It's not just three tall men.

   More than a dozen people scattered around the world in Datang received different but similar treatments.

  Some of them appeared in the wild, and they happened to be swallowed by the hungry wolves with green eyes and died.

   Some people wanted to'mouse' a certain peasant woman, but they were beaten by the other party for bleeding from their internal organs, and finally wailed for an hour and died.

   What's more, it was crushed to death by the aftermath of the battle between two gods and demons.


   These dozens of people from the federal civilized world, not long after they arrived in the Datang world, they encountered various ‘coincidences’ and experienced various methods of death.

of course.

   The most miserable are the few people who accidentally landed on Dongying Island.

"What is this place?"

   "It looks desolate?"

   A man with cold eyes glanced around.

   Around the cold man, three figures followed.

   Including the cold man, there are three men and one woman, looking around curiously.

   "Why are there no people at all?"

   "It makes no sense? There is no one in such a big place?"

   The cold man frowned.


   The face of the only female among the four suddenly turned pale, she trembled and pointed not far away, and trembled: "Boss, boss, what do you think is that?!!!"

   The cold and cold man was startled and turned his head to look.

   I saw a monster more than ten meters long and full of scary eyes, looking towards this side.


   The cold man swallowed fiercely.

   He never expected that he would encounter this kind of monster just before he came to this world without even seeing him.


   The cold man stepped back cautiously.

   This monster full of eyes gave the cold man the feeling of facing the legendary mecha master of the federal civilization.

  咚咚咚! ! !

at this time.

   The earth trembles.

   The cold man and others subconsciously looked around.

   It’s just that, at this look, I saw a scene that the cold man will never forget.

   I can only see all directions, up and down, left and right, full of such terrifying monsters that are more than ten meters tall and full of eyes.

   densely packed.

   never ends.

   In an instant.

   The cold and cold man and the others collapsed to the ground with a thud, looking around in despair.


   "Where is this place?"

   The cold man murmured to himself.

   If you say, a monster gives the cold man the feeling of facing a legendary mecha.

   So now, how do you explain these densely packed monsters, at least ten thousand?

   Ten thousand legendary mecha divisions?

   How is this possible? ! ! !

   The cold man only feels the world is spinning.

next moment.

   The cold man and the others went black before they were completely torn apart by the approaching monster.

at the same time.

   is located in the center of Dongying Island.

   Deep in a huge brood.

   Mother Empress Irina slowly opened her eyes, a delicate color showed on her beautiful face.

   "Something seems to have arrived on the island."

   Mother Empress Irina frowned slightly, a little puzzled.

   Since your Majesty gave her the entire Dongying Island, there has never been a living creature sneaking into the island.

   "Forget it."

   "It's dead anyway."

   Mother Empress Irina shook her head, closed her eyes, and continued to train Zerg warriors.



   Imperial Palace.

  Eternal Life Hall.

   "Are you all dead?"

   Li Si glanced at the conferred **** list floating out of thin air and chuckled lightly.

   In just a few hours, all the people of the Federation civilization that have descended on the Datang world have been completely destroyed.

  The longest alive is the three people who descended outside a certain city.

   The three men had just passed the origin points and learned the farmer's three styles, and they were arrested by the black armored soldiers on patrol as suspected fugitives.

   Finally, because he couldn't stand the environment in prison, he committed suicide and died.

   As for the shortest time to live...

   are the four who descended on Dongying Island.

   You need to know that after Li Si gave Dongying Island to Mother Emperor Irina, the entire Dongying Island was built by Irina as a nest.

   I don't know how many ferocious Zerg warriors are entrenched on it.

   These Zerg warriors, because they don’t need to show up, they are not made based on humans.

   It is a killing machine created completely according to Irina's wishes.

It can be said.

   At present, the most dangerous place in the Datang world, in addition to the Datang Palace, Dongying Island can definitely rank in the top three.

   And, if it is desperate, Dongying Island is very likely to be ranked first.

after all.

  Even if they descended to the Datang Palace, the people of these federal civilizations would at least be able to see the magnificence in the palace.

   But Dongying Island...

   to meet those hideous monsters?

   "The entire army is annihilated. I am afraid that the Federal Civilization will be extremely vigilant against the Datang world, right?"

   "But it doesn't matter anymore."

   "At most a few days, I can lock the world coordinates of the federal civilization."

   Li Si sat on the throne of the dragon chair, thinking silently in his heart.

   Without these people from the Federation who suddenly came, Li Si might still have to spend ten and a half days to lock the world coordinates.

but now.....

   Through the traces left by the people of the Federation when they went back and forth, Li Si directly shortened the time to a few days.

   After a few days, he locked the world coordinates of the federal civilization, and Li Si passed through the gate of the world to open the two-way passage.

   Therefore, it is no longer useful whether the federal civilization is vigilant.



   Federal Civilization.

  In the exclusive meeting room of a certain member.

   A middle-aged man frowned and looked pale, like a dozen figures who had undergone torture: "What's the matter?"

   "How are you exploring?"

   The middle-aged man said this.

   One of the figures trembled suddenly, as if awakened, looked up and said bitterly: "My lord, I'm dead."

   "Dead?" The middle-aged man was taken aback.

   In order to avoid being swallowed by a single net just after landing in a different world, the middle-aged man specially let these dozen people descend to different corners of the world.

   In this way can greatly avoid casualties.

"what about you?"

   The middle-aged man realizes that something is wrong and looks at other people.

"grown ups."

   "We are dead too."

   The rest of the people looked at each other, struck the shock that was difficult to express in words, and replied in a low voice.


   "You are all dead?"

   The middle-aged man stood up suddenly, his expression extremely solemn.

   If only one or two people died, or even half of the death, the middle-aged man would not find it strange.

after all.

  Explore death in another world, not real death.

   After a few days of rest, these people can come back again.

but now.

  The middle-aged man suddenly discovered that all of his men were dead.


   "Even if you explored the world of'Shushan' back then, there could not have been such casualties!"

   The middle-aged man made a huge wave in his heart.

   One or two may be a coincidence, bad luck.

   But it’s all folded inside, it’s not just luck. .

   "I want to report this to the leader."

   The middle-aged man glanced at the audience and hurriedly left the meeting room.

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