Tai Chi Hall.

   The falling needle can be heard.

  The scalp of all the court officials exploded, and the cold sweat broke out.

   The courtiers would never have imagined that these gentlemen are so bold that they dare to risk the world's unrest and join forces to rebel?

   Shuo Fang Jiedu is a lesson from the past, do they not see clearly enough?

  Only Li Siduan sat on the throne of the dragon chair, looking calm, flipping through the battle report presented.

   "Qingjun side?"

   Li Si looked at the battle report with a hint of coldness on his face.

   Beiting Jiedu was also clever. He didn't stand up and rebelled, but under the name of ‘Qingjun’s side’, he wanted to control Chang’an first and get rid of the traitorous officials around the emperor...

   It’s just that, after taking control of Chang'an, it’s up to Zhao Gong to say whether it’s "Qingjun's side" or peeping at others.


   Li Si throws the battle report on the dragon case.

   "Comply with the purpose."

   The servant **** bit his scalp, carefully holding the battle report in his hand, and said loudly: "The saint is innocent, the treacherous minister, the loyal minister, does not distinguish right from wrong, and kills wantonly..."

   "The current minister, Zhao Gong, decided to help Huanyu and raise troops for the thousands of lives in the Tang Dynasty. I hope that your Majesty will know how to return..."

   The attendant **** trembled and finished reciting, and knelt on the ground with a thump, not daring to get up: "Your Majesty, forgive me."

   When the court officials heard the content of the battle report, their faces were extremely ugly.

   Qingjun side?

   Get rid of the treacherous ministers around your Majesty?

   This Beiting Jiedushi means, is the Manchu civil and military all traitors?

   For a time, the officials were indignant.

   From their point of view, the majesty of today is roughly the prince who has never seen him in a century. How could he become a tyrant when he came to Zhao Gong’s mouth?

   Not only that, even their courtiers have become traitors?

   However, other things revealed in the battle report shocked everyone.

   The Beiting Jiedu ambassador united with Youzhou and other five Jiedu ambassadors, and jointly dispatched 1.5 million troops, watching all the way, and was about to arrive at Nanting Pass.

   Nanting Pass is less than five hundred miles away from Chang'an City, and there is no more checkpoint in it.

   Once the rebels break through Nanting Pass, they will go straight to Chang'an City.

   At that time, Chang'an is surrounded by an army of 1.5 million, and I am afraid it is really in danger of being breached.

   Want to understand this, the people above Chaotang are in a panic.

   Li Si slightly leaned on the throne of the dragon chair, watched the reactions of the officials, and slowly said, "What do you want to say?"

   As soon as Li Si's voice fell, the chief minister of the cabinet, Zhang Juzheng, walked out of the queue and said, "My Majesty, the most urgent thing is to decide whether to send troops to fight the rebels."

   The voice of Zhang Juzheng, the chief assistant of the cabinet, echoed in the Tai Chi Hall.

   Zhang Juzheng was not scared by the rebels, but directly asked the emperor if he would fight.

   This is indeed the most important thing to consider right now.

   The look of the court officials changed slightly.


   The rebels have 1.5 million soldiers.

   what to fight against?

   "Aiqing continued."

   Li Si sat on the throne of the dragon chair, looked at Zhang Juzheng, and nodded slightly.

   "Return to your Majesty, the minister wants to know, how is the Nanting Gate Defender now?" Zhang Juzheng asked loudly.

   "Enlighten Your Majesty."

   The Armed Forces Shangshu cut out, and said, "Nanting Pass has a standing guard of about 100,000. In addition, there are more than 300,000 people in Nanting Pass. When necessary, all personnel can participate in the war!"

   The words of Shangshu of the Ministry of War made the courtiers' hands and feet cold.

   Hundred thousand defenders?

  1.5 million rebels?

   Do you take your life to keep it? !

"Your Majesty, Nanting Gatekeeper Dong Zhengqing is a good friend of his ministers. Dong Zhengqing is very good at defending the city. During the Anshi Rebellion, Dong Zhengqing used five large army to block 300,000 troops from the city for more than ten days, and finally insisted on the reinforcements... ...."

   "The minister thought that there are 100,000 defenders in Nanting Pass. Even if the rebels are as many as 1.5 million, Dong Zhengqing is there, and he insists that there is no problem in two or three days."

   The words of Shangshu of the Ministry of War surprised Li Si slightly.

   Dong Zhengqing?

   Li Si said silently.

   Only now did Li Si know that there are such talents in the Tang Empire?

  It is not an easy task to defend the siege of 300,000 troops with fifty thousand defenders.

   Defending the city certainly occupies a geographical advantage.

   But once the siege party has an absolute advantage, the use of crowd tactics is enough to consume the defender...

   "Your Majesty, the minister is willing to lead the army to support Nanting Pass, swear to defend Nanting Pass, and resist the rebels!!"

   Hebu Shangshu said loudly.

   In the view of the Ministry of War Shangshu, today is the last hope for the revival of Datang, and the Shangshu of the Ministry of War never allows anyone else to dare to hurt Your Majesty.

  As a veteran of the Datang Empire, Shangshu of the Ministry of War all dreamed of seeing the rejuvenation of the Datang Empire, rather than the previous decadence.

   "Your Majesty, the ministers are also willing to fight!"

   "Your Majesty invites you to join Master Shangshu of the Ministry of War to fight the rebels!"


   Some generals stepped forward and said loudly.

   The courtiers above the court knew in their hearts that once the rebels really attacked Chang'an City, they would be the first to die.

   because the rebels fought the flag on the side of the Qing Dynasty.

  Even if they do, the rebels will not let go of these ministers...

   Li Si sat on the throne of the dragon chair, looked at the court officials, waved his hands, and said, "In this case, pass my will and order the Ministry of War Shangshu to lead an army of 500,000 to fight the rebels."

   As soon as Li Si's voice fell, Shang Shu of the Ministry of War said immediately: "The minister takes the order."

   There are 800,000 defenders in the city of Chang'an.

   These 800,000 defenders are the Shence Army and the Imperial Palace.

   After receiving orders from the Ministry of War, he withdrew from the Taiji Hall.

   After the military department Shangshu left.

   Li Si turned his eyes, looked at the court officials, and asked, "Do you have anything else to play?"

   "The minister did not."

   "There are no officials either."

   The civil and military officials looked at each other ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ arched hands.

   Li Si got up directly and flicked his sleeves: "Retreat."

   "Gong send your majesty."

   chanted and bowed to the court and the officials.

   Li Si walked out of the Tai Chi Hall.

  The ministers dared to stand up and talk in a low voice.

   Although, above the court, His Majesty behaved very lightly, but the ministers were worried.

   Even if your Majesty has asked the Ministry of War Shangshu to lead an army of 500,000 to fight, how big is the rebel army is 1.5 million!

  A mere 500,000 army, can it repel the rebels?

   Say it again.

   Nanting Pass has only one hundred thousand defenders.

   Even if the Department of War Shangshu is more optimistic about the Nanting Pass, but whether he can block the rebels outside Nanting Pass, there are still two things to say.

just in case......

   In case Nanting Pass falls, in Datang, who else can stop the rebels?



   Early this morning, the news of the rebellion spread quickly in Beiting and other five places.

   In Chang'an City, it seemed like a pot had exploded.

  No hundreds of people began to panic, and some even took the lead in fleeing Chang'an City.


Just at this time.

   Inside the East Factory, an order was issued.

   Everyone, etc., shall not discuss or escape without authorization.

   Otherwise, it shall be treated as treason. .

   For a time, the supervisors and guards of the East Factory were dispatched.

   The entire Chang'an City, under the inspection of the East Factory Superintendent, was frightened and afraid to disobey the slightest.

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