
The hero stands in the void, looking down on the whole Jiangnan land.

The night is thick, it is the time for the people in the south of the Yangtze River to rest. However, under this surface, there is thick blood.

After expelling the Cui family, Xiongba led the world to help the people rush to the next family.

Then ransack the house and destroy the clan.

Repeat everything you did in Cui's.

All the families that discussed with the Cui clan about how to resist the emperor's imperial decree were the next goals of the hero.


The sky fell for the entire Jiangnan family.

Whether it's the World Association to help the people, or Zhou Feng and Zhou Yun, their hands are stained with countless blood.

From the few big family clans second only to the Cui clan, to the small family clans with few people just after its establishment, they have all been purged like never before!

Not a single clan escaped.

No aristocratic clan can live to the next day.

With the strength of the Tianxiahui, coupled with the action of the male tyrant himself, it took less than a moment to destroy an ordinary family.

Often the blood in this aristocratic family is still hot, and the world will already go to the next family.

Xiongba knew in his heart that the speed of destroying these families must be fast.

Otherwise, if they waited until the next day, these aristocratic families reacted and fled in panic, it would be troublesome.

Only when they are unconscious and staying at their homes honestly, they are least troublesome.

Just one night.

Under the action of the Xiongba, the blood of the family clan almost dyed the Jiangnan land red.

the next day.

The people in Jiangnan discovered with horror that the family was gone...

In an instant.

Jiangnan was completely panicked.

Especially some of the remaining aristocratic clans took all their belongings overnight and fled Jiangnan.

These surviving aristocratic family clans were not missed by the hero, but they did not participate in the Cui clan's plan.

Therefore, Xiongba did not take action against these aristocratic clans.

The slaughter of the Jiangnan aristocratic family not only affected the Jiangnan area, but also radiated toward other areas of the Datang Empire at a very terrifying speed.

Two days later.

The news finally reached Chang'an.



Tai Chi Hall.

Early Tang Dynasty.

Li Sigang was sitting on the throne of the dragon chair, and Zhang Juzheng, the chief minister of the cabinet, stood out and said, "Your Majesty, there is an emergency report from the south of the Yangtze River. The local family and clan will be banned overnight."

Zhang Juzheng's voice just fell.

The pupils of all the court officials shrank, and they all showed an expression that was difficult to suffocate.


The family was wiped out overnight?

Jiangnan has been rich since ancient times, so it is also home to many aristocratic clans.

According to the records of the imperial court, there are no five hundred families in Jiangnan, but three hundred.

These aristocratic clans are rooted in mistakes, and jointly control the economy and politics of Jiangnan.

but now......

These families have been bloodbathed?

And still overnight?

The civil and military officials have an incredible face!

"is it?"

Sitting on the throne of the dragon chair, Li Siduan glanced roughly at the memorial presented by Zhang Juzheng, his expression unchanged.

The Jiangnan aristocratic family was bloodbathed because of Li Si's order.

At this time, when the news came, Li Si certainly wouldn't be surprised.

However, Li Si would not take the initiative to speak out about the bloodbath of Jiangnan.

Those aristocratic families in the south of the Yangtze River, if they follow the normal procedures of the imperial court, they will not be processed until next year.

Instead of this, it would be better to slash Ranma with a sharp knife and directly punish the door.

Li Si closed the memorial, waved his hand and said, "Aiqing, tell me, what happened in Jiangnan?"

"According to the purpose."

Although Zhang Juzheng, the chief minister of the cabinet, had doubts in his heart, he still said truthfully: "On the night two days ago, a group of forces quietly sneaked into Jiangnan, and overnight, banished most of the Jiangnan clan."

Zhang Juzheng became more confused as he spoke.

Now in the Datang Empire, Jiedushi was swept away by the emperor, and the martial arts of Jianghu fell into the hands of the Tianxiahui.

Zhang Juzheng couldn't think of any force that could achieve this level without knowing it.


Zhang Juzheng was slightly startled and stopped speaking.

Zhang Juzheng's words directly caused the civil and military officials to boil.

The courtiers never imagined that when the Great Tang Empire was in full glory, there were powers that dared to destroy the Jiangnan family?

This was not only beating the face of the Tang Empire, but also humiliating the court officials.

However, there are still a few officials, such as Yang Qinglin and others, who are aware of the weirdness of this matter.

One is that your majesty is too calm.

The second is that a few days ago, several officials from the Jiangnan Cui family just persuaded His Majesty to take back the holy will in the court...

As a result, a few days later, the Jiangnan family was bloodbathed.

If there is no relationship between the two, who would believe it?

To understand this, Yang Qinglin and other courtiers broke out in cold sweat instantly.

If they really follow their guess, everything now can be explained...

But this is also terrible.

Yang Qinglin and the others had scalp numb, and they didn't dare to tell their guesses.

Are you kidding me? !

If what he thinks is true, wouldn't it mean he is looking for death if he says it at this time?


Above the court, there were still upright officials with a look of dissatisfaction, thinking that the bloodbath of the Jiangnan family was a serious offense to the majesty of the Tang Empire.

"His Majesty."

An old official with all white hair and beard stood out and said to the emperor: "The official thought that this matter must be thoroughly investigated, otherwise, what is the face of my Datang Empire?"

"A thorough investigation?"

Li Si stroked his chin.


Such a big thing happened in Jiangnan, you really need to check it carefully.

Otherwise, it would be strange if Li Si fooled around casually.

Li Si slightly leaned on the throne of the dragon chair: "Where does Aiqing think to investigate?"

"Your Majesty, the veteran felt that to be able to do such a cruel thing, there must have been a plan."

"Even if the murderer is not in Jiangnan, he must be not far from Jiangnan."

"Therefore, thoroughly investigate Jiangnan and its surrounding areas, and the focus should be on those sectarian forces on the rivers and lakes."

"Do you think the Jiangnan incident was the hand of the sect?" Li Si asked casually, narrowing his eyes.

"The old minister is just skeptical!"

"In Jiangnan, the biggest power, except the government, is the Cui clan~www.ltnovel.com~ But this time the Jiangnan bloodbath, Cui clan was also among them, so it is impossible for Cui clan to do it."

"Except for the Cui family, there is no family in Jiangnan that is powerful enough to bloodbath Jiangnan overnight."

"Therefore, the sectarian suspicion of Jianghu Wulin is very high."

"That's it." Li Si nodded slightly.

"Those martial artists on the rivers and lakes dare to be so bold." Li Si's gaze turned and fell on Yuan Zai, who had been standing respectfully.

"Yuan Zai, go and investigate this thoroughly."

Li Si's voice just fell.

Yuan Zai almost sat on the ground with fright.

Yuan Zai never expected that the emperor asked him to investigate this case?

Let him, who has no real power and knows nothing about investigations, is too Chang Shaoqing to investigate such a heinous murder?

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