Summon the Mythical Emperor of the World

Chapter 551: The national fortune rose! breakthrough! !


  Eternal Life Hall.

   Li Si sat on the throne of the dragon chair.


   "At most half a month, I can lock the world coordinates of the federal civilization."

   Li Si narrowed his eyes slightly, and his thoughts fluctuated.

   If the Federal Civilization is trying to win over'Sun Ming', I am afraid it will be disappointed in the end.

   Because they can't afford to win over'Sun Ming' at all.

   just when Li Si was thinking about it.

   hum! ! !

   The sky over Chang'an City.

   The ocean of national fortune that was originally like a vast ocean suddenly stirred up waves.

   The golden power of the national fortune gathered one after another, and in an instant, the national fortune of Tang Dynasty skyrocketed.

"this is?"

   Li Si shrank his pupils and looked up at the sky.

   Since Li Si pioneered the power of fortune, the fortune of the country has been completely stabilized. Although it gradually increases every day, the magnitude is not large.

   Available now.

   In a short period of time, the amount of national fortunes increased by dozens of times more than the increase since the opening of the dynasty.

   "Is it the national destiny swallowed by the conquering of the world of ‘divine carving’?"

   Li Si quickly thought of the reason.

  The skyrocketing national fortune is nothing more than so few possibilities.

   Now, all Li Si can think of is the world of ‘sacred carving’.

As a complete Hengsha world, the world of'Divine Eagle' is a world of Hengsha that is suspected to have fallen from a small thousand world. Once it is completely transformed into the territory of the Tang Empire, the improvement of the national fortune it can bring to the Tang Empire is probably far Any time ahead.


at this time.

   The vast and boundless national fortune of the Tang Dynasty skyrocketed again.

   If you count the previous one, in a short period of time, Datang's national fortune has increased by 40%!

   "Sure enough, I didn't disappoint."

   Li Si slowly got up and walked outside the Hall of Longevity, experiencing the skyrocketing speed of the fortune of the country with the naked eye.

   You know, Li Si did not hesitate to personally shoot through the world of ‘sacred carving’ for what?

   Isn’t it just for national luck?

   In the eyes of ordinary people, even in the eyes of the hundreds of civil and military officials and ministers in the court, the number of national fortunes has nothing to do with them.

   For Li Si, the national fortune is closely related to his strength.

   As long as the country's luck is sufficient, the emperor's qi refining technique can break through without limits.

   is not only the emperor's refining technique, but the power of fortune will also be increased crazily with the skyrocketing national fortune.

   Under the superposition of the two, the impact on Li Si is more than one plus one? That is a leap of several times or even dozens of times.

   With the surge in national fortunes.

   Li Si slowly circulates in his body, as if the never-ending emperor's qi refining technique suddenly stopped.


   Strands of mysterious and mysterious'qi' condensed and quickly merged into Li Si's flesh and blood.


   There is a faint tsunami sound coming from Li Si.

   This is one of the manifestations of qi and blood condensed to the extreme.

   Now Li Si's emperor qi refining technique stops at the third stage.

   After the third stage, there is the fourth stage.

   And the third to the fourth is a very terrifying transition.

  Whether it is the training system of gods and demons, or the training system of mecha, or even the training system of other roads.

   The third to fourth levels are no different from the carp jumping over the dragon gate.

  The gods and demons cultivation system, the fourth stage begins to master the power of the heaven and the earth, showing the power of the heaven and earth in every gesture.

   Mecha division training system, the fourth level is the mythical mecha division level, able to break stars with one hand.

   And the emperor's refining technique...

Li Si closed his eyes slightly, the infinite power of national destiny was sucked into his body, and then absorbed by the emperor's Qi refining technique, turning into strands of mysterious and mysterious'qi', constantly feeling every piece of Li Si's flesh and bones. ,organ.

  The emperor's refining technique is like a black hole that can swallow everything, and a crazy whale swallows countless powers of national luck.

   Since Li Si opened up the fortune, the emperor's refining technique that has been stagnant, driven by this massive national fortune, began to slowly transition to a higher level.

   hum! ! !

   An incomparably stalwart emperor's shadow, like a spanning endless time and space, emerges from behind Li Si.

  Diying's face was blurred, as if covered by some kind of fog, and he couldn't see clearly.

   But the emperor shadow just appeared, an ancient and majestic breath filled the entire palace.

Not only that.

   After covering the palace, this breath continued to spread in all directions.


   Li Si Ning gave a drink.


   The incomparably stalwart emperor's shadow behind Li Si suddenly collapsed, turned into a brilliance after another, and merged into Li Si's body.

  With the integration of the emperor's shadow, on each of Li Si's bones, each bloodline branch, and the depth of each acupuncture point, a certain mysterious pattern was deeply imprinted.

   If someone magnifies Li Si's body hundreds of millions of times, he will find that a certain kind of rune that represents the avenue of supernatural power appears looming.

next moment.

   There was a voice that only Li Si could hear.

  嘭! ! !

   Li Si slowly opened his eyes, and the depths of his pupils showed a high majesty.

   "The third peak?"

   Li Si carefully felt his realm at this moment, and his face showed a trace of satisfaction.

   Although the emperor’s refining technique is claimed as long as the country’s luck is sufficient, there is no bottleneck.

   But in fact, the emperor's refining technique consumes too much of the national luck.

   Li Si unified the world of the Tang Dynasty, and with the help of a world of Hengsha, did the emperor refining technique enter the third stage.

   and conquering a world of ‘divine carving’, Li Si directly entered the third peak.

   "It stands to reason that a small Hengsha world is absolutely impossible to bring me such an improvement."

   Li Si returned to the Hall of Longevity, thoughtful.

   Li Si knew very well that the power of national destiny required for the first to the third stage of the emperor's qi refining technique ~ probably is less than one-tenth of the third to the fourth stage.

but now.

   The national fortune brought about by a world of ‘divine carving’ is several times that of the entire Datang world.

   This is obviously abnormal.

   If it is to talk about the number of levels of the strong, the Datang world does not know how far away the world of the ‘divine carving’ is.

   The only possibility is that the world of the ‘Divine Carving’ really falls from a certain small world personality as Li Si guessed.

   This is the only way. Under the situation that the'quantity' is far inferior to the Datang World, the'quality' makes up for or even surpasses it to a great extent.

   "Not bad."

   "After entering the third peak, my strength has increased by at least five times, and the power of luck has also been greatly improved. At this moment, my combat power may be comparable to the eight heavens and even the nine heavens?"

   Li Si clenched his fists, feeling the power of destruction in his body.

   Although Li Si is still in the third stage of the emperor's Qi refining technique, he is only one step away from the fourth stage, plus the power of fortune...

   Li Si faintly realized that the ordinary eight-fold gods and demons were not his opponents.

   As for whether it can be compared with the nine-layer gods and demons...

   Li Si is not very sure.

   But Li Si felt that even the Nine Heavens Gods and Demons could not help him.

  :. :

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