The giant fairy Fu Hengzi stopped speaking after speaking.

As the supreme elder of the Immortal Sect of "Shu Mountain", Fu Hengzi has never been so soft in the world of "Shu Mountain" in the battlefield.

But at this moment, Fu Hengzi had to subdue.

Although Fu Hengzi had not fought against Li Si, only based on the power that Li Si had just shown in that palm, Fu Hengzi concluded that Li Si's strength was definitely not weaker than his original Mahayana period.

And Fu Hengzi's immortal legal body that appeared outside at this moment was nothing but the power of the immortal talisman.

Only one blow.

After a blow, it will disappear.

One blow from the immortal in the Mahayana period is enough to destroy the world and suppress everything.


Fu Hengzi didn't have any certainty, and repelled Li Si with a single blow.

If it were normal times, even if Fu Hengzi tried to spell this sentence and collapsed, it would not be like this.

But at this time, Jiang Chen's true spirit is in his hands. If Jiang Chen's true spirit is lost, it will definitely be a big loss to the "Shushan" Immortal Sect.

Fu Hengzi must bring Jiang Chen's true spirit to the world of'Shushan'.

Under various considerations, Fu Hengzi lowered his posture like this.

"Are you'shushan' disciple?"

Li Si stood with his hand in his hand, overlooking the huge fairy.

"Not bad."

Fu Hengzi nodded slightly, arrogantly saying: "If fellow Daoists are merciful, I will definitely not treat fellow Daoists wrongly."

"But if fellow Taoists persist in not realizing it, Immortal Sect'Shushan' will not allow anyone to bully."

In Fu Hengzi's words, there was a faint threat.

"Shushan" Xianzong is the contemporary, but he is not the only super elder.

If Li Si really doesn't know how to uphold him, then he will be blamed for the future liquidation of the "Shushan" Immortal Sect.

Fu Hengzi believed that under his words, Li Si would definitely make a correct choice.

after all.

Even mortals like ants know how to weigh the pros and cons, let alone the strong like Li Si?

Li Si must know what to do under the "Shushan" fairy sect, which is like a giant.

"Won't treat me wrongly?"

Li Si was taken aback for a moment, and then he laughed wildly with his hands behind him: "Hahahaha! What is your ‘Shushan’ Immortal Sect? Are you worthy to talk in front of me?"

Rumble! ! !

While Li Si laughed wildly, the entire federal civilized world seemed to collapse like the sky, countless planets exploded together, and the void was torn apart, like the end of the world.

And this scene fell in the eyes of the majestic elders and many congressmen, but it was terrifying and terrifying to the extreme.

This kind of sudden collapse of the sky, what kind of strength can a stalwart existence have?

The majestic old man can't even imagine.

All along, the federal civilization has followed the path of science and technology.

Believe that technology rules everything.

Even if they eventually captured meteorites outside the sky, explored many other worlds, and opened up an individual practice system, no one felt that the path of science and technology was inferior to the path of individual practice.

But at this time, after witnessing the strength of the tip of the iceberg displayed by the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, the majestic elder discovered that the road to science and technology is extraordinary, but in the eyes of the real powerhouse, such as the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty not far away, he is simply sitting on the well and watching the sky.

Compared to the shocked and astonished people of the Federation.

The huge fairy Fu Hengzi looked ugly.

Li Si's words were obviously rejecting his proposal.

At this point, Fu Hengzi's eyes flashed with a cold color.

He looked at Li Si as if he were not afraid of Li Si, but he didn't want to see Jiang Chen's true spirit.

But now.

Obviously it can't be solved by lowering your posture.

"Friends, don't make mistakes."

"'Shushan' Immortal Sect is huge, not you..."

Fu Hengzi looked gloomy and said every word.


Haven't waited for Fu Hengzi to finish.

The entire sky blue star field began to plunge into infinite darkness, and one star after another stopped burning, as if plunged into eternal silence.

"not good!!"

The huge immortal Fu Hengzi's expression changed, and he hurriedly said: "Sixiang sword formation, get up!!!"

Hum! ! !

The four-xiang fairy sword that was almost pulled out of the void by Li Si suddenly burst into bright colors.

The Sixiang sword formation was bestowed by Fu Hengzi to Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen can control the Sixiang Sword Array, and Fu Hengzi can naturally too.


Fu Hengzi's control of the Sixiang Sword Array does not know how much it exceeds Jiang Chen.

if we assume.

The Sixiang Sword Array can only exert one-tenth of its power in Jiang Chen's hands.

So at this moment, the Sixiang Sword Array has reached its heyday.



Hum! ! !

The four elephants rotate, smelt everything.

I saw four huge fairy swords suspended in Fu Hengzi's hands, and the four-color sword lights collided and swayed, bursting out the mighty power to shake the world.

"Is this the true power of the Sixiang Sword Array?"

Jiang Chen's true spirit appeared, looking at the Sixiang fairy sword suspended in Fu Hengzi's hand in awe.

If he was able to exert the power of the Four Elephant Sword Formation just now, he might be able to directly smelt many gods and demons with strengths no less than his.

"Master is worthy of being one of the strongest members of the Immortal Sect of Shushan."

Jiang Chen muttered to himself, sighing from the heart.

And at this moment.

The eyes of the majestic elders and the many federal congressmen flashed a little bit of color.

In the immediate situation, it was obvious that the Emperor of Tang was fighting with another similar existence.

If both lose out, wouldn't it be his opportunity for federal civilization?

Whether it is the dignified old man or the many congressmen, there is a glimmer of hope in the heart.

of course.

Everyone in the Federation is very self-aware.

They never thought about taking advantage of Li Si and Fu Hengzi's defeat, what kind of bargaining it would be.

Because it is not realistic at all.

Whether it is Li Si or Fu Hengzi, even if they are seriously injured, it is only a matter of thought to destroy their federal civilization.

What the majestic elders and others think is that the federal civilization can take this opportunity to linger for a while.


"I am giving you one last chance."

The huge immortal Fu Hengzi held the Sixiang sword array, looked directly at Li Si, and said.


Li Si glanced at it, the corners of his mouth raised, and a sarcasm smile appeared.

A mere energy body that is inferior to the avatar, dare to speak up in front of him?

The next moment Li Si's heart moved.

A semi-human high merit artifact tripod appeared.

The magical instrument of merit, the Ding, the light is restrained, and it turns around.


The meritorious artifact tripod soared wildly.

One thousand miles, ten thousand miles, one hundred thousand miles.

One light-year, ten light-years, a hundred light-years.

The huge meritorious artifact cauldron seemed to be pressed into the Federation world, whether it was Fuhengzi or the planet galaxy, in front of the meritorious artifact cauldron, it was as small as an ant.

"this is?"

Fu Hengzi, who had an indifferent expression, saw the world-like meritorious artifact Ding Ding, especially at the mouth of the meritorious artifact Ding Ding, the air of ten thousand virtues drooping down, her face changed wildly, as if seeing an extremely incredible scene.

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