Summon the Mythical Emperor of the World

Chapter 307: The countries panic, unite and fight against the Tang Dynasty!

   big food.

   In the royal court.

  Russ is thinking about how to answer the question of the big food king tactfully.

   In fact, if Da Shi had a war with the Tang Empire, the end of Da Shi might not be much better than that of Tubo.

the reason is simple.

   How did the Great Food Nation resist the strong man who turned the sun and the moon upside down in Datang?

   If you resist, everything is easy to say.

   But if you can't resist it, Da Shi can only follow in Tubo's footsteps.


  Want to block the strong at that level, how easy is it to say?

  Russ, as the minister of the food nation, has some understanding of individual force.

  Even, in the Great Food Kingdom, there are many powerhouses comparable to the gods and demons of the Tang Dynasty.

   However, the strong man who turned the sun and the moon upside down is already beyond the concept of ordinary gods and demons.

What does it mean?

   means that the food country cannot stop it.

   means that the Great Food Country can only pray, and the Tang Empire is not interested in them.

   Otherwise, the Great Food Nation will wait for the country to be destroyed.

   Lusi's thoughts turn, frowning.

   Although this is the case, of course Luz will not tell the truth.

   Otherwise, even if he gets the trust of the Big Food King, he will be slashed for deceiving the crowd.

   Luce doesn't believe that the food king can't see this.

   With the wisdom of the Great Food King, he must have discovered early that the Tang Empire is invincible.

   The reason for calling him to come is nothing more than holding the last glimmer of hope.

   If Luz can't give the Big Eater hope, Luz will know what will end with his feet.

   after a moment.

   just when the food king was a little impatient.

  Ross finally thought of a way that was not a way.

   "My lord, at present, the only way out for me to eat is to inform the rest of the countries to join forces and fight against the Tang Dynasty!"

   "Combined vertical and horizontal?"

   The Great Food King was shocked.

   "Yes, Wang Shang, it is Hezonglianheng."

   Lusi nodded slightly, and said in a deep voice: "If a country is alone, facing the Tang Empire, it will definitely be a dead end!"

   "Only when all the forces are brought together, is the only vitality!"

   Lusi said in a deep voice.

   With the current strength of the Datang Empire, regardless of the Great Food, Tianzhu, Nanzhao and other countries, encountering the Datang Empire is no different from being a man.

   However, if all the forces are brought together, there may be a turning point.

   This is also the only opportunity for all countries!

   The King of Food thought for a long time, and finally nodded slowly: "Aiqing is right. It is indeed the only way to gather the power of the world together."

   "The king doesn't have to worry, maybe we are worrying about all this, and the Tang Empire does not mean to conquer us."

   Luce said something that he didn't even believe.

   The Datang Empire suddenly sent troops to flatten Tubo, obviously wanting to use Tubo as a springboard to expedition to other countries.

   Say it again.

   Even if the Great Tang Empire really didn't mean this, the King of Food had to guard against it.

   Because, for the Emperor of Tang Dynasty, it may be just a thought.

   But in the eyes of the King of Food, it is related to his wealth and life and the honor of being a "king".

   To put it simply, the two are not on the same level at all.

   "My lord, we can also try to show goodwill to the Tang Empire, and then the two countries will establish diplomatic relations..."

  Rus made another suggestion.

   The King of Food was unmoved when he heard this.

   The establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries is based on the premise of similar national strength.

   How can diplomatic relations be established if one party has the means to crush the other party?

   "You can consider the establishment of diplomatic relations, but you can't hold out too much hope, Ai Qing, you secretly contact the monarchs of Tianzhu, Nanzhao, Persia and other countries and plan for the worst."

   The King of Food is very sensible analysis.

   If the Datang Empire is willing to establish diplomatic relations, these arrangements are of no use.

   If the Great Tang Empire is really ready to attack the surrounding countries, the King of Food will not have the slightest ability to deal with it.


   Lusi nodded without hesitation: "I will go to this matter personally to meet with the monarchs."

   Luce, as the most trusted minister of the Food King, would definitely show the sincerity of the Food King if he were to come forward.

   "Lao Aiqing is here."

   Big Food King nodded slightly.

   Before Lu Si left, the Food King looked at Lu Si solemnly: "Ai Qing, this matter is related to the future of the King Food. There must be no mistakes."

   "The king, the minister swears to complete the task!"

   Lusi said every word.


   is not just a big food, since Tubo destroyed the country, no matter the big country or the small country, it has been shaking.

  The truth of lip death and tooth coldness, as long as the individual understands it.

   Now that Tubo has destroyed the country, no matter how stupid they are, they are aware of a huge crisis.

   However, the power displayed by the Datang Empire made the nations desperate.

  Even if they are aware of the crisis, what can they do?

   Even if they were given a hundred years, they could not resist the iron cavalry of the Tang Empire.

   Under the circumstances of desperation, all the monarchs came up with an idea.

   Let's fight against the Tang Dynasty!



   Imperial Palace.

  Eternal Life Hall.

   Of course, Li Si did not expect that because the extermination of Tubo would cause a serious crisis to the rest of the surrounding countries, he began to secretly discuss how to fight the Tang...

   If Li Si knew this, I'm afraid he would not be surprised.

   These countries joined forces, it is simply a chance to give Li Si a kick...

   Originally, it was still thinking about which country to send troops to next after Tubo was destroyed.

   is fine now.

   all came together.

   Li Si doesn’t even need to choose.


   Just as Li Si was reading the memorial, Hubu Shangshu came to see him.

   "The minister has seen your Majesty."

   The Hube Shangshu said loudly to Li, get up. "Li Si looked at Hubu Shangshu.

   "Thank you, Your Majesty."

   "Enlighten Your Majesty."

   "This is the business tax amount last month."

   Hube Shangshu took out a memorial from his cuff and held it on his hands.

   approached the **** and moved the memorial to the dragon case for the emperor to read at any time.

   Li Si opened the memorial and glanced roughly.

   The business tax of last month is more than the business tax of last month.

   Datang's business is steadily improving.

   "Aiqing, I have something to ask you."

   Li Si leaned slightly on the throne of the dragon chair and said casually.

   Upon hearing the words of the Hubu Shangshu, he was shocked and said, "Your Majesty, please."

   "How is the land reform going?"

   Li Si asked bluntly without turning around.

   Li Si's voice just fell.

   Household Department Shangshu immediately replied: "Your Majesty, the land reform has basically been completed. At present, all land in the world is registered. All land taxes are collected on a mu, and there is no possibility of tax evasion."

"is it?"

   Li Si shook his head slightly when he heard the words: "Taxes per mu can increase tax revenue, but it still cannot completely eliminate the problem of land sales."

   "What does your majesty mean?".

   Hube Shangshu asked cautiously.

   Li Si rubbed his eyebrows, as if inadvertently said something extremely trivial: "Then collect all the land under the sky."

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