
The moment when Xianshu's "Earth Splits Heaven Collapse" was released.

The whole world fell silent.

Immediately after.

Under King Liang's incredible gaze.

The earth roared suddenly.

One after another huge cracks continued to emerge from the ground.

These cracks, as if connected to the abyss, can't be seen at all.

Moreover, as soon as the crack appeared, it spread, expanded, and split quickly!

Just a short time!

On the entire battlefield, the ground was cracked, and huge cracks separated the tens of millions of troops. At the edge of the cracks, at least millions of troops were affected by the rolling vibrations, which directly shook them into the cracks.

Tens of thousands of coalition forces are like isolated islands, separated on a ground with endless cracks in all directions.

"This... what is this?"


King Liang's eyes were blank, looking at the battlefield full of cracks and the cracks besieged by tens of thousands of troops, he immediately felt that Sanguan had been hit by an unprecedented impact.

After the release of the ‘Hufeng’ celestial arts and the ‘Rain-calling’ celestial arts, the tens of thousands of coalition forces were defeated, King Liang realized that the existence of secretly shots must be incredibly high.

Even the moon worshiper currently known as the strongest in King Liang's mind is far behind.

With two random moves, they defeated the tens of millions of troops. King Liang had never heard of this method.

But at this time.

When King Liang saw the movement caused by Xianshu's "Cracking the Earth and the Sky", King Liang didn't even feel the shock in his heart.

Only deep awe is left.

Between the gestures, the ground is split, and thousands of troops are trapped. Is this still a human?

I'm afraid that in the ancient myths and legends, those immortals who watched the world were nothing more than this, right?

An idea suddenly appeared in King Liang's heart.

If the existence of the shot is willing to kill these tens of millions of troops, it couldn't be easier.

Just create a few more cracks, traverse thousands of troops, and the huge impact caused by the ground burst is enough to make 90% of the coalition forces fall into the deep cracks.


Above high school.

Yan Lingji and Dugu Sword Demon looked at the battlefield, with extreme shock on their faces.

"Four gods and demons?"

Dugu Sword Demon looked extremely solemn and said in a low voice.

"More than the Four Heavens!" Yan Lingji shook her head slightly and said solemnly.

Although the four heavenly gods and demons have begun to set foot in the power of heaven and earth, they can only indirectly wield a huge power of heaven and earth indirectly like the leader of the moon worship.

But the current scene where the earth splits the sky and collapses is more than a simple wave of the power of the sky and the earth.

This is a deeper application of the power of heaven and earth.

It is far beyond the control of the four heavenly gods and demons.

Even in the world of'Skywalk' where Yan Lingji is located, I am afraid that only God's residences like Zhu Rong, which existed in ancient times, have this ability.

When the Dugu Sword Demon heard this, he did not continue to ask.

Because Dugu Sword Demon realized that Yan Lingji's mouth meant ‘not the four heavens’.

Not the four heavens.

That is the fifth heaven.

It may even be the sixth heaven!

A strong warfare appeared on the face of Dugu Sword Demon.

Although now, the Dugu Sword Demon has not even touched the bottleneck of the fourth heaven, let alone the fifth heaven and the sixth heaven.

But Dugu Sword Demon believed that under His Majesty's command, one day he could reach such a state.

The worshiper of the moon stood in the void, with long hair and shawl, and his original indifferent eyes began to ripple.

"This is another way to use the power of heaven and earth?"

The Lord of Moon Worship Folded his hands in front of him, his face thoughtful.

The Lord of Moon Worship raised his head slightly, looking at a quaintly dressed figure in a certain Eguan Bo belt standing in the clouds, sinking into thought.

The four heavenly gods and demons still set foot in the power of heaven and earth.

But, how mysterious and vast is the power of heaven and earth? Even if the four heavenly gods and demons start to come into contact, it is far from enough to realize the complete power of heaven and earth.

Therefore, the gods and demons above the four heavens cultivate their understanding of the use of the power of heaven and earth.

The deeper the comprehension of the power of heaven and earth, the stronger the strength, which distinguishes the four heavens, the fifth heavens, and the sixth heavens.

And the gods and demons at the pinnacle of the sixth heaven must have completed their understanding of the power of a certain heaven and earth.

As for the seven heavenly gods and demons, what they understand is no longer the power of heaven and earth, but the rules.

At this time, after seeing Zhang Jiao's move with his own eyes, the Lord of the Moon Worshipping Master concluded that Zhang Jiao's comprehension of the power of heaven and earth was already at a very deep level.

Therefore, such a terrifying scene can be created.


The depths of the coalition forces.

The Big Eater stared blankly at the battlefield divided by the huge crack.

Thousands of troops are densely packed, like a black ocean, but at this moment, these "black petrels" are like isolated islands, trapped on a small piece of land.

All around the land is an abyss of unfathomable cracks.

The Food King rubbed his eyes again, as if he had fallen into a nightmare, unable to extricate himself.

Other monarchs around are similar.

If there is a choice, these monarchs hope that they are dreaming and everything in front of them is an illusion.

But a pity...

Everything is true.


"what should we do?"

A certain monarch of a small country uttered a loud thump, fell to the ground, and said in a low voice with his face collapsed.

As a country's monarch, lying on the ground so rudely, in peacetime, will surely make other monarchs secretly disdain.

But at the moment, no one noticed this.

In other words, the monarchs on the field are basically the same.

In just a short moment, the tens of thousands of troops of the Alliance of Nations have fallen to such an end. Who can accept it?

"What...what to do?"

The King of Food was silent, and his heart was extremely bitter.

How to do?

He also wants to know what to do!

Continue to attack the city?

The help of tens of thousands of troops is trapped on the ‘isolated island’, what strength do they have to attack the city?

Say it again.

Even if there are enough troops, will he dare to give the order of siege?

The scenes that took place on the battlefield had completely shattered the confidence of the alliance of nations.

In this case, not to mention the tens of millions of troops, even the hundreds of millions of troops are useless.


If you do not continue to attack the city, will you return to the middle school?

The Food King seriously thought about this idea, but he finally rejected it.

The alliance of nations mobilized 14 million, which looks infinite, but in fact it empties the heritage of the nations.

After losing tens of millions of troops, even if he fled back to the country and did not have enough strength to suppress it, he would probably be torn to pieces by other domestic forces.

Tens of thousands of troops fell into the Tang Empire, there must be a statement.


Above the Tubo city gate.

After a long period of shock, King Liang began to react to lost the obstacles of tens of millions of troops. King Liang looked from a distance and discovered the place behind the tens of millions of troops, where the monarchs of the nations were located.

"good chance!"

Liang Wang was shocked.

If the monarchs of various countries can be left behind, it will be an unprecedented victory for the Tang Empire.

"Come here."

"Pass the king's order."

"Separate one hundred thousand troops and move quickly toward the rear of the enemy army. We must not let the monarchs of various countries escape."

King Liang quickly issued several orders, striving to be foolproof.


The gate of Chengguan opened slowly.

An army of 100,000 people quickly moved toward the target.

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