Summon the Mythical Emperor of the World

Chapter 548: Unfeeling Valley


   "Is this my child?"

   Li Si looked calm, but ripples rose in his heart.

   As time passed, whether it was Mu Mu or Song Xian'er, the little traces of life in their stomachs became more and more obvious.

   Li Si quietly used the power of national luck in advance to slowly nourish the children in Mu Mu and Song Xian'er.

   In fact, even if Li Si didn't make a move, just relying on Mu Mu and Song Xian'er to enjoy the three ranks of the concubine, can greatly improve the child's physique.

   In Li Si's induction, the aura of life displayed by the children in Mu Mu and Song Xian'er's stomach at this moment has reached the level of an ordinary acquired martial artist.

   According to this trend, waiting for the birth of a child, I am afraid it is directly at the level of the innate realm martial artist.

   Of course, the innate martial artist here is only the innate martial artist on the life level.

   As for the fighting consciousness and martial arts skills developed by the innate fighters through fighting, they are not included in this list.

   But even so, there is no doubt that the child is at an innate level.


   If this spreads out, I am afraid that a group of warriors who have struggled to step into the innate will be ashamed to death.

   In Li Si's eyes, it was normal.

   It was this period of time that the power of national destiny invested in Mu Mu and Song Xianer's stomach was able to forcibly create several gods and demons.

   If the child cannot be pushed to the innate, that is abnormal.

   Moreover, it is nourished with the power of national luck, without any side effects.

   That is to say, after the child is born, the starting point is innate, and it still retains the potential for continuous breakthroughs.

   "It is said that the heirs of the powerful people who cross the heavens and the world are born as gods and demons, and there are even four heavens, five heavens and even six heavens."

   Li Si thought silently in his heart.

of course.

  The stronger the strength, the weaker the chance of having an offspring.

  This is one of the fundamental rules of the heavens and the multiverse.

   However, the stronger the individual, once the offspring is born, their start will be incredible.

   In the time and space memory of the'Lord God', the supreme beasts in the heavens, such as pure blood dragons and pure blood phoenixes, their descendants, start from the nine heavens and demons.

   Although Hei Yan has the blood of a real dragon, her blood is not pure, far from being compared with a real pure-blooded dragon.

   "Your Majesty, will our children be as strong as your Majesty in the future?"

   Song Xian'er also touched her only son, a hint of maternity flashed across her pretty face.


   Li Si pondered for a while, shook his head and said.

   The growth rate of Li Si is incredible even if it is placed in the heavens and ten thousand realms.

   From a mortal who was inferior to the acquired realm, he grew up to a height enough to suppress the ordinary seven-layer gods and demons, and it only took less than a year.

   What can I do in less than a year?

   Even the weakest **** and demon realm, for a year, it is just a retreat and a nap.

   Even in the eyes of ordinary people, one year is nothing.

   However, it took Li Si this year to unify the Datang world, lay out the federal civilization, and penetrate the world of ‘sacred carving’.


   If the child in Song Xian'er's belly would not have any special opportunities in the future, it would be difficult to reach the height of Li Si.

almost impossible.

   Because as time goes by, Li Si will become stronger and faster.

   There is no bottleneck in the emperor's qi refining technique. As long as the national fortune increases, Li Si's strength will skyrocket.

   plus the power of fortune.

   It can be said that as long as Li Si is given time to grow to the level of the "Lord God" and the fourth natural disaster, it is only an inevitable result.

at the same time.

  Dukang, the deputy governor of the East Factory, has already brought a large number of East Factory Supervisors and descended to the world of "Shen Diao", preparing to establish a branch of the East Factory in the world of "Shen Diao".

   "This matter is personally ordered by the governor, and I must not let the governor down, otherwise, you know what will happen to you."

   Du Kang glanced around, glanced at the many guards behind him.

   The guards that Du Kang took away from the East Factory this time basically reached the innate realm, and even four of them were strong in the gods and demons realm.

   "Comply with the order."

   Many guards bowed together and said respectfully.

   Du Kang was the deputy governor of the Dongchang factory, and they came here at the order of the governor Cao Zhengchun, naturally no one dared to disobey Du Kang.

   You know, in the East Factory, death is just a relief.

   Once the Supervisor Cao Zhengchun is angered, it will be a thousand times more painful to end than death.

   "This place is extremely hidden, and the power of heaven and earth converges, is it a good place?"

   Du Kang glanced at a valley not far away and nodded.

   "Take this place as a branch of my east factory."

   When Du Kang said this, there was a cold light across his face.

next moment.

   Du Kang rose in the sky and landed on the valley, looking down.

   I saw occasional smoke trails in the valley. Obviously, this valley already has a master.

   "Who is trespassing into my unfeeling valley?"

   At this moment, a middle-aged man appeared like an arrow from the string, and quickly appeared hundreds of meters away from Du Kang, looking at Du Kang as if he was facing an enemy.

   "Who came from?"

   The middle-aged man said solemnly.

   Although Du Kang just stood there, it gave him a feeling of invincibility.

   "East Factory, Dukang."

   Du Kang said lazily.

   "East Factory?"

   "Du Kang?"

   The middle-aged man frowned.

   Whether it is Dongchang or Dukang, he has never heard of it.

   It’s just that, with Du Kang’s strength, it is reasonable to say that he shouldn’t be so obscure I wonder if you are here? "

   asked the middle-aged man, frowning.

   In his opinion, Du Kang always means menacing.

   If it weren't for a middle-aged man who couldn't see through Dukang, and felt a strong threat from Dukang, I'm afraid he would have killed Dukang a long time ago.

   Unfeeling Valley, as one of the Jedi in the world of ‘Divine Carving’, has ever been hit by someone like this?

"one thing."

   "My East Factory has taken a fancy to this place. If you are acquainted, move out as soon as possible."

   Du Kang didn't mean to kill, but gave the middle-aged man a choice.


   "Your excellency is provoking my unfeeling valley?"

   When the middle-aged man heard the words, a dangerous light flashed across his face.

   asked him to give up the Valley of Unrequited Love as soon as he came. This was more than a provocation, it was humiliating.

   "What about provocation?"

   Du Kang was slightly impatient.

   He had planned to show mercy, but the person in front of him was always looking for death, which made Du Kang's murderous intent almost moved.

   Although the middle-aged man felt that the aura exuding from Dukang's body became more and more terrifying, when he thought of his trump card, he suddenly became hardened and said:

   "It seems that in the past few decades, I have been too reclusive in Jueqing Valley, causing anyone to forget what the Jueqing Valley is!"

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