Summon the Mythical Emperor of the World

Chapter 601: North Korea! Li Si's ambition!

Time is long.

Half a month has passed since Li Si passed through the world of the Tang Dynasty and the federal civilization.

The changes brought to the Datang Empire in the past half month are absolutely unprecedented.

Although Li Si looked down upon the Federal Civilization, it placed everything on technology.

But it has to be said that the technology of federal civilization has brought countless conveniences to the Tang Empire.

Before Li Si traveled to the American continent, during which he conquered the Maya tribe of the last era, he also took the road of science and technology.

However, the technology of the Mayan tribe is incomparable to the federal civilization.


The Maya is just a survivor.

But apart from the brilliant technology, the federal civilization is a complete world.

In the past half month, as the federal civilization was initially determined, more and more Datang citizens applied to pass through the gate of the world to see the rumored federal technology.

As for the Tang court, it was also quickly accepting everything about the federal civilization.

Thousands of life planets ruled by the federal civilization brought more than a trillion people to the Tang Empire?

Among them, the corrupt aristocrats who refused to submit to discipline and wished to restore the glory of the Federation were naturally put to death and eliminated the roots.

But the vast majority of the rest are ordinary federal citizens.

Perhaps because of the highly developed information flow, these federal citizens are not as foolish as the natives of other worlds.

However, under the will of the Datang Empire to implement'you will die if you don't surrender', no federal citizen dared to stand up and disobey.


As the Datang Empire took over the federal civilization.

The original federal regulations were repealed and replaced by the Tang law.

As long as federal citizens are honest and obey the laws of the Tang Dynasty, they can maintain their previous lives.

As for the distribution of these federal citizens to peripheral planets for mining, if it is in other worlds, it is naturally possible.

However, with the technology of federal civilization, intelligent robots that can work all the time have long been invented. The work of mining is handed over to federal citizens. The Datang Empire will send manpower to suppress it. But let these robots do it. It is a matter of procedure.


Countless federal citizens were shocked to discover that it seemed that the defeat of the Union had no essential impact on them?

Except for a change of owner, how was it before, and how it is now.

The Tang Empire.

The imperial capital Chang'an.

Li Si sat on the throne of the dragon chair, listening at will to the reports of many ministers in the temple.

In fact, with the cabinet and Zhuge Kongming, even if Li Si does not go to the early court for a year and a half, there will be no problems.

However, as an emperor, Li Si had already laid down rules for himself, not to mention how diligent he was, but he still had to do the morning dynasty every day.

First, through the early dynasty, Li Si could clearly understand the problems encountered by the Datang Empire.

The second is the morning court, reminding the courtiers of what they should and shouldn't do.

And at the moment.

Many courtiers in the court are discussing whether to spread the three types of farmers to the federal civilized world.

"My Datang is overpowering the other world, and I am a farmer in three styles. Even if he is given federal civilization, what can I do?" Shang Shu of the Ministry of Rites is extremely self-confident.

Cabinet Secretary Yang Qinglin frowned slightly: "Although the Farmer's Three Forms can be encountered everywhere in the territory of my Tang Dynasty, if it is popularized in the federal civilized world, we still have to be cautious."

Yang Qinglin did not agree with the views of Shang Shu of the Ministry of Rites.

The other courtiers also held their own opinions, some agreed, some opposed, and more did not object or agree.

Among the courtiers who can stand in the court hall, which one is not the old fox, the cunning old fox? They naturally understand that the person who can make a decision in the end is not the official book of the Ministry of Etiquette, not the second assistant in the house, but the majesty sitting high on the dragon chair.

"Ai Qings talk about why our Datang is so strong?"

At this moment, Li Si slightly leaned on the throne of the dragon chair and said slowly.

Li Si's voice just fell.

The Tai Chi Hall, which was originally noisy, suddenly became quiet.

All the courtiers pricked their ears and listened to Li Si every word.

"Return to your Majesty, I am strong and prosperous in Datang, naturally because your Majesty has passed the world..."

A courtier immediately stepped out of the archway.

Hearing this, the other courtiers secretly cursed a ‘flattering’ in their hearts, and also quickly stepped forward and said: "Your majesty’s merits are higher than the three emperors and five emperors, as the foundation of the great Tang Dynasty."

"Except for this, what about the others?" Li Si waved his hand and shook his head.

"This one......"

Many courtiers looked at each other, not knowing how to answer.


Li Si slowly stood up.

The court officials who saw this scene immediately knelt on the ground with a thud, and said in fear: "Your Majesty, forgive me."

Regardless of him, Li Si walked to the edge of Longtai and said calmly: "I am strong and prosperous because of the popularity of the farmers' three styles."

In the Treasury of the Tang Dynasty, there are countless magical arts and secrets.

These magical techniques can make people go straight to the gods and demons, and they are many times better than the "Farmer's Three Types".


From the perspective of the Datang Empire and the Datang World, the most important thing is the three types of farmers.

The magical secret method is precious, but it only applies to a small number of individuals.

But the three types of farmers can benefit all people.

simply put.

The Farmer's Three Forms raised the lower limit of the Datang World.

Reached the level that everyone is an acquired warrior.

And once there are more martial artists, there will naturally be more martial artists.

If there are more innate martial artists, will there be fewer gods and demons?

Even though it is the four great books that have been passed down through the ages like the [Eternal Life Art], for hundreds of years, only Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling have stepped into the gods and demons.

But once the Farmer's Three Forms become popular, it only takes ten years, and the gods and demons of the Datang Empire will usher in a blowout explosion.

Even Li Si guessed that it might not be used for ten years.

of course.

For Li Si, the so-called gods and demons are not worth mentioning.

But the more gods and demon realms the national destiny of the Tang Empire will become more vast, which in turn will enhance Li Si's emperor Qi refining technique.

If everyone in the Datang Empire were all gods and demons, Li Si himself couldn't imagine how far the emperor's Qi refining technique would reach.

At that time, I am afraid that even the highest avenue fragments as high as the source of the fourth natural disaster, Li Si can easily suppress it.


The Three Forms of Farmers are the most important foundation of the Tang Empire.

"It's a micro minister who deserves ten thousand deaths, and I hope you will die." The book of the Ministry of Rites continued to overflow with cold sweat. He did not think that the three types of farmers that can be seen everywhere were so important to the Datang Empire.

But after your Majesty's reminder, Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites responded quickly.

The thought that he would hand over the foundation of the great Tang Empire to the Federal Civilization, the Ministry of Etiquette Shangshu panicked.

If because of his stubbornness, the federal civilization is revived, he will be responsible for his death!

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