Xianzong of ‘Shushan’.

The huge immortal Fu Hengzi only felt that the blood was surging, and Gu Jing Wubo's Dao Xin started to make waves and become more and more intense!

If it wasn't for Fu Hengzi who noticed that something was wrong and drew his hand in time, I am afraid it would not be as simple as a mere surge of blood.

"What the **** is going on?"

"The Four Elephant Sword Array is the thing of my'Shushan', deducing its position, why is there a secret backlash?

Fu Hengzi is difficult to understand.

As a Mahayana immortal, it was the first time that Fu Hengzi almost planted on the back of heaven.

The secret backlash proved that Fu Hengzi deduced something that shouldn't be deduced.

But the Sixiang Sword Formation originally belonged to ‘Shushan’, how could it be ‘should not be deduced’?


"Why did your Law Bodies die?"

The gentle man beside him frowned slightly, also puzzled.

"I do not know either."

Fu Hengzi shook his head slightly.

Dharmakaya is not an incarnation, let alone a clone.

The Dharmakaya simply cannot share memories with Fu Hengzi all the time.


Fuheng did not know what happened in the federal civilization.

Fu Hengzi only sensed the fall of the Law Body and the loss of control of the Sixiang Sword Array.

As for Jiang Chenzi's death, it was still known from Jiang Chenzi's fate staying on'Shu Mountain'.

Every disciple of'Shushan', even an outer disciple, needs to leave a fateful fire within the'Shushan' fairy sect.

Fire is burning.

The fire went out and people died.

And Jiang Chen, as the owner of the special life style that Fu Hengzi valued, is naturally no exception.

"It seems."

"It is not so simple to turn the catastrophe into a great opportunity."

The gentle man pondered for a moment, then said slowly.

Fu Hengzi did not speak.

He was calming the surging blood at this moment.

Although he had stopped just before the secret backlash, he was still affected a bit after all.


"As of now, there is only one way."

When the gentle man said this, he paused for a moment: "Senior brother's Law Bodies died in Jiang Chenzi's hometown. Since this is the case, I will send people directly to Jiang Chenzi's hometown to explore what happened..."

The gentle man's words just fell.

Fu Hengzi frowned.


The method the gentle man said is indeed feasible.


This is too time-consuming.

But now, it is the best choice.

"This matter will be handed over to Junior Brother."

Fu Hengzi said slowly, sitting cross-legged again, his eyes closed.

"I will definitely not let the brother down."

The gentle man exited the top of the fairy mountain and disappeared into the fairy light.

Neither the gentle man nor Fu Hengzi thought about whether the great calamity they identified could be resisted by the "Shushan" Immortal Sect.

If the power of the Immortal Sect of "Shushan" is exhausted, it is far from being able to resist the catastrophe...

They are actively looking for the catastrophe like this, aren't they looking for a dead end?

Since 48,000 years ago, the Baimei ancestor of the Immortal Sect of "Shu Mountain" soared, "Shu Mountain" has been invincible for too long.

It's been a long time since Immortal Sect of "Shushan" has forgotten...what is it like despair?



Federal civilization.

Naturally, Li Si didn't know that Fu Hengzi of Xianzong of'Shushan' nearly planted on the estimated position of the Sixiang sword formation.

In other words, even if Li Si knew it, he would feel it should be.

The Sixiang sword array was thrown into the immeasurable time and space in the main temple by Li Si.

If Fu Hengzi could cross the boundless time and space and lock the Sixiang sword array, Li Si would find it incredible.

Infinite time and space is the vast time and space formed by the refining of hundreds of great worlds during the peak of the ‘Master God’. Not to mention the Mahayana immortals, even if they are far beyond the Mahayana period, it is impossible to do it.

"Avenue Fragment?"

Li Si's heart moved.


The misty light mass entered Li Si's body and slowly merged with Li Si.

In an instant.

All kinds of sentiments flooded Li Si's heart.

At this moment, Li Si impressively looked at the heavens and the world from the perspective of the great road.

"Tao ancestor Hongjun is in harmony with Tao and surpasses the saint."

"Is it now similar to the state of Dao Ancestor?"

An idea suddenly appeared in Li Si's mind.


Li Si also knew in his heart.

He and Daozu are only similar in state.

As for the height, the difference is bound to be unknown.

after all.

What Li Si merged was just a fragment of the avenue.

Moreover, the degree of integration is not even one part in a trillion.

The two are simply not comparable.

After dealing with the source of the fourth natural disaster, a string that was always tense in Li Si's heart was finally let go.

"Federal Civilization..."

Li Si glanced at the vast starry sky, took a step forward, preparing to travel roughly through the federal civilized world.

Li Si ‘searched for the soul’ of the memories of two mythical mecha masters in the federal civilization.

It was learned from it that the federal civilized world was too vast.

Even if it is a federal civilization, the star field governed by it is only a small part of the world.


So far, the federal civilization has not discovered where the extreme edge of the world lies.


Huh! !

Huh! ! !

With every step Li Si took, countless planets were left behind.

During this period.

Li Si saw ethnic groups other than federal civilization.


Basically, these groups have not even stepped out of the interstellar world, and are still trapped within the planet robbing them of insignificant resources.

After half a stick of incense.

A layer of gray void appeared in Li Si's sight.

And in this gray void, time and space began to faintly twist.

"This is the edge of the world?"

"Going forward, is the void outside the world?"

Li Si stood with his hand in his hand, thinking casually.


at this time.


A terrifying roar came.



Datang World.

African continent.

Manchu dynasty, civil and military, stood respectfully, looking at the huge gate of the world from time to time.

"Your Majesty has been in for so long and hasn't come out. What happened?"

A courtier looked uneasy and couldn't help saying.

"Speak carefully!"

Hubu Shangshu glanced at the talking courtier, frowned and said, "Your Majesty's methods, others don't know, don't we who are courtiers still know?"

"A mere federal civilization~www.ltnovel.com~ I am afraid that I can't even look up at your Majesty. What can happen?"

Hubu Shangshu's words just fell.

The other courtiers nodded slightly.

They are all the old courtiers who have watched his Majesty walk over since he became the throne.

When your majesty first ascended the throne, even the court was unstable and chaotic, but time passed. All the chaos was suppressed by your majesty one by one. The Tang empire soared to the sky, even annihilated all countries, unified the east and west two continents, and finally connected The new continent on the other side of the ocean was reduced to the territory of the Tang Dynasty.

The world is unified, and his majesty will look at the world outside, in many different worlds.

In the beginning of the world of ‘Divine Sculpture’, your Majesty pierced through.

The so-called different world is not worth mentioning to His Majesty, who is like a heavenly emperor.

And the federal civilization connected by the World Gate in front of him must be nothing more than that. In the eyes of His Majesty, it is not much more difficult than pinching an ant.

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