"This feeling?"

   "Is it the blood left by a certain beast?"

   A strange light flashed in Li Si's eyes.

   The blood liquid crystal in the amber is shining and translucent, and it can faintly exude a faint coercion,

   This coercion, even in the past thousands of years, still has not disappeared, as if it could exist forever.

   If you can do this, you can live forever in the world with blood, it's probably those gods and beasts.

  Because the breath radiated by the blood is obviously not human.

   "That's it."

   "In the world of'Shuiyue Dongtian', the Tong clan was born with various talents. I thought it was a special physique. It seems that it should be affected by this drop of blood."

   Li Si touched his chin, his thoughts fluctuating.

   Compared with the gods and demons cultivation system, the gods and beasts are much simpler.

   For any heavenly beast, there is no need to practice, as long as it reaches adulthood, it can gain the strength in the bloodline.

   For example, the descendants of true dragons and phoenixes, the top beasts in the heavens, are born in the realm of the nine heavens.

   Adulthood is the perfection of the cave and sky, and it easily travels in the endless void of the heavens and the world.

   And, with the abilities of mythical beasts, with all sorts of magical talents, fighting higher ranks is as simple as eating and drinking.

   The reason why the gods and beasts of the heavens stand on top of the ten thousand realms is their own blood.

   This drop of blood sealed in amber is the blood of a certain **** and beast.

   "Is the world of'Water Moon Cave Sky' related to the gods and beasts?"

   This idea just came to Li Si's mind, so he threw it away.

   If the world of'Shuiyuedongtian' is really the territory of certain gods and beasts, it would not be so easily conquered by the Datang World.

   In Li Si's view, this drop of blood is more like an unintentional flow into the world of'Shuiyuedongtian'.

   Then the Tong family happened to be nearby, affected by blood radiation, and slowly acquired some special abilities.


   "If the Tong clan were a little bit smarter and refined this drop of blood from the beast, it would not be possible to be suppressed by Bai Qi so easily."

   Li Si thought silently in his heart.

   Refining the blood of the sacred beast can completely inherit part of the body of this sacred beast and become the blood of the beast like Heiyan.

Until then.

   With the supernatural powers of the beast bloodline, how could the Tong clan be so weak?


   "This drop of blood is qualified to be stored in the treasury."

   Li Si lightly tapped the Long Case with his right hand.

   For some people, the blood of sacred beasts has a great effect, and can even change their lives against the sky.

  It is important to integrate the blood of the beast into the body and slowly refine it, and then it will naturally inherit some of the magical powers in the blood.

   Even with the passage of time, it finally turned into this beast completely.

of course.

   If you want to do the latter, you must have a good chance.

   Li Si looked at the blood of the beast sealed in amber.

next moment.

   Amber flew up and landed on the dragon case.

   "We will retire at the end."

   Bai Qi arched his hands slightly and exited the Hall of Longevity.

   After Bai Qi left.

   Li Si played with Amber again for a while, then randomly threw it aside and sent it to the treasury.

   Although the blood of the animal is good, Li Si doesn't like it.

  With Li Si's strength, it is only a matter of time before he surpasses the top sacred beasts, true dragons and phoenixes, so why bother with a drop of sacred beast blood.

   Say it again.

   As the lord of the Datang Empire, Li Si ruled countless human races, and it was impossible to integrate into the blood of foreign races, so that his own blood was mixed.

   For Li Si.

   The blood of the beast is far higher than the human race.

   But in the same way, the more powerful the beast, the harder it is to break through its own blood.

   But the human race is different.

   The human race is like ants, but it has almost unlimited potential.

   This is also the reason why the human race can occupy a huge part of the world in the heavens.

   "I remember that in the federal civilized world, I caught some giant star beasts."

   "These star beasts should have the blood of Kunpeng, the gods of the heavens, flowing in their bodies."

   Li Si suddenly thought of something, and his body suddenly disappeared, appearing in the boundless time and space in the main temple.

   I can only see it somewhere in the boundless time and space.

   A group of star beasts as big as planets are wandering freely.

   Compared to the limitations of the federal civilized world, the infinite time and space of the main temple is almost endless, and there is no time and space storm that may appear at any time. For these star beasts, it is simply a dream world.


   Infinite time and space, there is no upper limit of the world, which leads to the king of the star behemoth, the golden star beast, the aura slowly rises towards the life level of the seventh heaven **** and demon.

   just when the group of star beasts wandered happily.

   Li Si's figure appeared silently not far away.

   As the master of the main temple, everything that happened in immeasurable time and space is under Li Si's nose.


   Li Si's thoughts moved, and an invisible wave swept across the starry sky giants.

   Now that part of the main temple’s ‘slave’ function has been restored, Li Si would naturally give it a try.

   And this group of star beasts is no different from the most suitable choice.

   Moreover, these giant star beasts are in an infinite time and space, under the control of the main temple, they can't resist ‘slavery’ at all.

   hum! ! !

   Even the strongest golden star behemoth is very close to the Seventh Heaven God and Demon and meets the ‘slave’ conditions of the main temple.

   is almost instantaneous time.

   These star beasts have been ‘enslaved’.

   Even so, except for the golden starry sky behemoth faintly felt that it is under some kind of shackles, the other starry sky behemoths are completely unaware.

   "Not bad."

   Li Si nodded in satisfaction.

   Through the main temple, Li Si has completely controlled the life and death of these giant star beasts.

   This kind of mastery is the most fundamental mastery, and it is also an irreversible mastery~www.ltnovel.com~ After doing this, Li Si did not disturb the group of starry behemoths, leaving the immeasurable time and space, and returning to the Palace of Longevity again.

   Not long after Li Si returned to the Hall of Longevity.


   The entire Datang world suddenly began to roar.

  The power of countless merits descended from the sky, suspended around Li Si.

"finally come?"

   A smile appeared at the corner of Li Si's mouth.

   Before Li Si opened up the fortune and repaired the sky and saved the world, he obtained the merits of heaven.

   And the world is promoted, there is no reason to be worse than the first two.

   It's just that world promotion is a leap forward for the entire world, and the power of merit needs to be delayed for a while before the Tang world is completely stabilized.

   And this moment.

   Datang World has been completely stabilized.

   In this case, the merits of heaven naturally follow.


  The power of countless merits surrounds Li Si.

   "The Ding, an artifact of merit."

   With a thought of Li Si, a small half-person high tripod emerged.

   Xiaoding just appeared, and the endless power of merit seemed to have found a vent, frantically rushing towards the mouth of the meritorious artifact.



   Ps: At the beginning of the month, ask for a monthly ticket to Poland~~~

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