Summon the Mythical Emperor of the World

Chapter 329: Datang vs All Nations Alliance!

Inside the longevity hall.

Cao Zhengchun walked in quickly, and said, "Your Majesty, within two days of Wu'anhou, he led an army of 100,000, and even broke through the twenty cities of Dongying. Now that the entire Dongying Island has been killed, I dare not resist!"

Cao Zhengchun's words are full of excitement.

As the governor of the East Factory, Cao Zhengchun knew everything that happened on Dongying Island. At this time, learning of Wu'an Hou Baiqi's record, he immediately entered the palace and reported it to his majesty.

"is it?"

Li Siduan sat on the throne of the dragon chair and smiled lightly.

As for the ending of Dongying, Li Si had already expected it, and was not surprised.

The trivial barbarian Japanese dared to vainly attempt to fight the idea of ​​the Tang Empire. This ending is normal.

"How about the Alliance of Nations?"

"Where are you now?"

Li Si gently tapped Long An with his right hand and asked casually.

Compared to the mere Dongying Island Country, Li Si pays more attention to the alliance of nations.

The alliance of nations, with tens of thousands of troops, was aggressive, and wanted to take advantage of the other side's Datang Empire. Although Li Si was disdainful in his heart, he did not say much about it.

Li Si asked Zhang Jiao to go to Tubo to solve the alliance of nations, which is already very important.

"His Majesty."

Cao Zhengchun heard the emperor’s question and immediately returned: "The tens of millions of troops of the Alliance of Nations have gathered hundreds of miles outside the border of Tubo."


Li Si frowned slightly.

This distance is already very dangerous.

For those in the Divine Demon Realm, it would not take long to cross a hundred miles.

However, at this moment, there are several gods and demons in Tubo, such as Zhang Jiao and the moon worshiper. Li Si is not worried about what will happen.

"How is the situation in Chang'an City?"

"Are there any rumors circulating?"

Li Si turned around and asked faintly.

The nations joined hands and wielded tens of millions of troops. This was a fatal impact for any dynasty.

In this case, rumors often take off in the country before the border confrontation.

"My Majesty, since the last time Mochizuki Tower was seized, no one dared to cause trouble at this time."

Cao Zhengchun said without hesitation.

Because of the Wangyue Tower incident, the East Factory cleaned the entire Chang'an City several times. I don't know how many officials and officials were in the East Factory dungeon.

Under the cruel methods of Dongchang, who dares to think otherwise?

"It's so good."

Li Si nodded slightly: "The situation in Chang'an City must not have any trouble. If anyone dares to know the law and break the law at this time, they will all be killed."

"According to the purpose."



Within two days, the 100,000 army of the Tang Dynasty broke through the Twenty City of Dongying.

When the news reached the emperor's ears, the emperor who was originally smug suddenly panicked.

You know, in the entire Dongying Island, there are only more than 30 cities.

Now that only the past two days have fallen into Twenty Cities, what else is going on?


"It's absolutely impossible?!"

"Even if those big names are all rubbish, and they just abandon the city and surrender, it is impossible for twenty cities to fall so quickly!"

The emperor stood up suddenly, his face full of incredible.

The emperor never expected that the army of the Tang Empire was so terrifying that it had captured more than half of Dongying in just two days.

If it were another two days, wouldn't the entire Dongying fall into the opponent's hands?

The emperor was totally lost.

He planned everything, and even prepared for a long-term war of attrition, but he did not expect that in the face of absolute strength, all of his plans would be so vulnerable.

"Datang Empire?!"

"Datang Empire?!"

The emperor's hands trembled and it was difficult to control himself.

Only at this moment did the emperor understand that everything he did was a joke in the eyes of the Tang Empire, a joke of a jumping clown trying to wear a crown.

Emperor Fu thought that under the pressure of the Datang Empire, all the forces in the East were forced to join together, and he could take this opportunity to reap huge benefits.

It's a pity that the emperor counted to the front, but not to the back.

Even if all the forces of Dongying gathered together, they would be fragile before the Datang Empire, let alone gain benefits.

The emperor suddenly realized why the Tang Empire did not communicate with Dongying from beginning to end.

At that time, the emperor was still somewhat fortunate.

But now it seems that the reason why the Datang Empire did not communicate with Dongying was because in the eyes of the Datang Empire, Dongying was about to die.

In the face of a country that will be extinct, what is the need for communication?

A trace of regret suddenly rose in the Emperor's heart...

If at that time, he didn't think about plotting benefits from the Datang Empire, and didn't send out the credential, would the outcome be different?

It's a pity that even if the emperor regrets it, it is already too late.

"How to do how to do?"

"My Dongying simply can't resist the soldiers of the Tang Empire."

"Yes, if we continue like this, all of my cities in Dongying will be broken by tomorrow at the latest."

The remaining great names are panicking.

At this moment, they didn't have any thoughts of resistance in their hearts.

Facing the Tianwei of the Datang Empire, they were racking their brains to think about how to survive.

As long as you can live, even if you linger, even if you lose your identity as a big name, no one will refuse.


All the daimyo thought for a long time, but they didn't think of where their vitality was.

Because now the entire Dongying is about to be taken by the Datang Empire, what qualifications do they have to pray for the Datang Empire to spare their lives?




Above the border city.

King Liang looked solemn, sitting here personally, dispatching troops and generals, and issuing military orders, which were quickly passed to the army.

This border gate is the closest to the alliance of nations. If the tens of thousands of troops of the alliance of nations want to go to the Tang Empire, they must pass through the border gate here.

Therefore, when King Liang was in the capital of Tubo, he had already decided to fight the tens of millions of troops from the alliance of nations here.

"How many soldiers are there in the city gate?"

King Liang turned his eyes and looked at the lieutenant next to him.

"His Royal Highness, a total of 600,000!" the lieutenant whispered.

"Six hundred thousand?"

Wang Liang shook his head slightly, his face full of bitterness.

In fact, the Datang army in Tubo is far more than 600,000.

It's just that the remaining army needs to suppress the remaining cities of Tubo.

Otherwise, once these troops are transferred away, it will certainly increase the chances of winning a battle with the Alliance of Nations, but if these cities get out of control, the situation may be even worse if the Datang army gets the enemy back and

Therefore, even King Liang did not dare to concentrate all the troops here.

King Liang settled down, his expression quickly calmed down.

The 600,000 army is used to defend the city, and under normal circumstances, it is definitely more than enough.

But when the siege party reached tens of millions, even King Liang did not have the slightest confidence to defend it.

Just when Liang Wang's mind was ups and downs.

The earth shuddered suddenly.

King Liang's pupils shrank and he looked out of the city gate suddenly.

I saw a thin black line slowly appearing at the end of the line of sight.

This layer of thin black lines, like locusts, is densely packed with no end in sight.

The alliance of nations headed by Dashi, Tianzhu and other countries, with 14 million troops, is about to approach the city.

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