Summon the Mythical Emperor of the World

Chapter 298: Xiong Ba and Ci Hang Jing Zhai!

   Emperor stepped on the peak,

   With this sound,

   Everyone was a little surprised.

   "Who is pretending to be a ghost?"

   Xiongba narrowed his eyes and looked into the depths of Ci Hang Jingzhai.

next moment.

   Two figures appeared in the direction where the Lord of the Moon Worshiping Sect was looking.

   These two figures were originally far away.

   can step out every step, the distance becomes much closer.

  In just a moment, they came to everyone.

   Everyone looked at it subconsciously.

   I saw these two figures, two middle-aged women.

   The two seem to be only thirty-four years old, but they exude a breath of vicissitudes of life.


   "I didn't block..."

  The woman in a white robe whispered in a low voice.


   The words came out.

   The audience was surprised.

   Many disciples of Cihang Jingzhai stared blankly at the two figures walking out of the depths of Cihang Jingzhai.


   can make the woman in the white robe of the moon call it "ancestor", she must be an ancestor of Cihang Jingzhai.

   and the ancestors whose surname is "Bi"...

   In an instant.

   A small number of disciples of Cihang Jingzhai's eyes flashed with intense fanaticism.

   "Is it an old monster two hundred years ago?"

   Zhou Feng Zhou Yun looked at each other, his face slightly surprised.

   Ever since he became the leader of the Lesser Guild of the World, Zhou Feng and Zhou Yun have roughly understood all the sects of Jianghu Wulin.

   Among them, Ci Hang Jing Zhai is even more aware of the category in Zhou Feng Zhou Yun.

   In the information, Cihang Jingzhai came out with a talented patriarch two hundred years ago.

   Moreover, the ancestor is also surnamed ‘Bi’.

   "The gods of the three heavens?"

   Xiongba looked slightly solemn.

   The two people who walked out of the depths of Cihang Jingzhai, although they look like they are 30 or 40 years old, but Xiong Ba is sure that these two people are at least two hundred and fifty years old.

   "The old man wants to see if the three heavenly gods and demons can beat the old man's three-point energy!"

   The three Qis of Heaven, Earth and Human around Xiong Ba began to oscillate, and then gathered in his right hand.


   A bright ball of light was formed from the hands of the hero.

   hum! ! !

   With the ball of light as the center, ripples began to appear in the void, making people palpitate.


   Bizu's expression condensed slightly.

   "Let's shoot together."

   Bizu's face was calm, and said lightly.

   There are three masters in Ci Hang Jing Zhai.

   The three masters are all three gods and demons.

   One of them fell in Tubo.

   The remaining two are Bizu and another master.

   At this moment, Bizu, in order to suppress the dominance as soon as possible, and solve the world meeting, directly prepared to fight with two.


next moment.

   Emperor stepped on the peak.

   The three of them started fighting each other.

   Xiong dominates with one enemy and two, heaven, earth and human beings boiled with three auras, making Bizu's heart beat wildly with his gestures.

   But the two triple gods and demons joined forces, and after all, they blocked the hero.


   On a peak not far from Emperor Tai Peak.

   Two figures stood leisurely, looking at Emperor Tafeng quietly.

   Close to the left is a young Taoist, on the other side is a plump woman.

   "Ning Daoqi, Cihang Jingzhai was beaten to the gate of the mountain, you don't have any thoughts of helping him?"

   The plump woman chuckled, "Two hundred years ago, the relationship between your Ning Daoqi and Ci Hang Jingzhai was not shallow..."

   The young Taoist Ning Daoqi heard this, his expression was indifferent, as if unmoved at all.

   "Two hundred years ago, I had nothing to do with Cihang Jingzhai. What's more, the world meeting of Cihang Jingzhai now has the shadow of the Tang Empire..."

   "I still want to live a few more years."

   After a long time, Ning Daoqi spoke lightly.


   "Ning Daoqi, are you so afraid of the Tang Empire?"

   The plump woman smiled and shook her head: "Do you also think that there are really four heavenly gods and demons in the Datang Empire?"

   "Tubo fought against Datang, the sun and the moon were turned upside down, if it weren't for the actions of the four heavenly gods and demons, who could have caused such a vision?"


   "It's just that Cihang Jingzhai is a tradition passed down by'Dini'."

   "Thousands of years ago,'Dini' was a powerful man who swept through an era. Other forces could not stop the four heavenly gods and demons, but Cihang Jingzhai may not be necessary."

   "Hmph, I don't think so, no matter how strong'Dini' is, it is also a **** and devil a thousand years ago."

   "Let's continue to watch."

   The two glanced at each other, and then stared at Emperor Tafeng.


  The emperor stepped down the peak.

   The two masters of Xiongba and Cihang Jingzhai are still fighting.



   Boom boom boom!

   Xiongba blasted one three-pointer after another to return to his vitality, but they were all blocked by Bizu and another three-tier **** and demon.

   "Your Excellency, if you only have this means, I'm afraid this time, I will be Ci Hang Jing Zhai if you step on injustice."

   A cold sweat broke out on Bizu's forehead, but he was relieved.


   Xiongba frowned slightly.

   Although the three-point return to vitality is unmatched, the male hegemony himself is only a double **** and demon.

   With the body of the double heavenly gods and demon, pressing the two triple heavenly gods and demon to fight, if it is passed out, it will be proud!

   However, Xiongba is not satisfied.

   "I don't believe it!!"

   The gods and demons in the male tyrant's body circulated frantically, one after another, three-point return vitality radiating bright light was exploded.

   The three-pointer he blasted this time was twice as large as the previous one.


   Bizu immediately activated the forbidden technique, his face paled slightly, his body's true essence turned into a barrier, and the three points returned to his vitality to resist.

   Xiongba suddenly frowned upon seeing this.

   If it is a triple heavenly **** and demon, the male tyrant can crush it.

   But the combination of two triple heavens is not as simple as one plus one equals two.

   Regardless of whether it is Bizu or another master, the exercises they practice have the same origin.

   The two teamed up, although they could not achieve the qualitative change of Zhou Feng and Zhou Yun, they should not be underestimated.

   Emperor stepped on the peak.

   Zhou Feng Zhou Yun faintly realized that it was not good.

   "It's tricky."

   "Master can't help the other party!"

   Zhou Yun clenched his fists and stared straight into the sky.

   Zhou Feng heard the words and asked wonderingly: "Although Master can't win, the two old antiques can't beat Master either?"

   "If it's normal, that's true."

Zhou Yun glanced at Zhou Feng, shook his head and said, "But don’t forget, this is Cihang Jingzhai, and the two of them are hitting one by two. In this If Master can’t hit him with one blow Rout, then it's dangerous."

   Zhou Yun's voice just fell.

   Zhou Feng suddenly became anxious.

   "Brother, then, what should I do now?"

   "What to do?" Zhou Yun was silent for a while, and said bitterly, "Only retreat first."


   is the opposite of Zhou Feng and Zhou Yun.

   Many disciples of Cihang Jingzhai saw the supernatural power of the two masters, and their faces were filled with excitement.

   "My Ci Hang Jing Zhai, the world is overwhelming martial arts, how can I be leveled by the small world?"

   "Yes, the two masters make the move, who can stop the world?"

   "Hahaha, bastard, go to hell!!!"

   For a time, many disciples of Ci Hang Jingzhai flashed with joy.


at this time!

  Da! clatter! clatter! !

   A sound of footsteps sounded slowly.

   The sound of footsteps is very slight, but it resounds clearly in everyone's ears.

   hum! ! !

   The two Bizu who were still considering a counterattack, suddenly felt that the world had changed.

   Taiyin hangs high!

   Golden Crow is down!

   A strong to the extreme power of Lunar Moon Flower flooded every corner of Emperor Ta Peak without warning.

"this is?!"

   "The power of heaven and earth?".

   Bizu's expression showed an unspeakable shock: "The Four Heavenly God and Demon of the Tang Empire..."

   "You shot it?!"

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