Summon the Mythical Emperor of the World

Chapter 516: If you have something to say, don't do it!

My name is Sun Ming.

From the federal civilization.

But now I am panicked.

Because I seem to have come to an amazing world.

Sun Ming quickly judged after thinking between lightning and flint, that the old man who looked like a farmer had not lied.

In fact.

There is no need for the other party to lie.

With the strength shown by the old man, it is much easier to slap Sun Ming to death than to smash a boulder. Is it necessary to lie?

Since there is no lie.

That proves that all of this is true.

Thinking of this, Sun Ming swallowed fiercely again.


Sun Ming knelt on the ground without hesitation, and Natou bowed, "Please worship the disciple."

In any case, the most important thing Sun Ming needs to do now is to integrate into this village and gain the other side's strength.


Sun Ming did not hesitate to kneel and kowtow to draw closer the relationship.

"Little old man can't bear it."

Upon seeing this, the old man waved his hand and ‘twisted’ Sun Ming up.

Sun Ming wanted to be hard-headed and make a move of "unless the old man agrees, I can't afford to die."

But unfortunately.

Under the horrible strength of the old man, Sun Ming was dragged up like a chicken without any resistance.

"Since your Majesty has been saving the world and replenishing the sky, and the world has been ruled, the lives of people like us have been much better. The little old man sees you as young and energetic, so it is better to serve the court. Why do you have to worship the little old man as a teacher and waste the years?"

The old man looked at Sun Ming and said quickly.


What the old man did not expect was.

What an uproar caused by his words in Sun Ming's heart.

"Save the world and mend the sky?"

"How come out to patch up the sky?"

"What kind of world is this?"

Sun Ming screamed wildly in his heart.

"Old man."

"You just said, what does your majesty mean to save the world and mend the sky?" Sun Ming took a breath and asked cautiously.

"You do not know?"

The old man glanced at Sun Ming and explained, "A few days ago, the sky was torn apart, and your Majesty was filling the sky above the sky. Don't you know about this?"


"Such an important matter, I naturally know."

Sun Ming's face turned pale, and he smiled strongly.


"Little old man is going back."

The old man glanced at the sky, turned and walked towards the village.

Sun Ming watched his old man leave.

It wasn't until the old man disappeared that Sun Ming couldn't help showing shock and astonishment.

Patch the sky!

The Emperor of the Tang Dynasty actually had the means to patch the sky.

Sun Ming looked like a ghost.

The federal civilization is divided in the form of stars, but even so, the federal civilization has never heard of a strong person who can fill the sky.

I am afraid that only in those myths and legends that have long been proved to be false, can there be invincible powerhouses who can only repair the sky.

but now.

Sun Qingming heard the news about'Mending the Sky' with his own ears.

"Also, according to what the farmer said just now, his strength is normal in the Datang Empire."

"Any citizen in the Datang Empire basically possesses such power?"

There was a thick and unbelievable under Sun Ming's eyes.

With the performance of the farmer just now, at least he possesses great strength, and this kind of strength, placed in the federal civilization, is enough to apply for the high-level mecha division qualification.

In the Federal Civilization, it is too difficult to achieve great power.

Before the meteorite was captured, in the federal civilization, only those with extraordinary talents and natural powers could reach this standard.

And this kind of person is often difficult to produce one million people.

Even after capturing that meteorite, the federal civilization has opened up an extraordinary path for individuals, and there are not many that have reached a huge force.

At least Sun Ming didn't reach it.

But now

In this Great Tang Empire.

Any farmer of the common people has a huge amount of power?

Doesn't this mean that in the federal civilization, there is no one in a million mecha divisions, and they are common people everywhere in the Datang Empire?

Sun Ming only felt dizzy.

Had he not felt any danger at this time, I am afraid that Sun Ming would return to the federal civilization without hesitation and never come to this terrifying world of mecha division per capita.


"There must be something I overlooked."

Sun Ming kept repeating what the old man said in his mind.

"Farmer's three styles."

"Right! The old man just mentioned the farmer's three styles."

"As long as the farmer has three types of entry, he can have this kind of strength!"

Sun Ming's eyes shone brightly.

He thought he had grasped the key to the prosperity of the Great Tang Empire.

"Just, what's the use even if I know?"

"Such a precious thing, can I get it?"

Sun Ming looked helpless.

For Sun Ming, the Farmer's Three Forms are definitely a vital treasure for all the people of Datang to gain a great leap in individual strength.

Such a treasure, where it is, must be guarded by heavy guards, how could it be that Sun Ming could peep it?

"Wander around first."

Sun Ming plucked up his courage and turned around the village.

What Sun Ming didn't know was that everything he had now fell into Li Si's eyes.

I saw Li Si holding his hands high above the sky, standing proudly, quietly looking down at Sun Ming.

"Not an entity."

"It seems like some kind of illusion transformed into a real magical power, similar to the projection of the heavens?"

Li Si looked at Sun Ming, his face slightly solemn.

At this moment, Li Si was very sure that this man named'Sun Ming' was the fourth natural disaster.


"How did I feel that he didn't know about the fourth natural disaster?"

Li Si frowned slightly.

From Sun Ming's performance, Li Si faintly guessed that the source of the fourth natural disaster should be the same as the ‘main god’, and something went wrong.

The ‘Lord God’ was hit hard, and as a last resort, he found a person with a special physique and merged with him.

And the fourth natural disaster, I am afraid the same is true.

It’s just that the fourth natural disaster chose not a certain person

But a world? Or, a civilization?

There was a thoughtful look on Li Si's face.

However, all this is Li Si's guess.

To prove, Li Si must personally go to the world where the fourth natural disaster is located to take a look.

"Wait and see."

Li Si looked at Sun Ming, thinking silently in his heart.

After a while.

Sun Ming stood in front of the notice of existence, staring blankly at the drawings on the notice.

On the drawings, there are some patterns drawn, which are easy to understand and will be easy to understand.

At the top of the drawing, four words were written crookedly.

Farmer's three styles.

"This is the farmer's three styles?"

Sun Ming looked blank, looking at the drawing on the post notice, there was no joy for a while.

and many more.

Why do you feel so wrong?

Sun Ming never expected that the extremely precious "Farmer's Three Types" he thought would be displayed so casually on a notice that anyone could see?

How can this be? !

Sun Ming instantly thought whether he had fallen into some kind of conspiracy?

But Sun Ming changed his mind. He is now just a weak chicken that can be beaten by any common people. What kind of "conspiracy" is worth making him jump?

"do not care."

"Now that the farmer's three formulas are available, I will learn directly."

Sun Ming's heart moved.


A layer of screen suddenly appeared in front of Sun Ming.

Discovering the first-order perfect martial arts, does it consume one hundred source points to directly cultivate to great success?

Anyone who comes into contact with meteorites has the ability to practice directly.

Sun Ming is naturally the same.

of course.

This ability is not unlimited.

It needs to consume source points.

In theory, as long as you have enough source points and cooperate with the corresponding exercises, you can have a power comparable to gods in a short time.


It is too difficult to get the origin points.

Sun Ming worked hard for several years before he accumulated 920 source points.

"First-order perfect martial arts?"

A trace of shock passed through Sun Ming's eyes.

In the division of federal civilization, the perfect-level martial arts represents the pinnacle of martial arts at this level, which means perfect and complete, and no other martial arts can surpass it at this level.

Sun Ming never expected that being posted on the notice was a farmer's three style that could be viewed by an individual, it turned out to be a perfect martial arts?


Sun Ming held back his heartache and watched the original point of nine hundred and twenty become eight hundred and twenty.

Hum! ! !


Sun Ming only felt a surging force rising in his body, and a faint, almost imperceptible inner Qi flowed through the meridians.

"Is this power?"

Sun Ming resisted the urge to look up to the sky and howl, clenched his fists, his eyes excited.

"My current strength."

"Should have reached the level of the farmer just now?"

Sun Ming raised his right hand and pressed it on a huge rock next to it.



The boulder immediately began to fall apart.


"Unexpectedly, my Sun Ming, one day, could have such a powerful force!!"

In Sun Ming's eyes, something called Ye Wang exuded.

It didn’t take long for me to come to this world, and I had such a great harvest.

Sun Ming couldn't imagine what kind of surprises he would have if he continued to stay.


"This world is not simple. The emperor of the Datang Empire can repair the sky with only his hand, and his strength is terrifying to the extreme. You must be calm."

Although Sun Ming was excited, he immediately suppressed it.

Although Sun Ming had just arrived in this world, he was not a fool.

Naturally, I know the truth that Mu Xiu Yu Lin Feng will destroy it.

If now, his Sun Ming ran out to publicize, I am afraid that the villagers will be taught every minute.

Even Sun Ming learned from the farmer's old man that the Datang Empire had set up an organization to imprison those proud warriors.

If he is locked in what the result will be, you can imagine


Just when Sun Ming was full of ambition, he wanted to break new ground in the Tang Empire.

"The mad dogs of the court have been biting the old man."

I saw a gloomy evil spirit warrior appearing in front of the village like a phantom.

"The old man uses the secret method continuously, the blood is lost, and he needs tonic."

The evil spirit warrior turned his gaze and fell on Sun Ming, his eyes lit up suddenly, "Yes, young enough, and the taste of blood must be fresh."

The evil spirit martial artist smiled evilly, as if he had seen some satisfying prey, raised his right hand and grabbed it towards Sun Ming.

Sun Ming only felt that his scalp exploded. The evil spirit martial artist's grasp seemed to encompass everything. The heaven and the earth were all within this grasp.

"If you have something to say, don't do it!!!"

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