Summon the Mythical Emperor of the World

Chapter 596: The whole story! The ill-fated fourth source of natural disasters!

Li Si was immersed in the memory of the source of the fourth natural disaster.

After the battle with the "Lord God", the source of the fourth natural disaster, which was hit hard, didn't care about the unknown territory he broke into at first.

After all, with the nature of the debris of the Great Dao at the source of the fourth natural disaster, it should have looked down on the heavens without fear of everything.

In fact, it is exactly the same.


The incredible happened.

This unknown realm does not seem to be in the worlds of the heavens, or in the multiverse.

It is more like a collection of time and space independent of the heavens and worlds.

In this unknown realm, there are many incredible powerhouses and creatures.

These powerhouses and creatures seem to have long been detached from the long river of time and space, and the past, the present and the future are integrated.

When the source of the fourth natural disaster had just broken into this unknown realm, it was discovered by a passing creature.

The passing creature was surprised at the way of existence of the source of the fourth natural disaster, so he wanted to catch the source of the fourth natural disaster.

Faced with such malice, the source of the fourth natural disaster is certainly not happy.

Then, the war broke out again.

The source of the fourth natural disaster is essentially a fragment of the road, which is inherently invincible.

Even if he was hit hard because of fighting against the ‘Lord God’, it’s not easy to be pinched.

The scope of the war is getting bigger and bigger.

It also attracts more and more people's attention.

Under the horrible gaze one after another.

The source of the fourth natural disaster suddenly realized something was wrong.

Finally, the source of the fourth natural disaster was stunned, and he wanted to evacuate the strange and unknown realm.

If at the beginning, the source of the fourth natural disaster is decisively withdrawn, of course there is still a chance.

But at this time, the source of the fourth natural disaster had already attracted the attention of many existences, and just as the source of the fourth natural disaster was about to escape, an even more incredible existence shot.

In an instant.

The rules and regulations collapsed.

Even the avenue began to give in.

Since the source of the fourth natural disaster was hit hard and the power of the source was exhausted, it fell directly into the hands of the stalwart existence that shot.


The source of the fourth natural disaster was trapped in a furnace, providing energy for a certain artifact at all times.

When Li Si saw this, he stopped and the corner of his mouth twitched.

What Li Si never expected was that after the battle with the'Lord God', the source of the fourth natural disaster would have such encounters.


What is even more incredible is.

The source of the dignified fourth natural disaster, a fragment of the avenue of the multiverse, in this unknown realm, actually acts like a ‘fuel’?

A trace of shock passed through Li Si's eyes.

Li Si knew exactly what strength the fourth natural disaster originated from.

That is a terrible existence that can be tough with the ‘Lord God’, and even put the ‘Lord God’ down!

Even if he was hit hard, he was essentially superior to all beings. Even Li Si never thought that the fourth natural disaster would receive such an'unfair' treatment in that unknown realm... .

"That unknown realm, is it a great world?"

Li Si's thoughts fluctuated.

In Li Si's memory, I am afraid that only the omnipotent saint Taoist ancestor in the great world can easily trap the source of the fourth natural disaster.


"Not the Great World!"

Li Si shook his head slightly between the sparks and the flint, throwing away the thought.

From the perspective of the source of the fourth natural disaster, Li Si can clearly determine that the unknown realm is not so much the world as a time-space aggregation that integrates the past, the present and the future.

It is fundamentally different from the great world.

"Not the great world, what kind of world is it?"

Li Si was slightly emotional.

The heavens and worlds are too mysterious.

In Li Si's memory, the Great Wilderness World should be located at the top of the heavens.

And under the great world, there is the world of "Panlong" and the world of "Starry Sky"...

But at the moment.

Li Si suddenly discovered that there is still an unknown realm, which can be compared to the great world...

Thinking of this, Li Si settled down and continued to watch the memory of the source of the fourth natural disaster.

After being trapped in the furnace, it stands to reason that the source of the fourth natural disaster will never be released.

But at a certain moment.

Suddenly the furnace was hit by some kind of shock, and a gap appeared.

And at this time, the source of the fourth natural disaster seized the opportunity, consumed all its own power, and even began to burn part of the avenue fragments, bursting out unprecedented energy, rushing out of the furnace, and leaving the unknown realm.

After returning to the heavens and worlds.

The source of the fourth natural disaster immediately fell into a near eternal sleep, drifting in the void, and finally accidentally entered the federal civilization universe and was captured by the federal civilization.

Although the source of the fourth natural disaster fell into a deep sleep, his essence of conquering the heavens and worlds has not changed. Even if it is a deep sleep, he is also faintly communicating with other worlds.

And the federal civilization is taking advantage of this to start the era of exploring another world.

After a few hours.

Li Si slowly opened his eyes.

At this moment, Li Si had already seen everything he experienced at the source of the fourth natural disaster.

"Fortunately, the source of the fourth natural disaster has rushed into that unknown territory. Otherwise, in the state of the source of the fourth natural disaster at the time, I am afraid that some strength will be restored soon, and then the'main god' will be hunted down."

Li Si thought of it silently.


Li Si took a closer look at the source of the fourth natural disaster again, a trace of helplessness appeared on his face.

Strictly speaking, because of the experience in that unknown realm, the injury at the source of the fourth natural disaster at this moment is far more serious than that of the'Lord God'.

In other words.

If Li Si wants to use the fourth natural disaster source, he must first repair his injuries.

Regardless of whether it is the restoration of the'main god' or the restoration of the source of the fourth natural disaster, only one kind of energy is needed.

The power of origin.

The only good thing is.

Even if the source of the fourth natural disaster cannot be used by Li Si in a short, because of the fragmented nature of the avenue, Li Si can be surrounded by the avenue at all times, and even integrate the source of the fourth natural disaster to obtain its avenue Fragment's perspective on the heavens and worlds.

This is very scary.

You must know that the rules and regulations are already extremely illusory. If you don't know how many gods and demons, it is difficult to make progress in your lifelong understanding.

As for the road above the rules...

Even for the existence above the Nine Heavens Gods and Demons, it is also unattainable...

But at this time, with the help of the fourth natural disaster source, Li Si was equal to the Dao in advance, and he was still in complete control.

If this kind of thing spreads out and let those powerhouses in the heavens and worlds know, I am afraid that they will put aside anything in the first place and come to the Datang World desperately to **** it.

after all.

As long as the source of the fourth natural disaster is obtained, it is equivalent to more ways to easily understand the Great Dao. This is a temptation that is difficult to refuse for any strong person.

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