Summon the Mythical Emperor of the World

Chapter 304: Cao Zhengchun: Anyone can enter and leave Chang'an City?

  Chang'an City.


   The vendors' cries are endless.

   "Prosperity, this is Prosperity!"

  Ning Dodge walked on the street, his face full of emotion.

  Ning Dodge has experienced wars, and naturally knows how miserable the common people are in the troubled times.

   Even if the troubled times are over, without a sage king, the people will not be better off.

   Heavy taxes, corvee, various natural and man-made disasters...

   Hing, people suffer.

   Die, people suffer.

   But at this time, Ning Daoqi saw the smiles from the hearts of the people of Chang'an City, and knew that they were doing well.

   The emperor regained his power and settled the disputes between the rivers and lakes. For this reason, I don't know how many people were killed. For some related people, it is naturally a thunderbolt, thinking that the emperor is an unprecedented tyrant.

   Sooner or later, the Datang Empire will be dragged into the abyss.

   Kening Dodge noticed the living conditions of the people, and realized that the Tang Empire was on the verge of prosperity.

   "Unexpectedly, after two hundred years of retreat, such a hero would appear in the world!"

  Ning Dodge looked complicated and sighed deeply.

   The plump woman followed behind Ning Daoqi, with a trace of shock remaining on her face.

   She originally thought that the Emperor of Tang Dynasty was an overbearing emperor who was very happy and overbearing.

   After all, in the Tang Empire, there is a quadruple **** and demon sitting here. For the emperor, it is a great happy event, but on the other hand, it will also inspire the emperor’s pride.

   Being proud of being together is not a good thing for the entire Datang Empire.

   But now, when the plump woman sees scenes in Chang'an City, she is suddenly speechless.


  Ning Dodge and the plump woman don’t know.

   While they were observing the surroundings silently, Du Kang, the deputy governor of the East Factory, looked at the two of them from a distance.


   "These two people are gods and demons!"

   Du Kang's scalp is numb, and he can't even look at Ning Daoqi and the plump woman.

  Any gaze may arouse the alarm of the gods and demons.

   Therefore, after Dukang judged that Ning Daoqi and the plump woman were suspected of gods and demons, he immediately stopped observing them.

   Du Kang was visiting the city of Chang'an.

   This is also the rule of the East Factory. Every street in Chang'an City needs an East Factory Supervisor to be present in order for the East Factory to control Chang'an City.

   Du Kang has a talent since he was a child, and he is extremely sensitive to danger.

   This is also the key for Du Kang to climb from a small guard to the position of deputy governor.

   and just now.

   When Du Kang passed by Ning Daoqi, a feeling of extreme danger arose in his heart.

   This extremely dangerous feeling, Du Kang has only felt in Governor Cao.

   "In the city of Chang'an, it was mixed into the realm of gods and demons."

   Du Kang's heart was shaken.

   How rare is it to be strong in the God and Demon Realm? Now two gods and demons have entered Chang'an City all at once. What are they going to do?

   "This matter must be reported to the supervisor immediately."

   Du Kang realized the seriousness of the matter, and immediately called someone to tell him to go to the East Factory to report.

   As for Du Kang, they followed Ning Daoqi from a distance.

   Du Kang was worried about other people staring.

   Based on the perception of the outside world in the Divine Demon Realm, even if they are far apart, they may be discovered.

  Only Du Kang, relying on his perception of danger, can barely follow Ning Daoqi behind them.

   "Just wait until Governor Cao, the task is complete."

  Dukang's nose overflowed with a trace of cold sweat.

   Following the two gods and demons is simply joking about his own lives.

   But Du Kang knew that he had no choice.

   If these two gods and demons are left alone, as if they haven't seen them, afterwards, the two gods and demons make trouble in Chang'an City. He Dukang does not work well and will still die.


  Ning Dodge walked slowly.

   As a triple **** and demon, it is rare to experience fireworks in the world.

   The plump woman frowned slightly, and she looked around with some anxiety.

   I don’t know when there are fewer and fewer pedestrians on the street, and even the screams of vendors have become nonexistent.

"what happened?"

   The plump woman suddenly realized something was wrong.


at this time.

   Ning Daoqi, who had been walking slowly, suddenly stopped.

   "Ning Daoqi, be careful..."

   The plump woman was about to speak, but found a figure in a crimson robe walked out dozens of meters away.

   "Two, how about Chang'an City?"

   Cao Zhengchun's eyes were feminine, looking at Ning Daoqi and the plump woman.

   After receiving the letter from Du Kang, Cao Zhengchun went to the palace and reported the matter to His Majesty.

   Cao Zhengchun hurried over only after receiving his majesty's instruction.

   Cao Zheng did this without fear of death.

  The gods and demons have been mixed into the city of Chang'an. No matter what happens, you must let your Majesty know the first time so that you can be prepared.

   Otherwise, if these two gods and demons are a reinforcement plan and attract people's attention, the real purpose is to assassinate the emperor, wouldn't they fall into the enemy's plan?

  Ning Dodge and the plump woman heard Cao Zhengchun's question, their faces changed slightly.

   They never expected that they were discovered shortly after entering Chang'an City.

   Cao Zhengchun smiled and said, "You two, come with Mijia, your majesty wants to see you."

   Cao Zhengchun's tone was very calm, as if it was a great honor for Ning Daoqi and the plump woman to be summoned by His Majesty.

   This is indeed the case.

   In Cao Zhengchun's view, under the imperial power, all are ants.

  God is no exception.

  Ning Dodge's eyes flashed slightly, and he said: "What if we don't want it?"

  Ning Daoqi took a big risk to enter Chang'an, indeed, to meet the but Ning Daoqi definitely did not want to be passively taken to see the emperor.

   "That's right."

  The plump woman looked at Cao Zhengchun: "With our strength, if you don't want to, you can't take us away."

   Although Cao Zhengchun is also a **** and demon, he is only a heaven.

   In the eyes of the plump woman, if she wants to leave, Cao Zhengchun absolutely can't stop her.

   "Not willing?"

   A strange smile appeared on Cao Zhengchun's face.

   "You two don't think that Chang'an City can go in and out casually, right?"

   Cao Zhengchun's voice just fell.

  Ning Dodge's expression changed slightly.

at the same time.

   A glance swept across the palace, falling on Ning Daoqi and the plump woman.


   "It was the four heavenly gods and demons who destroyed Cihang Jingzhai that day."

  Ning Dodge and the plump woman only felt a little dizzy.

   "I should have thought of..."

  Ning Dodge gave a wry smile.

   He originally thought that as long as he was careful and didn't exude any scent of gods and demons, he could conceal the four-fold gods and demons in the palace.

   But now it seems that he is too naive.

   may have fallen under the opponent's eyelids just after entering Chang'an City. .

   "Two, are you taking the initiative to go with the miscellaneous family, or the miscellaneous family holding you away?" Cao Zhengchun looked at Ning Daoqi and the two, already a little impatient.

  Ning Dodge and the plump woman glanced at each other, and said bitterly, "We're going with you."

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