li Si waved his hand.

   "Comply with the purpose."

   Hube Shangshu exits the Hall of Longevity.

   Hube Shangshu left the Hall of Longevity.

   Li Si leaned slightly on the throne of the dragon chair.

   Whether it is grafting or introduction, it takes time.

   For Li Si, these two methods should go hand in hand.

   Li Si is now thinking about how to cultivate such talents who are good at crop characteristics...



   Lingnan border.

   Zhou Feng Zhou Yun lies in ambush on a tree.

   "Brother, you said that we stay here, can we really wait until the master wants us to catch someone?"

   Zhou Feng looked around his eyes vigilantly and couldn't help but say.

   Zhou Yun's expression remained unchanged, and he whispered: "This is the only way from Lingnan to Cihang Jingzhai."

   "As long as we stay here, we will be able to wait!"

   Zhou Yun is very self-confident.

  Xiongba asked their two brothers to take action and grabbed the disciple of Cihang Jingzhai.

   Zhou Yun's instructions to Xiongba were very important.

   On the way here, Zhou Yun carefully studied the map of Lingnan.

   found that the road under them was the only exit from Lingnan to Cihang Jingzhai.

   In Zhou Yun's view, instead of entering Lingnan and looking for the target aimlessly, it is better to stay here and wait for work.

   Zhou Feng heard Zhou Yun's words, and suddenly became interested: "Brother, if we wait for the target later, how do we shoot?"

   Zhou Yun heard the words and pondered for a moment.

   This is indeed a problem.

   Although their brothers are teaming up, as long as the other party is not a **** or demon, it should not be an opponent.

   But only if the opponent does not run.

   If the target turns around and runs, then they might not be able to take the opponent so easily.

   "This way."

   "If the target comes, I will come out to attract the other party's attention."

   "Junior Brother, you are light and fast, so you can sneak directly into the dark and wait for an opportunity to attack."

   Zhou Yun quickly ordered.

"no problem."

   Zhou Feng nodded and said.

   Just as Zhou Feng and Zhou Yun were talking in a low voice, a slight noise came.

   Zhou Yun's pupils shrank and he swept the wind around his eyes.


   Zhou Feng's figure quietly disappeared in place.



   Jingyue all the way to Mercedes.

   After leaving Song's home in Lingnan, Jingyue never rested in order to get back to Cihang Jingzhai as soon as possible.


   "Walking through here, I left Lingnan."

   Jingyue stopped, preparing for a little news.


at this time.

   A man walked over from a distance.


   Jingyue looked at each other warily.

   In Jingyue's eyes, this man was very young.

   And, in Jingyue's eyes, this man has a very cold temperament.

   "What's the matter, your excellency?"

   Jingyue said with a cold voice when she found the man stopped dozens of meters away.

   The young man looked at Jingyue indifferently, and slowly said, "The master of Cihang Jingzhai~www.ltnovel.com~ Let me bring you a word."

   As soon as the young man's words fell, Jingyue was startled.

   She never thought that the young man actually worked for Ci Hang Jing Zhai.

   "What are you talking about?"

   Jingyue still did not relax her vigilance.

   In Jingyue's view, there are too many doubts in the young man.

   Jingyue’s attention is all focused on the young man, trying to distinguish whether the other person is telling the truth or not.

   "Zaizhu let you..."

  The young man said slowly.

   "What does Zhaizhu let me do?"

   Jingyue was about to speak.


next moment.

   The power of a wind appeared behind him.

"not good!"

   Jingyue's face changed drastically.

   is about to violently retreat away.


   It's too late.

   In an instant, Jingyue only felt black in front of her eyes, and then the sky was spinning.

   Before losing consciousness, Jingyue vaguely heard an excited voice ringing nearby.

   "Brother, did you see that she passed out? Need me to make it up?".

   The voice just fell.

   Jingyue completely lost consciousness.

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