Boom boom boom! ! !

The earthquake trembled. Not long after the 14 million troops of the Alliance of Nations arrived, they began to attack the city, giving the Datang Empire no chance at all.

The Great Tang soldiers above the city pass looked at the tens of thousands of army like a black torrent, his face was tragic, without a trace of blood.

Before the charge of the tens of thousands of troops arrived, they heard the sound of a mountain torrent collapsing, turning into a rolling sound wave, and passed on for dozens of miles nearby.

King Liang settled down, facing the frontal charge of the tens of millions of troops, King Liang did not choose to go out of the city to fight.

"Bows and arrows!!"

The voice of King Liang resounded above the city gate.

Hum! ! !

Thousands of archers prepared, pulled up their longbows, and shot viciously towards the tens of thousands of army.

Tear! ! !

Under the rain of arrows, the coalition forces of the various nations did indeed kill many people.

But under the whole, these dead people are of no avail.

Even if all the arrows in the city pass are used up, how many people can be shot?

Ten thousand steps! Thousand steps! Hundred steps!

It was almost a moment.

Thousands of troops have already approached the city gate.

King Liang took a deep breath, shaking in his heart.

King Liang had an illusion that the city under his feet was torn apart like thin paper under the impact of thousands of troops.

"I hope it can be blocked."

King Liang settled down.


at this time.

Above the city gate, a man appeared silently.

The man looked cold, even if he faced the tens of thousands of soldiers, his eyes were still cold.


The man held his finger like a sword, raised it to the center of his eyebrows, and then slashed down towards the tens of thousands of army.

Hum! ! !

In the depths of the man's pupils, an illusory sword shadow faintly condenses.

at the same time.

A sword beam of dozens of feet was severely chopped off by the man.

The sword glow is shining, like a starry sky, gathering from the void, and slashing down.


Thousands of soldiers were cut in two by this monstrous sword light on the spot.

Blood spattered.

The earth was dyed red.


next moment.

More soldiers flooded in madly.

Under the full blow of the Dugu Sword Demon, might shock people, but the thousands of soldiers killed could not make the allied forces retreat.

In fact, although there are many thousands of soldiers, it is insignificant compared to the total army of 14 million, and even a ripple cannot be stirred up.

An army of tens of millions is far beyond the ability of individual forces to shake.

Even a swordsman like Dugu Sword Demon who killed Wushuang in the sand could do nothing.

Above the city gate.

When King Liang saw this scene, his heart felt cold.

He knew something about the strength of Dugu Sword Demon.

At that time, when King Liang led the army to put down Shuofang, the **** and demon of King Shuofang couldn't even stop the Dugu Sword and Demon.

But at this moment, under the tens of thousands of troops, the Dugu Sword Demon is still elegant, but it cannot dominate the battlefield situation.

The 14 million army's offensive only slowed down a bit, but still with an unstoppable posture, slowly approaching the city pass.

"not good!"

King Liang felt tight.


A crisp sound like a silver bell rang in King Liang's ear.

"Be prepared to defend the city."

Yan Lingji wore a light blue long veil, and her face seemed to be shrouded in mist.

Yan Lingji glanced at King Liang, her shadow flashed and disappeared.

Waiting for Yan Ling Ji to appear again, she was already in another direction above the city gate.


A light blue flame ignited in Yan Lingji's pupils.

The flame swayed, but it rose in the wind and gushed out.

Under the shocking eyes of countless officers, the original flame suddenly turned into a sea of ​​flames.

The sea of ​​flames churned, as if swallowing everything.

Flame Ling Ji knew the horror of the tens of thousands of troops, so she went all out when she first shot.

The talent of controlling the flames is fully displayed in the hands of Yan Lingji.

Under the turmoil of the sea of ​​fire, at least thousands of coalition forces were burned into nothingness.


After a while.

Yan Ling Ji fell into the same predicament as the Dugu Sword Demon.

That is because there are too many coalition forces.

It can't be killed at all.

Regardless of whether it is the Flame Lingji or the Dugu Sword Demon, thousands of soldiers will be killed with each blow.

But after killing thousands of soldiers, in an instant, there were tens of thousands of soldiers, hundreds of thousands of soldiers, and millions of soldiers.

Flame Ling Ji is okay, the body of fire makes the body of Yan Ling Ji endless, with some of the powers of the four heavenly gods and demons.

But Dugu Sword Demon is different.

Although each sword of the Dugu Sword Demon was terrifying, it was consuming the true essence of the Dugu Sword Demon's body.

According to the current strength of the true essence in the Dugu Sword Demon, at most ten swords can be cut, and the Dugu Sword Demon will fall into the trap of exhaustion of true essence.

At that time, if the Dugu Sword Demon did not escape, it would really be abruptly consumed by thousands of troops.



boom! ! !

With the participation of Yan Ling Ji, the offensive of the tens of millions of troops slowed down a lot.

Flame Ling Ji and Dugu Sword Demon joined forces, and tens of thousands of coalition forces died with every blow.


as time flows.

More and more coalition forces surged in.

In addition, Dugu Sword Demon's true energy consumption is intense, and it can no longer maintain the initial attack of that intensity.

Tens of thousands of troops began to slowly approach again.

Although hundreds of thousands of coalition forces were killed in the short time that Dugu Sword Demon and Yan Ling Ji took action, it was still to no avail.


The depths of the tens of millions of army.

The monarchs of the countries looked at the battlefield and found that victory was skewing towards them, and they were suddenly proud and filled with emotion.

"The King of Food, it seems that I am waiting for victory!"

The Lord of the Kingdom of Tianzhu looked at the King of Food with excitement.

As one of the five powers of this alliance of nations, the Lord Tianzhu has the qualification to have an equal dialogue with the King of Food.

If the war is won and the alliance of nations invades the interior of the Datang Empire and shares the fruits of victory, the Lord of Tianzhu will surely get a very rich share.

"is it?"

The King of Food looked at the Lord Tianzhu with a smile on his face.

Although the Great Eater thought about this moment before the war, when this scene really came, the Great Eater still couldn't calm down.

This is the Great Tang Empire!

The high heaven and the kingdom!

But now, this great empire is about to be trampled under their feet.

The monarchs of the other countries were equally excited, discussing how to divide the spoils after victory.


A small monarch exclaimed: "What is that?"

This just came out.

Including Dashi, Tianzhu and other countries' masters, they all set their sights on the battlefield.

next moment.

Above the Datang Chengguan.

A figure appeared.

The figure has long hair and shawls, and is wearing a large dark robe, and his eyes reveal the indifference of seeing through the world.

Behind the figure, a round moon slowly rises, and the endless power of the lunar moonlight falls down.



Royal palace.

Yongan Palace.

Li Si was chatting with the Queen Mother.

"Your Majesty, the matter of the coalition forces of all nations is no trivial matter, what are your plans?" The Queen Mother looked at Li Si, worried, and said.

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